Chapter 6

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One afternoon, Loki was reading peacefully in his favourite spot of the library when he heard some footsteps. 
"These are not the servants, they aren't allowed here." he thought "Definitely too light to be father's. Enough calm to not be Thor's but not enough calm to be mother's." 
While he tried to guess who it was, the mahogany door opened wide, making him flinch a little, but when he saw who it was, he immediately calmed down. 
-Hey Trickster.- y/n smiled sighing, visibly exhausted, as she walked up to him with a pile of books in her arms. 
-Hey Enchantress. Wait, let me help.- he said, standing up taking the majority of those books and placing them on the table. 
-Thank you, kind Prince.- she teased him, knowing he hated being called that.
-Come on, y/n.- Loki snorted a little, trying to be as composed as possible. 
-I apologies, okay? Sorry.- she said, sitting next to him.
-Apologies accepted. How are the lessons with my mother going?- he asked. 
-They are absolutely amazing. Your mother is the best at teaching.- y/n said happily. 
-And mother says you're a brilliant student who understands everything very quickly.- Loki continued. 
-If I can it's just thanks to her, the ease and the sweetness with which she teaches.- she replied -Anyway, oh, I almost forgot. Look what I found in this book.- she added, suddenly getting more excited, almost jumping off the chair. 
-What's that?- Loki asked, after y/n flipped numerous pages, then stopping and pointing at an image in particular. 
-That's the Mirror of Erutuf. I think if you read it backwards you can understand what it does by yourself.- y/n said, slipping the book closer to him. 
-Erutuf? Oh, it's future. The Mirror of future.- he replied, understanding -It does what I think it does?- he asked, getting more excited. 
-Yeah, it shows the past.- y/n answered ironically. 
-I...I thought it showed the...y'know, the future.- Loki said, with a confused look, as the girl held back a laugh amused by the boy's innocence. 
-Of course it shows the future, you oaf prince.- she laughed as Loki frowned a bit -Sometime I think that you never fully turned back into yourself after you shapeshifted into a snake just to stab Thor.- 
-Hey, it was funny, alright? And "the mighty Thor, son of Odin, future King of Asgard" is totally fine, I didn't hurt him too much.- he said, rolling his eyes at his brother's title. 
-I know, don't worry.- y/n gave him a reassuring smile -Now read here.- she said pointing at the book. 
-"The Mirror of Erutuf, also known as the Mirror of the Future, is an ancient relic currently located in the Golden castle of Asgard. Reportedly only Odin himself has access to it and uses it to make sure the Nine Realms and Asgard are safe from threats."- Loki read then looking up to her -So it's here? In the castle?- 
-Apparently yes. And I was thinking...why don't we go and search it?- y/n asked him. 
-But what will father say?- Loki asked immediately, afraid of Odin's reaction. 
-He won't say anything if he doesn't find out.- she grinned in a mischievous way -I have power to enchant minds and you can shapeshift. I highly doubt that we will get caught.- y/n said, with puppy eyes.
-But there are guards and servants...- he insisted. 
-If we get caught we will say it's my fault, don't worry.- she reassured him -We will say that you were trying to stop me but you failed.- 
-I really don't know, y/n.- he said, still a bit reluctant. 
-Please, come on. Thor will be so jealous and envious that we found it and he didn't.- she continued -Plus, don't you want to know your future?- 
-Alright then, okay. Let's go.- he agreed, not wanting to let her down and also because he knew he couldn't just say no to her.
-You're the best.- she gave him a big smile. 
Loki looked around, making sure that they were alone, then he shapeshifted himself into Odin. 
The white hair, the wrinkles, the blindfolded eye, everything looked absolutely perfect. 
-But I don't know for how long I can stay like this. Shapeshift in another human form it's more difficult than an animal form.- he explained. 
-Then let's not waste more time.- y/n said, casting an illusory enchant on yourself so no-one, apart from Loki, could see her. 
-That's a bad idea, I think.- he said, as they walked into the forbidden corridor which only Odin was allowed. 
When they rounded the corner they found two guards, in front of a door. 
"It must be in there." y/n thought as she felt Loki stiffen next to her. 
-Loki, don't worry, they won't be able to tell it's you.- she whispered to him, to try to calm him down -Take a deep breath. Come on.- 
-Alright, alright.- he said, putting himself together. 
Loki didn't want to disappoint y/n, he had to try his best to not get caught. 
-My King. We weren't expecting you here this morning.- the first said, a little confused when Loki and y/n approached them. 
-Why? Can't I come whenever it pleases me? Am I not king perhaps?- he asked in an annoyed, almost angry, tone. 
-Yes, my King...of course...of course you are...we just...- the second man replied, looking at his fellow, asking help with his gaze. 
-Just let me in.- Loki ordered and y/n was shocked by how easily he was in character. 
-Of course, my King. Apologies.- the two guards said in chorus, opening the door.
As "Odin" entered, the men closed the door behind him. 
In front of them now was a long, long stairway.  
-That was amazing, Loki.- y/n said, as her friend glowed green and shapeshifted in himself again. 
-And it was fun. I could do it more often.- he joked, now visibly more calm. 
-Tell if and when you do it, we could play a prank on Thor.- y/n proposed -Now let's go and find the mirror.- 
-Yeah, let's go. Princesses first.- he bowed a little, making her laugh. 
-Thank you.- she smiled, then they started walking down the stairs. 

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