Chapter 2

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When y/n woke up it was due to an excruciating headache.
The girl looked around, noticing that she was in a quite sumptuous room.
As soon as she remembered what had happened she felt her eyes tearing.
Then y/n heard voices outside the room.
-We found her in the forest, Sire, she was wounded and covered with leaves, almost as if they were a shield, a protection.- the first voice said, it was pretty deep, blatantly a male voice.
-Where is she from?- the second voice, definitely more feminine.
-I am not sure, my Queen.- replied the man.
At that moment the door opened and a woman entered, wearing some modest clothes.
"She must be servant." y/n thought, looking at her.
-Oh my. The girl is awake, my King.- the woman informed someone, then smiling at her.
A few seconds later a man with white hair, a thick beard and a blindfolded eye came in followed by a very beautiful woman with long blond hair, dressed I a more sophisticated and royal way.
-Where...where I?- y/n asked, scared, suddenly surrounded by all those strangers.
Of course they had saved her from being eaten by some beasts in the forest, but they were still strangers.
-You are in Asgard. I am Odin, King of Asgard and Allfather.- he said approaching the woman -And she is Queen Frigga, Allmother.-
y/n let out a little sigh of relief, realising that now she was safe, knowing how much her parents trusted the rulers of Asgard.
-Who are you and where are you from, little girl?- asked the woman, smiling sweetly, trying to keep calm the poor girl down.
y/n looked at them, taking a deep breath and calming herself, before starting to talk.
-I am y/n...daughter of King y/f/n and Queen y/m/n...of Etiof.- y/n replied, her eyes filled with tears and she held the pendant of the necklace in her shaky hand.
-Why are you so far from your kingdom, little princess?- the Queen asked calmly, taking y/n's other hand in hers, trying to comfort her.
y/n took another deep breath before answering.
-During the night, the castle and the village were attacked by some knights...I ran away after having...seen my parents being...killed...- she lowered her gaze, then bursted into tears, while the woman tried to comfort her the best she could and stroked her hair, whispering sweet words hoping she could feel better.
Frigga's heart hached seeing that poor little girl crying for the loss of her parents.
She didn't even want to think how horrible had be to to her seeing that bloodcurdling scene.
-I'm truly sorry, I'll send some knights to see if the the invaders are still there or they went away.- King Odin said.
He was truly sorry about what he had just heard.
The two kings were good friends and allies, they had fought together in lots of bottles and their reign were in peace.
Frigga got up and walked away a little from bed taking her husband with her.
-Dear, this little girl has nowhere to go.- the woman said in a whisper, so y/n couldn't hear, almost with a broken voice, like if she was on the verge of tears -Let her stay here. We owe it to y/f/n and y/m/n, for all they have done for us.- the woman tried to convince him.
-Alright, my dear.- he said nodding sadly- I'll send someone to retrieve some of her things. If something is still there...- he added in a even lower voice, moving his gaze on the girl.
Then they walked to her again.
Frigga sat on the edge of the bed and poured some type of tea.
-Princess y/n, you should rest now. You're a little injured. It would take a day or so to recover completely. Here drink this. It will help you and you will feel better.- the Queen said in the sweetest tone she had, handing her a pretty little cup, filled with a violet liquid, which y/n looked with distrustfully, then remembering how well her mother talked about her, she accepted it and took a sip.
It smelled sweet and it tasted even more sweet, like blueberries, lavender and rosemary.
-It''s very good...thank you, your Majesty.- y/n thanked them, bowing her head a little.
-Don't be so formal with us, sweet y/n.- Frigga smiled lovingly -It's an infusion of various type of herbs.- she said, filling the cup again -If you would like more of that, just ask. Alright?-
-Yes. I am very grateful to you. Thank you, my Queen.- the girl, said taking the cup to her lips and drinking another sip.
-Just Frigga will be more than fine, little princess.- she smiled, giving her a better look -Do you feel pain anywhere?-
-No, I don't, Queen Frigga. But thank you for your concern.-
-Frigga, dear, we should let her rest now. I'm sure she needs some sleep.- Odin said, placing a hand on his wife's shoulder.
-I apologise, y/n. We'll let you rest, sweet child. We'll put a guard right outside this door, just in case you may need something.- Frigga said.
-Thank you, your Majesty.- y/n whispered, as she snuggled in the sheets and the royals, followed by the servants, left the room.
y/n tried to fall asleep, but every time she closed her eyes, she saw the image of the two bodies of her parents and, promptly, her eyes filled with tears and her breath became irregular.
After some times she fell asleep but it wasn't a peaceful sleep, instead it was a sleep that instead of letting you rest, makes you even more tired.
She sat up, screaming, with her hands clutching the sheets.
Another nightmare.
A few moments later the door creaked a little
-y/n, dear. It's me, Frigga. Can I come in?- the Queen asked, waiting her answer.
-Come in, my Queen...- her voice was just a whisper now.
The door opened completely, revealing the woman in a much simpler outfit than before.
A very light blue nightgown.
-What is the matter, dear?- she asked, sitting on the edge of the bed and taking some hair off her face.
-Nightmares...- she replied whispering, holding the necklace in her hands.
-Oh, sweet child. Would you allow me to cast a spell that can make you fall in a dreamless sleep?- Frigga asked, not wanting to leave that poor girl alone with her mind at that moment.
-Would it harm me?- y/n asked her.
-No, of course not, dear.- the woman shook her head with a sweet smile -Can I?- she asked, raising her hand which started glowing gold, and passed it on the girl's forehead, whispering a spell

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