Chapter 25

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A couple of days later, everything seemed to be normal.
Frigga came back to her royal duties as Queen, Odin continued to rule Asgard as usual, y/n and Loki kept studying and learning everything they could, Thor was still on Midgard and Freyr was still around, which pissed Loki every single time. 
One afternoon a couple of weeks after the ball, y/n was sitting in the garden, trying a new spell to try to make flowers grow. 
-Come on...come...on...- she struggled, her glowing hands stopped glowing as she sighed heavily -Okay, I'm done. I just can't do this today.- she relaxed her shoulders, leaning against the log of the tree. 
She hated not being able to do such a simple spell. 
Frigga made it look so easy and now she couldn't do it.
y/n closed the book and put it down on the grass, admiring the skyline of Asgard. 
Loki, who was admiring the view from his room, saw her and immediately thought of going out to reach her.
But when he saw Freyr walking up to her, decided to not go and talk to her.
However, she got up and started following him.
Loki still decided to follow them, just to be sure y/n was okay, because something didn't feel right. 
Freyr, the trickster had noticed, was fidgeting with a buckle of a belt of his leatherish armor, more than he usually did, in his opinion, that only meant one thing. 
He was nervous about something.
And this wasn't a good thing. 
Loki knew that following and spying on them was wrong and he hated the only thought about it, but it wasn't like he didn't trust her, the problem was that he didn't trust him. 
But still he knew it wasn't right. 
The prince followed them from behind, shapeshifted as a raven, and noticed they were heading to the golden dome.
"Where, in the name of Odin, are they going?" he asked himself as they entered Heimdall's dome. 
-Where are we going, Freyr?- y/n asked, a bit concerned. 
-It's a surprise, I told you.- he replied, stopping so she could pass first -What? Don't you trust me?- he asked. 
-I do, I do.- she immediately answered -I just don't understand why we need the Bifrost. Are we going far from here?- y/n asked him as she walked in -Good afternoon, Heimdall. How are you?- she smiled softly at him.  
Since y/n's arrival she has quite bonded with the guardian of the Bifrost Bridge, because she used to go there every time she learned something new about one of the cultures of the Nine Realms, and she would confront him so she was sure it was right. 
-Princess y/n, good afternoon.- the man with the golden armour smiled back at her -Freyr, afternoon.- he saluted him, getting serious again -How can I help you today?- he asked suspicious, but Freyr quickly approached him and whispering something in his ear, immediately the man's face relaxed -Oh, alright then. I'll immediately open the Bifrost for you.- he said, taking the sword and plugging it in the middle of the room, where there was an opening, specifically for that sword. 
"How did Freyr convince him so quickly? Usually Heimdall's isn't this persuasible. Oh well then it means it's a good thing, isn't it?" she asked herself, shrugging her shoulders and not worrying too much.
But instead she started working for their trip, to only Odin's know where. 
It wasn't the first time y/n travelled through the Bifrost, she was still quite nervous about it. 
-After you.- Freyr said, offering her a hand, as they walked into the portal. 
y/n, as fearful and hesitant and as she was, immediately clutched at his arm, mumbling a "sorry" as the Bifrost worked, transporting them somewhere.
-Should I close my eyes?- she asked, when her feet touched the ground.
Something was familiar but she didn't understand where they were, since she knew all the Realms and had visited most of them, it was very hard to guess. 
-I'd be grateful if you'd do that.- Freyr replied, slipping an arm around her shoulders, to keep her close so she won't fall or get lost. 
y/n quickly conjured some fabric and he quickly knotted it behind her head, closing her eyes.
-So may now I know where we are going?- the princess asked, trying to recognise any kind of possible sound to give her any suggestions on where they could be. 
-Not yet, I'm sorry. know this place. That's all you need to know.- he replied, after a a bit -We just need to walk for a while.- 
His voice had something weird.
Almost like a crack.
Like something inside him had just broken. 
-Alright then.- she nodded, bringing unconsciously a hand on her pendent -Hey, Freyr?- she called him.
-Yeah, y/n?- he answered, turning his head to her, although she didn't see him and he was glad she couldn't. 
Not at this moment at least.
-Did I ever tell you about that day?- she asked, after a few moments of silence.
-What day?- 
-The day I  got this necklace. The same day my parents died and I ran away.- y/n replied, taking a deep breath. 
-No.- he answered -No, you didn't. I mean I heard about it, but not from you.- 
-Well I could tell you about it when we head back to Asgard. Maybe in front of some tea. What do you say?- she proposed.
-It would be nice, yeah. It totally would.- he said, gulping the sense of guilt that he was feeling. 
-You know...Loki never fully trusted you and I don't know why. But I do. I really do. I'm glad I met you and that we became friends.- she admitted.
-I'm...I'm terribly sorry, y/n. I truly am.- Freyr just said, with a trembling tone.
In that moment y/n felt someone whispering some words, probably a spell, since her mind started spinning and felt her knees weak.
She realised she was falling on the ground but she didn't feel the pain.
This was her last memory before passing out.

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