Chapter 26

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Loki's raven form started to be tiring, since he wasn't used to flying that much, but he managed to perch on a tree near there, just in time to see the some people surrounding Freyr and y/n and she falling on the ground.
Witnessing the scene without being able to help her, made Loki feel incredibly bad but he forced himself to wait before jumping into the fray and risking being caught too, trying to save her. 
"I'm so sorry, y/n, I promise you I'll save you." he thought, watching her as Freyr took her in his arms, as Freya and another older man approached them, both grinning satisfied looking at the passed out princess. 
Loki took a couple of moments to realize who that old man was. 
After a couple of moments, he realized that elderly man was the same person they had seen at the ball of Vanaheim. 
Why was he with them now?
Who was him to those two? 
-Let's bring her to the core of this abandoned village.- he said, moving some hair off y/n's face, almost studying her face.
It seemed like he was searching for something, like a mole, a freckle or any type of any other particular signs.
Or maybe he was just observing her. 
-Yes, father.- the twins replied in chorus.
"He is their father? Isn't he a bit too old to be?"
As they walked through the various streets of Etiof, they reached the central square of the village, Loki followed them flying, still shapeshifted into a raven.
When he perched on a branch of a tree, near enough to see what they were doing, but distant enough to not be seen. 
Around the central square there were some runes. 
They were really antique runes, Loki noticed, so he didn't know they meant but of one thing he was sure, they weren't healing or protective runes, but they reminded him of the runes for rites and that wasn't a good sign in his opinion. 
"What do they have in mind?" Loki asked himself, as he observed them carefully placing y/n's body in the middle of those runes. 
-Do we need to wait until she doesn't wake up?- Freya asked, complaining. 
-We do, my dear, otherwise it won't work and we would have done all this for nothing. That's not what we want, is it?- the old man replied, calmly, with a satisfied tone. 
-No, of course not, father.- she said, shaking her head a bit, lowering her gaze. 
-Good, very good.- he nodded -Freyr, my son, is everything ready?- 
-It is, father.-
-Perfect.- he smiled, proud of them. 
-So what's the plan after she wakes up?- Freya asked, making a step forward. 
-Well, we'll have a little chat with her then we'll continue with our plan.- the old man replied, giving a quick look to the fainted girl, on the ground. 
Then he knelt next to her and tied up her hands together with a rope, and Loki immediately recognised as Gelgja.
It was one of the most, if not the most, resistant rope in the Nine Realms, created by Dwarfs for the wolf Fenrir, during the Ragnarok. 
After some minutes y/n started to wake up, confused and a bit in pain, with her eyes still covered with the fabric, so she couldn't see anything. 
-Where...where am I?- she asked, when she tried to move her hands trying to conjur a spell, she realised that her hands were tied together. 
-Oh's seems that the princess had woke up.- the old man announced, approaching her -My son, can you give back the sight to our guest, please?- 
-Yes, father.- Freyr replied, untying the fabric.
y/n immediately recognised Freyr's voice, but couldn't figure out the other voice, although it seemed familiar to her.
After blinking several times her eyes adapted to the light, so she saw Freyr, Freya and recognised the old man from the Ball of Vanaheim. 
-Freyr...- she whispered, turning to him, but he was trying to be impossible -I trusted were my friend...- she continued, then moved her gaze on the man -What do you want from me?- y/n asked -I don't even know who you are.- 
-Maybe you don't. But I do.- he replied, talking a step closer -You remind me so much of your parents, princess.- he said with a scoff -Oh, you really do. I hated your father for the first moment my eyes landed on him, you know. Everything was around him and this stupid reign.- he said moving his hands pointing to what surrounded them -And I don't get how she could fall in love with him. Stupid, stupid y/m/n. And her love wasn't even returned.- 
-Don't talk like this about my parents!- y/n said, getting more angry -You didn't even knew them!- 
-On the contrary, I knew them and also quite well to be honest.- he replied, calmly. 
-You're lying! I know you're lying!- y/n yelled back.
In her eyes started getting shiny and glossy, because of the tears that she was fighting against. 
y/n didn't want to give up and let him see her crying. 
-In the bottom you know I am telling the truth, don't you?- the old man asked, grinning a little, pleased my her reaction. 
-No! Because you're lying. I know you are. You didn't knew my parents.- she kept telling herself, as she tried to break the rope that blocked her powers.
-If I was lying I wouldn't have this.- he said, pulling a silver necklace with a blue gem out of the collar.
y/n's eyes opened wide.
-It's not can't have one...- she was too stunned to speak.
From what she knew, only the members of her mother's family could have a necklace like that. 
-Oh, sweetheart, it is possible.- he replied, kneeling next to her. 
-How...? she asked, lowering her head.
-My dear sister, y/m/n, wasn't the only Enchantress, you see.- the old man replied, standing up, as y/n looked at him speechless. 

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