Chapter 17

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A little later, while they sat on the grass in the gardens, they noticed a figure walking towards them. 
-Princess y/n. Prince Loki. The King told me I'd found you here.- the man said, as Loki and y/n stood up, with a confused look not knowing who that man was.
-It appears that you found us. May I know who you are?- y/n asked, looking at him, from head to toe. 
-Oh, I apologise. Where are my manners? I'm Freyr.- he said bowing and offering his hand to the princess, which she took and he left a soft kiss on the back of her hand, making Loki clench his jaw. 
Freyr had an aura that gave off negative energy, according to Loki.
Something wasn't right about him but the Asgardian prince couldn't understand what. 
Freyr was a tall and physicated man, with tanned skin, with reddish blond hair and hazel eyes, he was wearing a yellowish suit that looked more like an armour, similar to those who Loki and Thor usually wore. 
-The pleasure it's our, Freyr.- y/n smiled politely, making a half bow and lifting a little the flaps of her skirt. 
-Can we help you, somehow?- Loki asked, in a bitter tone, not even trying to hide it, which made y/n widen her eyes a bit. 
Loki was usually more polite with strangers, she thought. 
-No, no, Prince Loki. I'd never ask anything on the Princess's birthday.- he replied in tone, lifting his chin a bit, trying to look stronger. 
-Then what are you here for?- the God of Mischief asked, tilting his head a little. 
-I came here with my father and my twin sister but we splitted and I lost them, but I wanted to wish to the Princess an happy birthday and give her our present for her.- Freyr said smiling, then handed her a package -Hope you enjoy it, Princess y/n.- he said, turning to her with the sweetest smile he had. 
-Thank you, Freyr. That's so nice.- y/n return the smile. 
Loki stared at the package as she opened it, almost scared as it was about to harm her. 
It was a wooden cube.
A four side cube all in wood, as the size of a shoe box, maybe a bit smaller, without an opening, apart from a hole, shaped like an oval in a silver metal on the top, of the size of a human eye.
y/n looked at her present with a confused look, trying to understand what it was or what use it had. 
-You may like an explanation?- Freyr asked, chuckling, seeing the girl in difficulty. 
-Yes, enlighten me, please.- she replied, handing him the little box. 
-This is a special box. If you put your eye here you can see all the constellations, so if the sky is full of clouds you can always use this.- Freyr explained, pointing the metallic point -I've heard that you enjoy stuff like this so I figured out you might have liked something like this.- he shrugged his shoulders, with an half smile, handing back the cube to her -Why don't you try it, Princess?- 
-That sounds like a great gift. Thank you so much Freyr. Thank your family as well for me, would you?- y/n replied with a big and happy smile as she picked her present. 
-Sure thing, Princess.- Freyr said, adjusting his hair, which shined due to the moonlight -I'm truly happy you enjoyed our gift.- 
-How could I not? It's just...just amazing.- the girl's cheek started to hurt from smiling too much, but she couldn't help.
She was just too happy right now.
y/n immediately brought her eye to the little hole and looked in the box, testing her new gift.
She was excited as a child with a new toy. 
Her love for the stars, which was inherited by her mother, was immense even if y/n knew very little about them, she really wished to know more so this was a good way to study them. 
-I never saw you around, though. Have you arrived recently?- Loki asked, trying to study his expression. 
-Yes, we actually have. It's just a week that we're here. We are still trying to settle down.- Freyr replied calm, looking at the princess smiling -I see you like that object.- 
-I really do. It's such a wonderful present.- y/n said, taking her eye off that box and looking at the two guys in front of her -Thank you again.- 
-Stop thanking me, Princess, it's not necessary. You already thanked me.- Freyr said, making a half bow.
-Don't bow, please, and stop calling me Princess. y/n is just fine.- the girl said smiling at him. 
-Oh Freyr, here you are.- a girl approached them, when she realised that Loki and y/n were there immediately widened her eyes and bowed her head down -I deeply apologize Princess y/n and Prince Loki, I didn't realize you were here. Oh and happy birthday Princess.-
y/n took a second to look at her.
Freya was a very pretty girl, wearing a rose gold dress and her hair was braided in a big messy but cute braid. 
Same cupid bow, eye shape, nose, hair color of Freyr. 
She had to be his twin sister. 
-Oh, Freya. Seems you found me.- he said making a step forward his sister -y/n, she's Freya, my sister.- 
-Pleased to meet you, Freya. Thank you for your gift. It's truly charming.- y/n smiled at the girl as Loki, by her side, looked at the two siblings.
Now that he had also seen his sister something was even more odd then before.
-Your welcome, Princess.- she said with an embarrassed smile. 
The very next moment a guard approached them. 
-Princess y/n, Prince Loki, Queen Frigga want you too to join her and the King in the hall.- he said, as he bowed. 
-Tell her we'll be there shortly.- Loki said, moving his gaze from the siblings to the guard. 
The man nodded and walked away. 
-You two want to join us inside?- y/n asked them, right after the guard left. 
-Oh, we would like to but...- Freya started, looking at her brother, asking for help. 
-But we really can't. We need to find our father and I'm sure he wants to go home now.- Freyr said, moving his gaze from his sister to y/n, with a charming smile.
-Yeah. He'll be tired by now. Better find him and go home.- she nodded and bowed -It was a pleasure meeting you, Princess and Prince.- 
-It really was.- the man confirmed -May I hope to see you again? Maybe for a talk in front of a cup of tea?- he asked.
y/n was shocked by that question but he seemed like a nice guy, "why not?" she asked herself, while Loki, by her side, was trying to keep his cool and not stab that man.
-I guess you could, yeah.- y/n nodded as the Prince clenched his jaw and fists.
-Very well then.- he said, taking y/n's hand and kissing it -I'll see you soon.-
-We must go now, brother.- Freya remembered him as he nodded.
A moment later the twins were walking away, following the path of stones which led to the village. 
-Frigga is waiting for us. Let's go.- y/n remembered to Loki, he just nodded silently as they walked inside. 
They had to pass a lot of drunk people, who were more, who were less, some alone, some in company, some with a tankard, some without. 
-I don't like them.- Loki said out of the blue, while they were walking through the crowd.
-You don't like anyone at first sight. Me either. Remember?- she said, with a playful smile as she searched for the Queen in the crowd -You will when you'll know them. As it was with me.- 
-I don't know, y/n. Something tells me we shouldn't trust them.- he continued, but he knew she thought otherwise. 
-Oh, there she is. Let's go.- the girl said spotting her -And don't worry, it's probably the too many people here. Maybe you're just tired.- she gave him a sweet smile and put her hand on his arm -Your mother's there.- 
-Mh, yeah. Let's go.- Loki said, with a sigh and put on an unconvinced smile.
She didn't think they were odd, and this made him a bit upset, since usually they agreed on everything. 
That strange feeling didn't leave him all night.

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