Chapter 20

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The next morning, y/n woke up, washed herself and got dressed in a pastel lavender dress. 
She took a couple of more minutes to adjust her hair. 
Right after she took her books for the day, she noticed something on the floor, next to the door.
It was a letter.
She put down the books on the desk and approached the letter. 
"The sender had probably slipped it in under the door." y/n thought, picking it up and opening the envelope. 
Noticing that the wax seal had already been opened. 
With big surprise she found two letters in that envelope. 
y/n decided to pick one of the letters completely at random.
"Good afternoon, Your Majesty.
We were really surprised and pleased to receive this letter.
It seemed obvious to us that you can pass from here whenever you and the Princess want.
We would be pretty happy to see you here again and the same will be for Skínfaxi and Hrímfaxi.
We will be waiting for you. 
Have a good day.
-Dagr and Nótt" 
"So Loki managed to ask them in the end." y/n thought, smiling widely at the idea of seeing those horses and men again. 
Then she picked the other one and immediately recognised the handwriting.
"Goodmorning, Enchantress. 
Here's the letter in response to mine.
I would have liked telling you this face to face but this morning I had morning training then lessons, and so did you so we wouldn't have seen each other not even at lunch, but I wanted to inform you somehow and this was the best idea that came to my mind.
So, back to the important thing. 
We can go today, early afternoon, since both of us don't have anything to do.
I'll wait for you directly there, since I have a thing to do near that place and it would be stupid coming back to the castle just to go back there. 
Don't make me wait too long.
Have a good day and remember to smile. 
-Loki, the Trickster" 
y/n smiled involuntarily at the last phrase and the signature then put the letter in the drawer of the desk with the other letters. 
Realising that she would have been later if she had lost more time, y/n picked up the books and walked out of her room. 
As she walked through the various corridors to reach the lunchroom she greeted everyone that was on her way with a smile. 
Everyone in that castle, or better in Asgard, adored that girl, despite the fact that she wasn't an Asgardian. 
From looks of pity and compassion as the months went by became looks of admiration and pride for the way that girl had behaved herself, giving a smile and helping whoever was in need. 
Once she reached the lunchroom she took place and she read as she had breakfast. 
All the seats at the table were empty since Odin was probably in some royal reunion, Frigga was confined in bed ,because it was a couple of days that she was not feeling so well, Thor had left Asgard to go to Midgard and Loki was training and studying. 
y/n had breakfast in complete silence then went to the library and spent her morning studying and trying spells by herself, since Frigga couldn't do her lessons. 
Immediately after lunch she went to see if the Queen was feeling better or needed something, telling herself she had all the time to get ready for the riding later, after the visit.
The princess knocked at the wooden door and when she heard a very whispered "come in", she lowered the golden handle. 
-Oh, goodmorning my dear.- Frigga smiled weakly, seeing her, as she struggled to sit up a little better.
Her skin was paler than usual, but for rest the goddess was still as beautiful as always. 
-Goodmorning Frigga.- she smiled back as she closed the door behind her. 
-Come and sit here, sweet girl.- the Queen said, pointing to the edge of the bed. 
y/n, without hesitation, approached her and did what she had said. 
-How do you feel, Frigga?- the girl asked, looking at the night table next to them, noticing the same tea she drank years before. 
That tea which could heal every illness. 
-I've been better, but also worse, worry not, dear. I'll be okay in no time.- Frigga tried to reassure her. 
-There is anything I can do for you?- she asked. 
-Actually yes, dear.- she announced, after thinking for a moment -Go and call Odin, please. I want to give you a very important task. But before I need to talk about this with my husband.- 
-Sure thing, Frigga.- y/n nodded, standing up and leaving the room.
As she walked around the immense castle searching for the King, y/n realised something in her chest that weighed.
It was worry. 
Worry for Frigga's health.
Worry about what the task would be.
Worry about not being able to complete it.
Worry to not make Frigga and Odin proud. 
Finally she walked in the throne room and Odin was sitting there and was talking with his advisers. 
It seemed an important conversation but y/n needed to speak with Odin.
-Ehm...excuse me...good afternoon...- she said, approaching the men with slow, but fierce steps, trying to hide her agitation as she made a half bow.
-Who...?- he said, in an harsh voice, as he turned his head then realised who the owner of that voice was -Oh, princess y/n.- Odin immediately smiled, changing the tone of his voice -Need something, dear?- 
-The Queen told me that she wished to speak to you.- she replied, as all the advisers looked at her as if she was some weird creature, caused by the sudden change of the King. 
-Of course, y/n dear.- he nodded, as a bit of worry took space in his gaze -We'll talk about this another day.- he liquidated them with a gesture of his hand.
-Yes, my King.- they said, in chorus leaving the room, very pissed off by the way that reunion had finished. 
Odin stood up from the throne and, but y/n on his side they walked to the Queen. 
In front of the room Frigga and Odin asked her to wait outside and that they'll explain everything to her later.
She couldn't do anything apart from nodding and walking to the gardens, trying to calm herself down. 
After a while a figure was approaching her.
-Hey y/n. Is everything okay?- he asked.
-Yeah, it is.- she nodded, with a half smile -Just a bit worried, I think. I'm waiting for Frigga and Odin to announce me something.- 
-Oh. Well then. Would you like to go for a walk? So the time passes?- he proposed.
-Yeah, Freyr. I think I would.- she smiled, a bit unconvinced. 

His enchantress (Loki X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now