Chapter 19

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The next day Loki thought about telling y/n about what Freyr had told him, but he remembered what she had said the first time they met him. 
"You don't like anyone at first sight. Me either. Remember?" 
She wouldn't have believed him so he had decided to keep that episode for himself, forcing himself to think it was just a one time thing. 
But he couldn't. 
Loki still had a bad feeling about that Freyr guy. 
And now it is even worse. 
In the following days Loki saw very little y/n as they had their lessons in the morning and Freyr would come and take her attention the whole afternoon.
From a simple walk around the village or in the gardens to talking about books or studies in the library, Freyr was always there to create a division between them. 
Slowly the feeling of being replaced by Freyr crept into Loki's mind.
But, if in the past he had limited himself to suffering and had done nothing to change the situation, this time it would have been different.
He wouldn't have suffered.
He would have reacted. 
A morning after a few days from the talk with Freyr, Loki talked with his mother, who didn't feel too well, and decided to ask y/n to do something together. 
Without Freyr. 
When he reached the lunchroom, she was already there and was talking to Thor.
As he walked towards them he saw her throwing her arms around his neck and hugging him as he brought his arms around her shoulders, keeping her against his big chest. 
When they broke the hug Thor placed his hand on her shoulders, looking at her directly in the eyes.
-I'll be okay on Midgard, y/n. I've got some friends there.- the blonde said trying to contain his smile -Perhaps something more.- he whispered the last part, looking around, making sure no-one had heard.
Thor had just decided, out of the blue, to pass some time on Earth, after visiting it, although he had some royal duties but they could have waited until he eventually decided to come back.
-I'm genuinely happy for you, Thor. You deserve it.- she smiled back, bringing her right hand on his, which was still on her left shoulder -I'm just a bit worried, but if you want to go I'm nobody to stop you.- she smiled at him. 
-I knew you would have understood. Thank you so much, y/n.- Thor nodded as the princess got on her tips and ruffled his hair as he growled, pissed off by that sweet gesture as she tried to hold back a laugh.
Loki's breath itched for a second, like every time someone was close to y/n.
Why had she held such power over him?
y/n turned to look around and saw him, standing there. 
-Here's Loki, Thor.- she told Thor, who was still adjusting his blond and now-not-so-perfect hair.
-y/n. Thor.- he said, joining the conversation, bowing his head politely, as Thor smiled widely.
-Brother, goodmorning. I just want to inform you that I'll leave shortly for a trip to Midgard. I wanted to say goodbye.- he oldest announced, explaining his reasons then they greeted each other and Thor left the lunchroom. 
Loki and y/n were left alone, so she turned to him with a sweet tone. 
-Hey Trickster. How are you?- y/n asked -We didn't see each other much these days. And I'm really sorry.- y/n said, casually taking his hand in her.
-I'm good, Enchantress. It's okay, don't worry.- he immediately replied, not wanting her to feel bad and decided to take the chance and ask her immediately -Actually I was just thinking something.- he smirked. 
-What were you thinking about?- she asked, confused and curious at the same time.
-Why don't we go for a ride? Don't you miss Skínfaxi and Hrímfaxi?- he asked.
Skínfaxi and Hrímfaxi were the horses of Dagr and Nott, who in the past used to make the sun rise and set.
-Do you think Dagr and Nótt would let us ride them again?- she asked, as her eyes lit up. 
When they were younger they used to go to them very often, but growing up the duties became more and more and the time was less and less, so in the end they stopped going. 
But despite that they still kept hilarious memories. 
-I don't see why not.- he said, confident -Last time they were praying for us to be so sweet and good with them. Do you remember that they always said to us that those two horses adored us? So yeah, I think they would let us do that again.- Loki said, remembering those days with nostalgia. 
-Then okay.- she smiled happily -When you think we can go?- y/n asked impatiently. 
-We could today and ask them. In the worst case we can always go back another day.- 
-Sounds good.- she smiled nodding -Should we tell Thunderhead we're going?- she asked, knowing how much he liked riding horses and was also pretty good at it. 
-To be honest I was thinking that it would be better if it was just me and you. Y'known, like when we were younger?- he said, blushing a little -A whole afternoon just for us. What you think?- 
Loki couldn't believe he just said it.
y/n's heart made a flip and her cheeks colored up.
Like every other time Loki referred to the two of them with "us".
-Yeah, it's totally understandable.- she said, after a quick deep breath -I think it's an amazing idea. I'm sure we'll have a lot of fun.- 
As they walked to the table y/n remembered a couple of funny memories about riding and tried to hold back a laugh. 
But Loki noticed it.
-What are you laughing about?- he asked, confused as he moved the chair for y/n, so she could sit, then moved back near to the table and then sat next to her.
-Nothing, nothing.- she lied, adjusting her skirt as she tried to contain her smile. 
-Don't force me to enter your mind, Enchantress. You know I would do it without thinking twice.- Loki whispered in her ear, making sure no-one had heard. 
-I was just thinking about when we were riding and...- she stepped for a giggle -And...- 
-Okay, okay. I understood. You can stop it now.- he said, pretending to be offended. 
-I'm sorry, Trickster. It's just so funny.- y/n tried to stop, without too much success.
Loki limited himself to admiring her while laughing. 
Damn if he was in love.
He shook his head, getting himself together. 
-I'll just send someone to ask Dagr and Nótt if they are free tomorrow afternoon, perhaps? If it's okay for you.- he asked, conjuring a letter and an ink pot and started writing a letter.
-Yeah, I think it's fine.- she nodded, looking at him, concentrating on looking at the paper. 
"He's always been this pretty or was it me who didn't notice it before?" y/n thought, then immediately pushed that thought. 

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