Chapter 3

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When y/n woke up it was the next morning.
The sun was shining in the sky.
She looked around for a second, remembering where she was and what had happened, quickly wiping her eyes from the tears, not wanting to cry more.
"A princess doesn't cry." her mother's words came back to her mind.
y/n got up, moved the curtains, so she could look out the big window next to her bed, and admired the landscape.
And she found it breathtaking.
In the distance she noticed a golden dome and a pretty big village.
It was probably market day, as there were a lot of people with baskets and even stalls.
Then y/n took a closer look at the room and saw a desk with two packages, a big one and a smaller one, more a letter on them.
She took the envelope and opened it, reading the letter.
"Goodmorning dear y/n.
Wear them and consider them welcome gifts.
Ask the guard out of the room to bring you to us when you feel it.
You can take a bath if you want, the door is next to the wardrobe.
Take your time, dear, don't worry.
-King Odin and Queen Frigga."
y/n smiled a little reading the message.
"It's very sweet of them to take care of me, despite the fact that they don't know me." she thought as she carefully undid the ribbon, opening the packages.
In the packages there were a finely decorated midnight blue dress and a pair of very pretty black shoes.
She placed them on the bed deciding to accept the advice of the sovereigns and go for a bath.
She undressed herself, noticing a few stains of blood on the nightgown she was wearing and her gaze studied her body, like it was searching for something.
Then she noticed a couple of scratches, probably made by the fronds of the trees, when she ran away into the woods.
After the bath, y/n quickly put them on the dress and shoes and tried to fix her hair.
When she decided that she was presentable, she lowered the golden handle of the wooden door, taking a couple of steps and noticing a man standing there.
"He's probably the guard they mention in the letter." y/n thought, seeing that he was wearing armor.
When he heard the door creaking, he turned to her and, seeing it was the little girl, he smiled softly.
-Princess, please follow me, the King and Queen are waiting for you.- he said with a half bow, y/n just nodded, as he lead the way.
y/n followed the guard down a few corridors until they reached the throne room.
She saw the two sovereigns smiling at her and she made them a bow, as a symbol of courtesy.
-Goodmorning your Majesty.- y/n said, when she looked up she noticed two other people there.
Two boys to be exact.
The first one was blond, more tall and more tanned than the other.
The second, who had black hair, was more pale and was skinnier than the other.
-Goodmorning y/n. Did you rest well? Do you feel better?- the Queen asked, smiling, approaching her, as she placed a hand on her shoulder, after just finishing to tell Thor and Loki what had happened to her and asked them to not ask anything about those topics.
-I rested very well, your Majesty. Yes, I do feel a little better. Thank you for your interest.-
-Princess y/n, goodmorning. They are our sons. Prince Thor Odinson, our first born.- the King said, as Frigga looked away for a second and the boy made a little ungraceful bow.
-It's an honour to have your presence here.- the blond said smiling as y/n bowed too.
-And Loki Odinson, our second born.- Odin continued as the younger made a perfect bow.
-Pleased to make your acquaintance, princess y/n.- the raven haired boy said, in a neutral tone, as she bowed again.
-My sons, as I was telling you sooner, Princess y/n will stay here, at the castle, from today. Treat her as she needs to be treated.- Odin said in a serious tone.
-Be kind, respect her and everything will be just fine, won't it, my dear?- Frigga said, in a sweeter tone.
-Of course, my Queen.- y/n nodded, looking at the two boys.
-Anyway, my dear, you are just in time for breakfast. Are you hungry?- she asked, as y/n just nodded.
The Queen led the way to the lunchroom, followed by the princess, the two princes and the King.
The lunchroom was finely decorated with golden curlicues and royal patterns.
The huge mahogany wooden table was filled with food, delicacies and drinks.
The Royal family immediately sat in their usual places while the servants arranged everything.
y/n looked around, not knowing where to sit.
-Princess y/n, you can sit next to Thor.- Odin said, while y/n shifted her gaze on him.
Thor was eating in a very barbaric way, despite him being a prince.
-Or next to Loki, if you want.- Frigga added, noticing the girl's expression.
Loki, y/n noticed, was eating in a more normal and decent way.
y/n nodded slightly and approached the seat next to Loki's, which was also required nearest to her.
Loki, after seeing that his mother had eyed him, immediately stood up and pulled the chair for y/n.
-Thank you, Prince Loki.- she thanked him, quite surprised by his gesture.
-There is no need to.- he said, hinting a smile and sitting at his place again.
Frigga and Odin exchanged a look, convinced that he would not do it.
Loki, from his part, was shocked by himself too, when he had smiled at her, but he couldn't help it.
Not after what his mother had told him y/n went through.
-So, dear, from what I recall your mother had powers, hadn't she?- Frigga asked, when they had finished eating.
-Yes, my Queen. She is...she was an enchantress.- y/n quickly corrected herself, not raising her gaze from her plate.
Her hand involuntarily started fidgeting with the pendent.
The Queen immediately placed a hand on y/n's other hand, trying to comfort her.
-We're really sorry for that, sweet y/n. But you will be as such a skilled enchantress as she was. I'm sure of it. And I will be more than happy to teach you how to control your power.- Frigga proposed.
-But mother...- Loki complained as his eyes flickered from his mother to the girl.
He was quite attached to his mother and he would have hated sharing her, since it seems to be the only person to truly care about him.
-y/n can join our lessons. Or is it a problem, my dear?- the Queen asked his son, with a sweet smile and reading his mind.
-No, it's not a problem at all.- he said, adjusting his posture, when he remembered what Frigga had told him.
-I won't forget about you, don't worry.- she added, understanding the problem -It's fine for you, y/n?-
-Yes, my Queen. Thank you for this opportunity.- she said, bowing her head a little.
-You're welcome. Later, if you want, I can accompany you to our tailors so they can sew you some dresses.- Frigga said, with a soft smile.
-I can't accept it, my Queen. This is way too generous.- she said, shaking her head a little.
-We have to insist, Princess y/n. This is the bare minimum we could do for you.- Odin said, joining the conversation, agreeing with his wife -We cannot leave you to walk around the caste without a proper dress.-
-Then alright, your Majesty. I dearly thank you.- y/n said, with a thankful smile.

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