Chapter 28

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When y/n woke up, she couldn't remember what had happened or where she was and her whole body was aching.
After some moments of haze, she realized that was her old bedroom, back in Etiof.
y/n brought one hand, unconsciously, on her necklace and the other on her temple and massaged it, trying to relieve the headache, remember what had happened in the past few hours and the reason why she was in her bed in Etiof.
Suddenly, out of the blue, she remembered everything and the memories were now impressed in her mind.
Her uncle had given the order to kill her parents.
y/n stood up, with some difficulties for both pain and shock, trying to reach the door.
When she was about to open it, someone opened it before she had the chance.
-Oh dear, you are awake.- Frigga said, hugging her, pretty scared since it was hours that y/n was fainted -You should be resting. Lay down, please. I'll send someone to call Eir.-
-Where is Freyr? And Freya? And Njdor? What happened to them?- she asked, sitting on the edge of the bed and looking around in the room that she had spent her childhood in.
Not a single thing had changed from when she left.
The last time she had visited Etiof with Loki, she hadn't seen her old bedroom because she couldn't handle the emotions and the nostalgia.
-Njdor is in a cell, awaiting a verdict from Odin. He tried to drain your power and kill you, and apparently is involved in your parents' death.- she explained -But before it, we thought you might have like a chat with him, for y'know...asking him something about...literally anything.-
-Where are Freyr and Freya?- she asked again, forcing herself to look up to her.
-They are...they are gone, y/n...- the Queen replied, lowering her gaze.
-What happened?- y/n asked, immediately clutching the pendant.
-I don't know.- she replied -Loki was explaining it to Odin a while ago, while I decided to stay here to see if you were okay.- Frigga explained, sitting next to her.
-Loki saw the whole scene? Was he here?- y/n asked, a little confused.
-Apparently yes.- the Queen replied, nodding -Do you want me to call him, dear?-
Frigga knew that if there was a person who now y/n wanted to speak to, that was Loki.
-Yes, Frigga, please.- y/n almost begged her, with tears in her eyes, that she could control anymore.
-I'm going to, dear, worry not.- Frigga replied, smiling and leaving the room.
Once she had left, closing the door behind her, y/n forced herself to get up and walk around her room, among memories and trinkets.
On a shelf there were a lot of children's books, which she remembered reading with her mother and that her father used to bring her often, right next to handmade arrows, which she tried to make for her mother's bow.
On the ground and on her bed there were some old dolls and peluches left to themselves.
Opening the wardrobe, y/n had another wave of memories.
All her old dresses were there, almost as good as the day she left them.
Some memories came to her mind, as she wore those dresses, completely clueless on what would have happened.
A knock brought her back to reality.
y/n hadn't to turn around to see who it was, because she already knew who it was.
-y/n...- Loki whispered, not wanting to scare her -Are you okay?-
Without saying a word, she walked up to him and immediately hugged him, hiding her face in the crook of his neck, as he held her tight in his arms.
-I will be, Loki.- she replied, as some tears wetted Loki's clothes, but he didn't care.
The only thing he cared about was that she was there and she was safe.
As he stroked her back, trying to calm her down a bit, the imagine of what had happened before were fixed in his mind.
After a moment, they broke the hug but neither of them took a step behind.
-Father wants to know if you wish to speak to Njdor, before he gets sended in Asgard's cells.-
-Yeah, I want to but...- y/n replied.
-Do you want me to be by your side?- Loki asked.
-Yes, please.- she nodded, gratefully -But before we go, why were you here?-
-I...well, you know I never trusted Freyr, and when I saw the two of you walking away and using the Bifrost, I just followed you. I wanted to make you were safe.- he replied, as his cheeks rose up a bit -But I'm sorry I followed you and I know I shouldn't have.-
-It's okay, if you weren't here I'm not sure if I would have been okay now. So thank you.- she smiled at him.
-Don't thank me, Enchantress. When you feel ready, we can go.-
-Before we start, before we finish. Let's go.- y/n replied, feeling a weight on her heart.
-Are you sure?- he asked, a bit concerned, but she just nodded in reply.
The two of them walked to the cells, where some guards had been called by Odin to watch over the prisoner.
Njdor was sitting on the ground, behind the bars.
When he heard the steps, he immediately looked up, thinking it would have been Odin.
-y/n?- he asked, surprised -Why are you here?-
-I came here just to talk. I want to know about my parents and the prophecy.- she said, trying to be emotionless.
-My dear sister, y/m/n.- he said with nostalgia -I loved her, I really did. Then she fell in love with your father and got married for convenience, not for love. And that's something I always hated. I only wanted the best for her.- he explained -Then the prophecy arrived and he pulled me further away from her even more, banishing me.-
-Wait...prophecy?- Loki asked, taking a step forward her -This is probably why you couldn't use the Mirror of Erutuf.- he said to y/n, realizing it.
-You're right, yes.- y/n said, turning to him, remembering that odd episode, before moving her gaze back to the man.
-Now I think you want to ask me about why I killed your parents, am I right?- Njdor asked, looking his niece in the face, rediscovering the features of his beloved sister.
-Yes...- she whispered.
Loki, to let her know was there for her, took her hand in his and gave it a reassuring squeeze.
y/n gave him a thankful smile, before turning to Njdor.
-I didn't want her to be killed. I never wanted you to grow up as an orphan. I swear. When I saw her body lifeless on the ground, it was like the Nine Realms were against me.- he admitted, as his voice broke a little -Now go, farewell, my niece. I really hope you become the woman your mother wanted you to be.-
-Thank you. Farewell Njdor.- she said, walking away and pulling Loki behind her.

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