Chapter 18

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A few days passed from y/n's birthday and, for Loki's joy, Freyr showed up at the castle. 
The prince had just finished his lessons for the day and walked out of the library, after leaving some books that he finished reading a few moments ago. 
Now he was walking around the castle searching for y/n for their usual walk at the village. 
But when Loki heard her laugh coming from the hall, he quickened his pace, almost rushing in the room. 
Only then he saw y/n sitting and laughing with Freyr sitting in the armchair next to her, with two cups of tea on the small table.
The way y/n laughed made Loki feel good. 
The little wrinkles around her eyes from the laugh, her puffed cheeks that caused her eyes to closed and her hand in front on her mouth. 
"She is just so perfect." the Prince though, then he heard a male voice and remembered Freyr was there too. 
He was telling her a story of when he and his sister were little and they were playing hide and seek, when they had hid so well in the loft that their father had actually thought they were been kidnap or something. 
Seeing her laughing with someone else made Loki's heart ache.
He was used to be jealous and he was conscious about it, because y/n understood him like no-one else ever did, apart from his mother. 
But this type of jealousy was different. 
With the pass of the time the pain had became more and more intense.
Almost unbearable. 
He had realised in those years that he had feelings for her but didn't know if it was mutual, so he decided to keep it for himself not wanting to risk their friendship. 
But this didn't stop him from being jealous and protective towards y/n every time someone approached her, both in terms of friendship or romantical relationship. 
He couldn't have handle losing her. 
She was too important for Loki.
His jaw clenched, without noticing, as his feet brought him a few meters from them. 
-Oh, good afternoon Prince Loki.- Freyr said, bowing his head a little when he noticed him. 
-Mh? Oh, hey Loki.- y/n turned her head and seeing him -You want some tea?- she asked with a sweet smile, conjuring another cup, under Freyr's amazed look.
-Yes. Thank you.- Loki said in a what should have been neutral tone but it wasn't, sitting next to y/n on the sofa. 
The other two, though, didn't seem to notice his tone, but felt that something in the atmosphere had changed. 
-That was amazing, y/n.- Freyr praised with wide eyes -I had heard something about magic but this...- he continued moving his hands to indicate the cup -This is amazing.- 
y/n smiled, a little embarrassed at those compliments. 
-Thank you. But it's really nothing too difficult. That was a simple conjuring spell. It's one of the first thing that you learn studying magic.- she explained as she poured some tea in Loki's cup. 
-It's still impressive.- Freyr continued his praises -Did your mother taught you that?- he asked. 
y/n she no longer felt the earth under her feet and the words died in her throat. 
Although talking about her parents didn't upset her anymore, everytime someone nominated them out of the blue was still a hard blow and took her a moment to collect herself. 
Loki immediately turned to look at her and placed a hand on her shoulder, so she knew he was there for her.
-No. My mother taught her what she knows.- the god of Mischief said, handling the situation. 
-My parents passed away when I was a child.- y/n said, giving Loki a thankful smile and rejoining the conversation -So I grew up here, in Asgard. The Queen and the King took care of me and treated me like their own daughter. I owe them a lot.- she said, as her knuckle grew paler as she squeezed the cup in her hands. 
-You owe us nothing, my dear.- the sweet voice of the Queen, said as she walked in the room. 
-My Que...Frigga.- y/n immediately corrected herself, with an embarrassed smile. 
-Mother. Good afternoon.- Loki said, as he tried to calm himself down. 
-My Queen. What an honour to see you here.- Freyr said, standing up and bowing down. 
-No need to be this formal, young man.- the Queen shushed him, with a movement of her hand, that made some gold sparkles, as Freyr sat down again. 
-You need something, mother?- Loki asked her.
It was not normal for mother to walk around in the middle of the afternoon without any ladies-in-waiting. 
-Yes, actually.- she said, moving her gaze on the princess with a guilty look -y/n, dear, I'm sorry to bother you, especially when you're having a nice time, but I need a little help for some advises for royal duties.- 
-Isn't Thor around? Can't you ask him?- Loki babbled out, without thinking in a bitter tone, only after a moment he realised his tone -I mean he's the next in the line of succession. Shouldn't the King do this?- 
-He went with the Warrior Three and I don't know where he is.- Frigga explained. 
-I'm coming right away, Frigga.- 
-Thank you, dear.- the Queen smiled, then left the room.
-I'm sorry Freyr, I really have to go, but I had fun though. If you want you can stay here a bit more and talk with Loki.- she said looking at the other, with raising a eyebrow. 
-I mean if he wants to it's fine with me.- Freyr replied with a playful smile. 
-If I hurry I might as well join you later, if you're still here of course.- y/n said standing up, and adjusting the skirt of the dress. 
-I hope you do. If I don't see you later, have a good day.- Freyr said smiling, stood up too, and kissed her hand, not breaking the eye contact.
Loki's fists and jaw clenched at that sight.
y/n quickly greeted them, then left the room, searching for Frigga. 
Loki decided that it should have been better if he, at least, tried to behave with Freyr.
But apparently the other thought otherwise. 
-Freyr, liste...- the Prince started speaking. 
-No, you listen. You want to protect her and it's understandable. But I'm here for her. And also, it's her life, so let her decide if she wants to keep seeing me or not. That you like it or not.- Freyr said, changing suddenly tone, becoming serious and threatening -Now, excuse me, but I have better thing to do.- he said, then stood up and walked to the door -And stay out of my way.- 
-Or?- Loki replied, looking at the empty seat in front of him. 
-Or you'll see. And trust me you won't like it.- Freyr replied, opening the door -And the princess might suffer.- he said going out and closing the door behind him. 
Loki was right about not liking that guy.
Now y/n had to understand that too. 

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