Chapter 29

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Some weeks later, everything seemed to be normal again, Loki and y/n went to the relics hall, to study Mimir's head and, maybe if they had enough time, even something else.
-C'mon Lokes. You're the slowest in all the Nine Realms.- y/n picked on him as they walked through the corridors, with a couple books in their hands.
-Maybe because you are carrying two books and I'm carrying six?- he made her notice -And I would add that half of the books I have in my arms are yours.- Loki pointed out, with a little grin.
-That you offered to carry for me.- y/n pointed out, making a pirouette -And I would add that it was a very kind thing to do. Thank you.- she gave him a smile.
-You're welcome, y/n/n.- he told her, hitting her shoulder with his.
-You're still slow, Trickster.- she said, hitting him on the head with the book, then ran away, giggling.
-Hey! Not cool, Enchantress. Not nice!- he screamed, trying to not burst into laughter.
-You think I care?- she replied, walking backwards, to be able to look him in the face.
-No, I don't think you do. I'm sure you do, Princess.- Loki, responded with a wink, making her blush.
-Keep dreaming, Prince.- y/n managed to respond, without stammering for the embarrassed.
-Then don't wake me up.- he said, a few feet from her.
y/n almost started to panic, but luckily enough they were in front of the door of the relics hall.
-Let's get in. Before we enter, before we can go for a walk in the village.- y/n told him, picking up her three books that Loki was still holding.
-Yeah, you're right. Let's get started.- he smiled, opening the door and letting y/n in.
They entered the hall and walked through all types of relics that Odin had collected over time.
After a few hours reading books, taking notes, observing Mimir's head, asking him questions and having conversations they finished their studies.
As they were walking out of the hall, Loki noticed a particular object that intrigued him.
It was almost like it was calling him.
-You okay, Loki?- y/n asked him, picking the books from the wooden table.
-Yeah, yeah.- he said, turning his head -I have a question. What's that one relic?- he asked pointing at a blue Casket.
-That one?- y/n asked, looking at it -That's the Casket of the Ancient Winters, if I'm not wrong.- she replied, trying to remember what she had read -Wait, let me get just...- she said, quickly leafing through the book -Here! "The Casket of Ancient Winters is an Asgardian artifact, which contains the Fimbulwinter of Ymir. The hand size Casket of Ancient Winter contained the fury of a thousand killing winters. It was used by Surtur, in his attempt to defeat Odin."- she read.
-Oh. So it's from Jotunheim, right?- he asked, looking over her shoulder, so he could see the pages.
-Yeah, I guess so. I'd love to visit it someday, you know.- y/n said, looking up at him.
-Why is that so? They are monsters, cruel and bloodthirsty creatures. No-one likes them.- he said, shocked by her words -Have you ever seen one? They are horrifying and gruesome.-
-I mean, they're somehow...fascinating, y'know. The blue skin. The red eyes. It's intriguing.- she replied, admiring the draw on the book, shrugging -I know it's weird, I know. Sorry.-
-Don't apologize. I've...I've actually never thought like this.- he said, surprised by the way she saw them -But now I'm wondering if that Casket is as cold as they say.- he said, moving the attention on that relic again.
-I'm not sure you should touch that, Trickster.- she said, with worry in her voice.
-Oh and why is that?- he replied, turning to her, frowning a bit.
-It's a relic from Jotunheim. We don't know what effect it could have on you.- y/n said, closing the book and leaning it against her chest.
-What could go wrong, Enchantress? You don't think I'm strong enough to handle anything that might happen?- he asked, almost offended that she saw him as weak.
-I wasn't thinking that, and you know it, Loki. I'm just worried. I don't want you to get hurt.- y/n replied, trying to convince him not to touch that Casket.
It was almost like a sixth sense was telling her to stop him from touching that antique relic.
-I won't get hurt, y/n, don't worry.- he gave her a little reassuring smile.
Loki walked toward the pedestal, on where the relic was positioned.
At the very moment in which his hands came in touch with the Casket, they started to become blue, from the tip branching out to the arms, up to the face.
-Loki...what...?- y/n whispered, making a step toward him.
He immediately took a step back, not wanting her to see him like this, and especially didn't want to be touched.
-Don't come closer! Don't you dare!- he yelled, observing his, at the moment, blue hands and arms.''re...- she stammered, without being able to keep her eyes off him.
-I'm...I'm a monster...- the prince whined, covering his face with his hands, as his heartbeats became faster, for fear and shock.
A lot of questions were now on his mind.
Why if he was a Jotun no-one had ever told him?
Why should they have hid from him?
Did the others know?
Could that be the reason why everyone treated him badly?
-You're not a monster, Loki.-
As Loki turned around, y/n noticed that the blue was now fading away.
A few seconds later even the red eyes came back as his normal green color.
-Didn't you see what I am?!- he almost yelled, turning completely to her.
-Yeah, I did and what? It's still you, Loki. It's still my Trickster no matter what.- she replied, taking carefully a couple steps forward, not wanting to scare him more than he already was.
She wanted him to know that she was there for him.
y/n raised a hand, slowly, and Loki didn't move but shutted his eyes, as she touched his blue and freezing cheek.
Loki, when he realized that she wasn't going to hurt him, opened his eyes.
Now both their hearts were beating faster for the closeness of their bodies.
Their gazes flickered from their eyes to their lips.
Loki, without thinking and not being able to handle that little distance anymore, stepped forward, placing his lips on hers.
When he understood that she wasn't holding back, he brought his hand on her waist, as she put them around his neck.
When they broke the kiss, Loki was brought back to reality.
y/n caressed his cold cheek and, a few seconds later, it returned to its normal temperature.
-Was...was it scary?- he asked, looking her into the eyes -Was I...scary?-
-Oh, Loki....- y/n smiled sadly -Your beauty never ever scare me.-

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