Chapter 9

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When y/n woke up, she felt pain in her whole body. 
She didn't remember immediately what had happened, it took her a moment to collect her memories. 
"We're in big, big trouble." she thought, realising how stupid her idea was. 
In that moment a servant walked in, and seeing that the Princess was awake, she quickly informed Eir, goddess of health, to be sure y/n was completely healed.
The last thing they wanted right now was hurting her. 
Luckily enough y/n was fine but they advised, or rather forced, her to bed for at least another day before coming back to her normal life. 
Once both Eir and the servant had gone away, the girl started to look out of the window and do simple spells, just to pass the time. 
Some moments later she heard a knock at the door, so she turned her head, and when she saw Odin and Frigga walking in, her heartbeats became faster for fear. 
Odin has his usual severe and proud look, which scared her a bit, although Frigga has a worried but sympathetic look. 
-Oh sweet child, how do you feel?- Frigga asked her, in a soft tone, sitting on the edge of the bed.
-I'm okay, my Queen.- she replied not wanting to scare them, as the woman took y/n's hands in hers -There is no need to worry. I'm totally fine.- she reassured the woman.
-We were worried anyway, my dear. But it's nice to see you conscious now.- the woman smiled -And don't worry, we aren't angry. Just...surprised.- Frigga added.
-So, y/n.- Odin started, taking a step forward his wife and the girl -What happened exactly? And how you and Loki managed to pass the guards?- the King asked.
She was about to speak, but in that exact moment someone bursted in, opening the door and making a weird and loud noise. 
-y/n. You're okay!- Loki said approaching her, then he noticed his parents and immediately straightened his posture and changed his tone -I apologise...I didn't think you'd he said lowering his gaze, a second later Thor also walked in.
-Father, mother. We are sorry if we interrupted.- the blond said, feeling the slight tension.
-Don't apologise, dear. We knew how much you were worried for y/n.- Frigga said, placing a hand on her husband's arm. 
-Worry not, my sons.- he said, sighing heavily, then his look moved on the girl again -So how did you arrive there?- he asked again.
y/n saw that Loki was about to speak but she managed to speak before him. 
-It was my idea. I wanted to see the Mirror of Erutuf and I told Loki. He tried to convince me not to go but I didn't listen. I made a spell so that the guards could think they were talking with you, so they let us through. But when I tried to charge the mirror, it sucked my powers and I fainted. I deeply apologise. It's all my fault if Loki got involved.- she said, lowering her gaze, ready to accept every punishment they would have given her.
-That's not entirely true.- Loki said, making everyone turn their heads -She's trying to take all the fault. But I agreed to this plan and I shapeshifted in you, father, and I apologise for it.- he said, making y/n wide her eyes -In reality, then she told me that we should have headed back, but I didn't listened only because I wanted to find the mirror to show you I was worthy as Thor. So it's my fault. You shouldn't punish her, but me.- 
For a long moment no-one talked, then the two sovereigns got out of the room to talk, leaving the three kids alone. 
-I had told you that I would have taken all the blame. Then why did you do that?- y/n asked, turning her head, screaming and whispering at the same time. 
-Because it's more my fault than yours.- he said, taking a step forward, as Thor felt invisible -So it wasn't fair for you.- 
-I appreciate it. I really do but now it's unfair for you, because the idea was mine.- she replied, with a sad smile. 
Loki was about to reply but the door opened and Odin and Frigga walked in.
-We decided what to do with you two.- Odin started.
Loki and y/n looked at eachother then at the rulers of Asgard. 
-We noticed the fact that both of you lied to cover the other up and we's an amazing thing.- Frigga continued, giving them a warm smile to reassure them. 
-That doesn't mean you can do it again, obviously.- Odin interrupted her and took a step forward. 
-Of course you can't, but it's lovely that both of you would take the blame for the other. So we won't punish either of you.- the Queen said, glaring a little at her husband. 
-For this time. But make sure you don't do it again. We won't be so soft next time.- the Allfather continued, as his wife looked away for a second. 
-We will let you rest now, dear. For anything you can send someone to call us. And please stop the formalities, just Frigga and Odin are more than fine. You have been here for quite some time and it's not necessary that you keep calling us King and Queen, dear. Alright?- she asked in the sweetest tone she had, then she kissed her forehead -Rest well.- 
-Thank you, Frigga. I will.- y/n said smiling at the woman, with tears in her eyes, remembering her mother doing it -Thank you too Odin, for letting me stay here and took care of me.- 
-Don't worry at all, y/n. We did and still do it with pleasure.- the King replied, with a smile -Thor, you should come with us. It's time for your lesson, son.- 
-Of course. I'm coming, father.- the blond said, lowering his gaze, following them without making a fuss, then they left the room. 
After a moment of silence Loki conjured a book of leather.
-This is a book that I think you'll like. This is all yours now.- he said as he handed it to her. 
-Thank you, Loki. I'm sure I'll love it.- y/n replied, taking it.
The very next moment she invited him to sit on the bed so they could read together. 
He did and they spent the day reading and laughing.  

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