Chapter 21

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Apparently the talk between Frigga and Odin was taking more time than y/n imagined. 
It was already midafternoon and she still didn't know anything. 
The wait was testing her patience and she was about to explode. 
Every two, three minutes she would glance at the path that led to the garden hoping to see a guard that would tell her that the sovereigns were ready to talk. 
Freyr noticed y/n's head wasn't on her shoulder at that moment. 
-Still nothing...- she sighed, sitting under a tree and relaxing her shoulders, resting her head against the log. 
y/n took a deep breath, feeling her chest swell as much as that dress permitted, considered the tight corset. 
-I'm sure they'll be here in no time. Just...- then he interrupted himself.
-Just what?- she spurred him to continue, turning her gaze on him.
-I was about to say "don't think about" but I realised it's such a stupid advise so I decided to shut my mouth.- Freyr explained, sitting next to her. 
-Well you had a good idea.- she teased him, rolling her eyes. 
-I don't know about you but I'm starting to be thirsty. Wouldn't you like some tea?- he said, standing up and holding out his hand for her. 
-Yeah, some tea will do.- she nodded, accepting it and standing up. 
In that moment the rattling of an armour had announced the presence of a guard, who arrived from the path. 
-I apologise for interrupting you, your Majesty.- he said, bowing at them -Princess y/n, The King and the Queen requested your presence in the Queen's chamber.- 
-Yeah, yeah. Thank you. I'm coming.- she said.
-And they specifically ordered me to escort you there, princess.- the guard added. 
-Alright then. Just a moment.- y/n told the guard, who walked away and waited for her at the door -Sorry Freyr, I have to go.- she turned to him. 
-Don't worry. It's okay.- he gave her a charming smile -I'll see you around?- 
-Mhmh.- she nodded, as she glanced at the guard, impatient to go -Bye Freyr.- 
-Bye y/n.- he said, but she was already walking, or rather running, away with her puffy dress that fluttered around. 
Following the guard, even if she knew the way by heart for all the times she had walked it, y/n arrived in front of the Queen's room. 
She gently knocked on the wood and waited for someone to tell her to come in, when she heard Odin's voice she entered. 
-Frigga. Odin.- y/n greeted them, making a half bow, as she walked in.
Frigga was still sitting in her royal bed while Odin was sitting in a chair next to his wife.
-That's not necessary, dear, and you know it.- the Queen smiled sweetly -Now sit, please, so we can talk.- she continued, pointing to a chair with her gaze. 
-What you need to tell me?- y/n asked, after sitting, torturing her hands by the nervosism, which were on her lap, almost hidden by the fabric of the dress. 
-Worry not, sweet child, it's nothing to be concerned about.- she explained -With this I don't mean it's not a serious thing, it is but it's more a tedious and pesky thing.-
Hearing this y/n sighed in relief.
Frigga was okay and that's all that mattered. 
-Oh, thanks to the Norns.- she muttered out under her breath -Alright then. What's this thing I have to do?- she asked. 
-It's a ball for all the Aesir with magic. Usually it's the sovereigns, or their heirs, of every village to attend but since Frigga doesn't feel well, she and I can't attend.- Odin explained.
-We wanted to ask you to take our place.- Frigga continued -Of course you can choose who to bring with you.- 
-I...- y/n took a moment to assimilate all they had told her -I'm flattered you are asking me to but...why asking me and not your sons? They are the legitimate heirs, not me.- 
-We wanted to ask you because we trust you and we consider you like our daughter and we would really appreciate it if you would take our place. Also Thor wouldn't go because of his little trip on Midgard and Loki doesn't like those kinds of celebrations that much.- Odin explained.
-If you aren't there.- Frigga whispered to herself, luckily neither y/n or Odin heard her -But I think that if you ask him to accompany you he'd do it with pleasure.- she continued, raising her voice, so they could hear this time. 
y/n thought about it for a second. 
She had to do this for them.
She owed it to them for everything they had done for her.
-When is this ball?- she asked, raising her gaze and meeting Frigga's eyes, which for a second y/n could swear it shined. 
-It's in two days. We thought I would have felt better but apparently this didn't happened.- the woman said -I'm sorry about telling you so late.‐
-It's totally fine, don't worry.- the princess smiled to reassure her -I'm probably going to ask Loki to accompany me, since he's your heir and maybe the other royal would take better your absence.-
-That's perfect, dear child.- Odin smiled in a bit of an odd way and Frigga moved her gaze a second.
-For the dress don't call the tailor. I think you have a dress and it would look absolutely perfect on you.- the Queen said -It's one of your mother's.-
-Oh Frigga, I...I can't wear one of them. It...It doesn't feel right.- she said, immediately.
-Don't be a dummy, sweetheart. It's been years that they haven't been worn it so you can wear them, really. I think your mother would be more upset if she knew you weren't wearing them.- she continued joking a bit, making y/n giggle a little -Can you bring here the dresses you picked when you went back to Etiof?- 
-Alright. I'll come back immediately.- y/n said, leaving the room.
She quickly reached her room and picked the dresses.
Since when she had visited her birth plate she hadn't even looked at the dresses that well, between lessons and other things.
-Which one is it, Frigga?- she asked, putting some marvelous dresses on the bed, once she came back. 
-It's the green one...- Frigga said, breathless. 
y/n picked the dress and was absolutely amazed by it. 
It was a stunning ball gown of a color between turquoise and mint green, the sleeves were large and reached until the elbows, with a corset with darker laces and corset splints, and on the lower part, on the skirt was a layer of tulle of a lighter shade than the dress with some point of light, almost as fireflies on the grass, and some little flowers sewn with a gold thread.'s...I can't...- y/n muttered, making her gaze bounce between the Queen and that breathtaking dress. 
-Trust me, you can and should.- she said, looking at it -That...- she took a deep breath before continuing -That was the dress that y/m/n was wearing the first time she attended at that ball and she also met me.- she recalled that memory and smiled with nostalgia. 
-I...I had no idea...- y/n whispered, trying to remember her mother's face and imagining her wearing that dress.
-You should try it before deciding.- Odin said, with a little and nostalgic smile. 
y/n brought her hand on her necklace before nodding and trying on the dress. 
They were right.
The dress was amazing on her.
And also looking in the mirror, for a second, just a second, it seemed like she had seen her mother in the reflection and not herself.
Apparently also Frigga and Odin thought it, because when they saw her they froze in place, after a moment they complimented her, about how perfect the dress was for her.

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