Chapter 15

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-I can't do this anymore.- y/n said when they reached the gardens, after making sure no-one was around. 
-What are you doing?- Loki asked, confused, seeing her leaning against a tree and taking off her heels. 
-Oh, thanks to the Norns.- she sighed in relief when her feet came in contact with the grass, which seemed to her as soft as a cloud -I couldn't take this anymore. My feet hurt a lot, okay? Why don't you try to dance with these on?- she said to the Prince, handing her heels to him. 
-I have to refuse, but thank you for your kind offer.- he replied holding back a laugh, remembering the only time he had tried his mother's heels and it hadn't ended well.
Loki smiled involuntarily as he looked at y/n walking barefoot on the grass with such a calm and in a thoughtless way, as she swung and spun hearing the very low music coming from the hall. 
She was just her.
y/n was weird and stubborn, but always there for him, to give him an advice, to study together or simply to read in company. 
Just her present to Loki was enough to make him happy.
-This was almost a perfect birthday.- she sighed, sitting under their usual tree.
-And why is that?- he asked, genuinely curious, sitting right next to her, so y/n could rest her head on his shoulder, just like she was used to when she was upset or simply needed to talk -Did we forgot something? There were too many people? The food wasn't as good as you wanted?- he started babbling out.
y/n leaned her head on Loki's shoulder then looked up at the stars. 
-No, no. Everything was perfect. It truly was.- she reassured him with a smile -I just...I just I wish my parents were here.- she answered, looking at the stars. 
-Oh...- Loki got quiet and lowered his gaze, he couldn't even think how bad how would he feel his his parents has passed away in front of him -I'm sorry, y/n.- 
-Don't apologise, it's not your fault, Loki.- she shrugged, sighing then putting a smile on and looked at him -But let's not talk about sad things now. It's time to celebrate.- y/n said. 
Loki couldn't understand how she managed to look this happy even with a burden like that. 
-Yeah, you're right.- he nodded, with a sweet smile -Can I ask you something? You're not forced to answer, obviously.- he said, turning to her.
-You know you can ask me everything, Trickster.- the princess smiled, booping his nose, making him scrunch it.
That scrunch, y/n thought, was one of the cutest things she had ever seen.
-Do you remember your parents' faces and voices?- he asked, but almost immediately regretted the words that left his mouth. 
y/n sat up straight and thought about it for a second. 
-Yeah...yeah I do. But less and less every day that passes.- she admitted, bringing her hand on the necklace -But it's normal. As all the memories we all have, at some point we forget about them. But I wished we didn't have to, though. Everything would be easier.-
-Yeah, but then everyone will remember forever if you do or say something really really stupid, won't they?- he said, moving some hair off her face. 
-Like when you stabbed Thor?- y/n tried to hide her blush laughing and moving the attention on something else.
-Yes, but he deserved that and you know it.- Loki defended himself, crossing his arms and frowning a little. 
-I know, Lokes, I know. But still, it wasn't right for you to stab him.- she replied, shaking her head as she held back a laugh. 
They started talking about the presents she had received, the presences at the party, gossiping and judging the dresses or the personality of the other royals, who now were probably drunk inside.  
-Before I forgot, I still have a surprise for you.- Loki said, suddenly standing up and offering her his hand.
-What?- she asked, moving her gaze on him as she quickly casted a spell conjuring some more comfortable shoes.
-I can't tell you otherwise I'd spoil the surprise. You have to trust me.- he said.
-I trust you and you know it.- y/n replied.
-Oh, do you now?- he asked, with a smirk.
-Yeah, Lokes. I do.- she said again.
-Well, that's good, because I have to blindfold you.- he said laughing. have to...blindfold me?- she asked blushing, luckily there wasn't too much light and he didn't notice.
-Are you afraid?- he asked, smiling in a mischievous way.'s...- y/n tried to put together a sentence of complete meaning, failing miserably -Blindfold me and get it over with.- she said after taking a deep breath, while he giggled.
-Oh, I didn't think you liked this kind of thing. The little princess is not as innocent as she seems.- he said in a mischievous tone, getting closer and closer to y/n. 
-I don't...I didn't mean that...- she blushed even more than before, stammering and babbling -Ugh...I hate you when you do that.- she said crossing her arms. 
-No. No, you don't.- he said laughing, made a bandage appear with magic and blindfolded her, making sure that the knot was not too tight -Now take my hand, we have to teleport.- without giving me time to metabolize, y/n felt his hand slip into her and then tighten the grip. 
y/n felt her face go completely red, her heart beating even faster, so hard she feared Loki might hear it.

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