Chapter 27

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Loki observed the whole scene from the tree, not knowing what to do to help y/n.
-I would have known if my mother had a brother.- she insisted, not wanting to believe it.
-No, you wouldn't have known, my sweet niece. Because your dear mother wanted me far from you. Because of a prophecy, you see.- he explained fidgeting with his pendent. 
-A...prophecy?- y/n asked confused, looking around -A prophecy about what?- 
-A prophecy that someone made when your mother was pregnant, so your loving father thought that banishing me, Njdor the Enchanter, was a good idea to save you.- he replied.
-What does it say?- y/n asked -I want to know what does it say.- 
-Here you are, dear.- Njdor said, handing her a piece of yellowed paper.
-Are you sure, father?- Freya asked, a bit reluctant. 
-I am, Freya. It's not much she can do.- he replied, smiling. 
y/n took that sheet of paper in her hands and she quickly read it.

"She doesn't imagine her strength, 
But her ancestors knew since her youngth.
She must wear the blue pendant, 
That will make her powers tolerant. 
She will be far from Etiof and alone,
And all she used to know is gone.
She will grow learning magic and wisdom,
Although far from her loved kingdom. 
When the princess will be grown,
Someone will try to hurt her: an uncrown. 
Easy for her it won't be, 
Luckily tho alone she won't be.
If she really wants to in the end only
Everything will be heavenly." 

-You are the uncrowned, right?- she asked, looking up to him. 
-You guessed, my dear.- he smiled, nodding. 
-So you're telling me that everything that happened had to happen? Like evening was planned?- y/n asked, wanting to understand it right. 
-Yes, somehow yes, dear. Why do you ask?- 
-So there...there was no way to save parents?- she asked, as the tears threatened to come out. 
-No, it wasn't possible, dear.- he said, then whispered something in Freya's ear. 
She walked in the circle of the runes and knelt down to her and suddenly she tore the necklace from y/n's neck.
-Hey! Give it back!- she said, struggling trying to stand up -That's mine!- 
Freya stood next to her with the necklace in her hands. 
-For answering your question, dear niece. No, you couldn't have saved them. Want to know why? Because I gave the order to kill them.- Njdor said.
You could see that in his eyes there was a bit of remorse, but y/n didn't notice it because of the tears in her eyes that obfuscated her sight. 
An increasing pain started spreading in her chest, like she was about to explode. 
-Now shall we see why "She must wear the blue pendant".- Njdor said, as Freya, next to y/n observed the girl crying -Remember, child of mine, remember the plan and follow it as we decided. Whatever it takes.- 
-Yes, father, whatever it takes.- she replied, moving her gaze from the necklace in her hands to y/n. 
Loki, who was observing the scene, felt even worse than before, but decided to try to do something.
y/n, on the other hand, was slumped on the ground crying and with a pain at the height of her heart, and any moment that passed the pain got more unbearable. 
Finding out that her uncle had killed her parents made her feel incredibly bad. 
It had been a complete shock.
It was his fault.
It was Njdor's fault. 
y/n wanted to avenge her parents at all cost.
She concentrated the best she could, closing her eyes.
When she opened them, even Loki that was much far from her, could see that her eyes went blank, without pupils. 
A few seconds later it started to glow, making some sort of blue light.
-W...what?- Loki winced looking at her, from a distance.
Freya, as she saw her, started to get scared. y/n wasn't supposed to have powers. That rope was created with the purpose of blocking every spell or enchantment. 
-Father...what?- Freyr asked, taking a step back.
-This wasn't supposed to happen.- Njdor said, starting to panic, then he noticed that even the runes, now were glowing blue, too. 
-Freya, get away from there!- Freyr yelled, but couldn't bring himself to get closer to the circle of runes. 
When the girl tried to walk off, she couldn't.
It was like an invisible dome was surrounding the two girls. 
Suddenly the pain y/n was feeling increased. 
It felt like she was being teared apart
She started screaming from the pain.
Freya, now seriously scared, tried to cross the invisible barrier, without success. 
Suddenly something inside y/n exploded, making a loud noise and a weird bluish smoke that made it impossible to see the two gals. 
After a few moments later, when the fume had vanished, under the gaze of the three shocked men, Freya had disappeared and y/n was almost passed out on the ground. 
-Freya...?- her twins called, not knowing what to do. 
He had never been alone in all his life, it had always been Freya and Freyr, now that he was pretty much alone and scared. 
Njdor found the courage to take some steps forward, noticing that the necklace was still there.
"Without her necklace she can't control her power and it's slowly killing her." Freyr understood at that moment, and it wasn't what he wanted.
In those months during while he had to make her trust him, without wanting he had grown affection for that girl.
He, who for years had had doubts on his father's plan, unlike his sister who was very fond of it.
So Freyr decided to not want to listen to his father anymore. 
So he rushed to take that necklace, wanting to give it back to her.
Freyr walked towards her, and the runes, as Njdor screamed against him not to do it, but he wasn't going to listen. 
-You're not even my real father! All you cared about was your plane! You were only using us!- he yelled back. 
Once inside the dome, he started to feel pain everywhere, but didn't go anywhere.
Holding on and gritting his teeth, Freyr knelt next to her, bur y/n was as hotel as fire, although there weren't signs of burn, he could feel it.
-It's okay, y/n, everything...will end soon...- he mumbled, between a whine and a groan.
-I'm sorry...I'm sorry for everything...- he whispered, giving her a soft kiss on the lips.
When he managed to put the necklace around her neck, another explosion happened.
But this time was even bigger.

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