Chapter 133: Yours

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As I opened my eyes, the room slowly started coming into focus. My eyelids still heavy, the pounding in my head echoed in my ears. I don't know what possessed me to drink so much but I knew I was going to be regretting it today.

I pushed myself up, looking around the room as the night started coming back to me, little by little; the walk to the bar, shot after shot after shot, and then..

My heart jumped.

I felt my body get cold as vivid memories of the night played through my mind, from the moment we walked back onto the bus, to second my head hit the pillow. The way he guided me in, helped me get dressed, held me until I fell asleep..

The way I kissed him.
The way he kissed me back.
"If you come and kiss me in the morning, then.. I'm all yours."

My heart started beating faster as I felt my cheeks burn.
All his. All I wanted to be was his. And.. maybe this time was different, maybe he could be different, or he was on the way to getting there. And while the rest of us were getting wasted, he didn't have anything. I don't think I had ever seen him turn down a drink.

But how did I know he wouldn't just go back to his old ways once we were back together again? One night was just one night. Even still, despite the bad.. the good was always great. Everyone has their bad, it was just a matter of who's was worth dealing with.. to have their good.

And he was worth it.

As I pushed myself up from the bed, I felt my stomach flip. I quickly sat back down, propping my hands up on either side of me, trying my best to hold myself up. The last thing I needed right now was getting sick. I waited a couple of minutes for it to subside, slowly pushing myself out of bed again, making my way over towards the door. Before I opened it, I could hear voices coming from the other side.

"Jake, you coming?" Sam called out. My heart dropped. Sam.
Now that I was thinking about it, why hadn't he been the one to bring me back to the bus? How did it wind up being Jake when Sam and I had been together the entire night? I quickly shook the thought.
"Um.. no, I'm just gonna hang out in here for a little while." He said.
"Alright, we'll be inside." Danny added. I heard their loud footsteps making their way down the steps, the door eventually shutting behind them.

I could feel my heart starting to beat faster as I reached for the door, gently sliding it open. As I looked out, I could see Jake sitting up at the foot of his bunk, back propped up against the wall, facing the door. He had his head down, speedily writing in his notebook. I bit down on my lip, holding in my smile as I leaned up against the doorframe, admiring him before he noticed I was there.

"What are you writing?" I finally muttered. His head shot up, staring back at me with nervous eyes, his lips eventually curving into a gentle smile.
"Nothing." He said softly, sticking his pen into the spine of the book and shoving it under his pillow. I held my stare on him, feeling my cheeks burn as his smile grew.

"So.." He said softly. "How was your night?" I nodded, smirking back at him, crossing my arms across my chest.
"Well.." I started, giggling to myself. "This strange boy walked me back last night. He was cute and all.." I shrugged, rolling my eyes. "..but then he started taking my clothes off which, personally I was into but.. then he started putting more clothes back on. I don't know, I thought he was kinda weird after that so.. I asked him to leave." He laughed, flashing me a toothy grin, shaking his head as he pushed himself up from his bunk. My heart started beating faster and faster as he made his way over. He propped up one of his hands, leaning it on the doorframe, smirking down at me.

"You remember." He beamed, his eyes moving down to my lips. I nodded, reaching up, gently holding his face in my hands.
"Yeah." I sighed, staring back into his eyes. He moved his other hand down to my waist, pulling me up against him. I felt my body get hot as he subtly licked his lips, keeping his eyes locked on me.
"And you meant it?" He asked. "All of it?" I nodded.
"Even the part about wanting our kids to look like me?" He gushed, gently rubbing his nose up again mine. My cheeks burned bright red as I scrunched up my face.
"I don't know if I said all that." I laughed, gently running my thumb across his cheek. He nodded, his smile growing.
"Yes you did." He joked. "And I'll never forget it." I shook my head, holding my stare on him.
"Yeah.." I finally sighed. "Even the part.. about our kids looking like you."
"So we are gonna have kids.."
"Jake.." I laughed. He giggled to himself, leaning in closer.
"Okay, okay.." He said, rolling his eyes.

He licked his lips again as his eyes moved back down to mine. My heart was beating so fast I thought it was going to leap right out of my chest, and I knew that no matter what, he was always going to have this effect on me, and it was just about time I accepted it.

"So.. are you gonna kiss me or what?" He dared, staring back at me with his dazed eyes, his hand slowly moving up into my hair, pulling me in closer, our faces now inches away. I slid my hands down his chest, clutching his shirt, and pulled him into an passionate kiss. His grip instantly tightened, pulling me in closer.

All we ever wanted was to just be closer.

I reached up, wrapping my arms securely around his neck. I could feel his lips curl into a smile as he effortlessly lifted me up into his arms, and carried me into the back room, tossing me down onto the bed. Crawling over me, he leaned back in, kissing me harder, pushing my head back into the pillows. I felt him tremble as my hands traveled down, tugging at the bottom of his shirt. He instantly sat up, eagerly pulling it over his head, and tossing it across the room. I could feel his heart racing as I slid my hands up his bare chest, tangling my fingers into his hair, kissing him harder. His lips moved down to my neck as his passionate kisses turned to tender bites that I could already tell were leaving a mark. But I didn't care. I would love any lingering evidence of his affection.

I then sat up, pushing him back down onto the bed. He stared back up at me with lustful eyes, immediately pulling me back in to a deep kiss. He slowly traced my body with his hands, gently lifting my shirt over my head, and tossing it behind him. He sighed, leaning his forehead against mine as his eyes traveled down, stopping on his necklace that still hung around my neck. Flashing me a wide grin, I couldn't help but smile, pulling him back into another series of kisses, each one lingering longer than the last.

"Jess.." He sighed, gently backing away, doing his best to try and hide the fact that he was catching his breath. "I love you."
"I love you too." I said softly, staring into his eyes. He smiled back, gently tracing his fingers along my heavily flushed cheeks. Leaning in, he then kissed my lips so gently, I could cry. My chest felt so tight that I thought it was going to combust, and all I wanted was to tangle myself within him. I moved my hand up behind his neck, pulling him in, kissing him back harder. His lips, so soft and inviting, sweet and addicting; no matter how much, I had it was never enough.

His hands traveled down to my waist, timidly tugging at my shorts. I nodded, assisting him in sliding them down my legs, tossing them away. His lips curled into a smile as he wrapped his arm around me, positioning himself over me again. I stared up at him, feeling my breathing getting heavier. He slid both of his hands up my arms, tightly intertwining our fingers, pressing my hands down into the bed. Leaning in, he kissed me harder, deeper, than I had ever been kissed before.

I then felt his tongue timidly trace the inside of my lips, as if asking for permission to venture in, still hungry for more. I leaned further into him, welcoming it, only wanting that much more of him.

I untangled my hands from his tight grip, wrapping them around him, digging my nails into his back, pulling his body up against me. My heart jumped as I felt him moan into my mouth, gently biting down on my lip.

"Jess.." He gasped, nuzzling his face into my neck. I felt his lips gently tracing my skin, traveling down to my chest.
"Jake.." I sighed, my heart pounding with every breath. "I want you." I felt his lips curl into a gentle smile as he picked up his head, staring back at me with dazed eyes.

"I'm all yours."

You're the One - Part 1 || Greta Van FleetOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant