Chapter 1

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-You should sleep now, little princess.- said the woman taking the little girl by the hand, leaning her outside the big hall.
-But mother, I'm not sleepy.- she tried to rebel.
-I know, princess, but tomorrow we will go to Asgard to meet King Odin and Queen Frigga, you will have to be rested to be able to make a good impression.- her dad said, stroking his daughter's cheek sweetly.
-Okay, alright.- she gave up without making a fuss, greeted her father, while mother accompanied her to her room, she put on a robe and the Queen covered her up with the soft sheets, as y/n snugged in a comfortable position.
-You've been very good lately.- said the mom -And as tradition here is your necklace.- she said, giving y/n a silver necklace with a blue gem at the end -Remember what I told you. After you put it on, don't take it off. Ever. Can you promise me?-
-I promise, mother, I'll never take it off.- she nodded -It's so beautiful, thank you very much, mother.- she said, wearing it immediately, with the brightest smile.
-You're welcome, my sweet.- the Queen said, smiling back at her -But now go and sleep. If we're lucky tomorrow you'll meet the King's sons and maybe you will find that one of them is a good match for you.- the woman said, putting a lock of hair behind her child's ear.
-Ew, mother.- the little girl complained, pretending to puke -You know I don't want to marry someone just because I have to. Why do I need a man anyways? I can rule alone.- y/n said, making her mother roll her eyes.
-Maybe one day you will marry someone who you truly love and who loves you back. And that's something that I really hope for you, my sweet. But sometimes people have to marry someone although they don't want to, but they have to.- she said, with a sad smile.
-But why, mother?- asked y/n, curious.
-You will learn why when you get old enough. For now don't think about it, will you, my sweet?- she said, calmly -Now goodnight, my love.- she said, kissing her head.
-Alright. Night mother.- she said, closing her eyes and fell asleep pretty quickly.
Suddenly y/n felt herself shake and she woke up, hearing some noises and screams.
-Princess! Wake up! Wake up!- the voice was one of her mother's ladies-in-waiting.
-What happens?- she asked while sitting up, rubbing her eyes, confused about all the shouting.
-The castle and the village are under attack. You have to escape from here.- she said opening the window, as to show her the condition in which her land was.
y/n saw the houses of the village catch fire and collapse under its own weight.
-That's my father.- she said, alarmed seeing him fight against three knights -They also have my mother.- she added, feeling her eyes shining for the tears which threatened to come out.
One of the three men had his sword pointed at the Queen's throat.
She saw her father putting the sword on the ground and pushed it away with his foot.
-What is he doing?- asked the woman next to her, confused.
-He...he's giving up...- the girl whispered, not believing her own eyes.
As soon as the sword was pushed away, the man slit her mother's throat and stabbed the King in the chest with the same sword.
y/n felt her heart sink.
The woman tried to cover the Princess's eyes, but she had seen too much by now.
In her head the image of the bodies of her parents lifeless and their clothes that were soaked in a bright red on the ground was very clear.
She started to cry, but the woman closed her mouth so as to not make her scream.
-I could have helped...- y/n whispered, once she took off her hand on her mouth.
-No, princess, don't blame yourself. Your powers aren't strong enough and you don't know how to control them. There is nothing you could do to stop them.- she tried to reassure the little girl.
The woman took her hand and led the princess out the back of the castle.
-Escape into the woods, they won't find you. Go straight and you will find the city of Asgard, tell King Odin what happened. I will try to make these invaders waste some time.- said the woman.
-But...- she tried to rebel, without success.
-No but, just go!- she ordered her and y/n began to run away, regardless of the fact that she had no shoes and that she was barefoot.
The forest at night was even more frightening, everywhere y/n looked she saw strange shadows and felt her heart beat faster and faster, both for fear and for adrenaline.
y/n could hear the paws of animals, leaves crunching under her feet and the wind howling.
As she ran, the girl felt the tears fall down her cheeks, up to her lips and she felt a salty taste.
Although y/n had moved far from the city of Etiof she still could hear the screams of the people.
Her people.
And she couldn't do anything to help them.
After a long, long run, she had lost track of the time and after a while y/n tripped over a root falling to the ground, hitting her head.
She saw everything black and passed out in the middle of the forest a few seconds later all the leaves gathered together creating like a blanket, almost as a shield, covering the fainted girl's body.

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