Chapter 7

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-How many stairs do you think there are here?- y/n asked, flicking her hand, creating some light. 
-I don't know.- Loki replied, recreating her gesture and making his hand light up too -But I'd say quite a lot.- 
-Oh boy, I wish they were less. There isn't like a spell or something to reduce stairs?- she asked, sighing. 
It had been a bad choice to wear those comfortless shoes that morning. 
-Unluckily no, there isn't.- the prince replied, as they continued walking, trying to keep his voice calm, despite his fear. 
He had to appear fearless and proud, just like Odin wanted him to. 
The further they went, the darker and less regal the atmosphere became, even the stairs at a certain point, from white marble became simple stone. 
The two kids looked at eachother and shivered a bit. 
-We could still go back, you know?- y/n said, suddenly understanding it was a bad idea. 
-C'mon, you really want to go back now? We are almost there.- he said, trying his best to look brave. 
-I'm scared,'s dark...and there could be monsters hiding there...- y/n said, torturing her hands, when they had reached the end of the stairway. 
-I will protect you from them. I may not be as strong as Thor but I will do my best.- Loki tried to calm her, holding out his hand for her -Everything will be just fine. I promise.- he smiled. 
y/n flickered her gaze from Loki's hand to his face. 
-Alright then. I trust you.- she smiled back, taking his hand, after taking a deep breath. 
Loki and y/n looked at each other and nodded slightly, then continued walking hand in hand. 
The young prince felt a weird sensation in his stomach. 
It was new, weird and he had never felt it in his entire life. 
He had always felt a bit fuzzy when y/n was around but after a while he got used to it he didn't give it too much weight and decided to ignore it. 
Loki also got very pissed when Thor, or one of his oaf friends, tried to persuade her to play with them, because he hated "sharing her" with others. 
She was his in a way that no one has ever been. 
Or rather, no one had ever wanted to be. 
He was afraid that she may have liked them more than him, despite the obvious disinterest from the part of the Princess towards anyone who was not the second child of Odin. 
-What do you think we will see in the mirror?- the boy asked, stopping time to time to admire other ancient relics that were there. 
-I'm not sure. I just hope I'm healthy and happy, and so are you and all the people I care about.- y/n replied, shrugging her shoulders a bit and smiling -What about the God of mischief?- 
-I honestly don't know. I'm just hoping I have you and my mother by my side. The rest doesn't matter.- Loki replied smiling as the Princess gave a little squeeze at his hand. 
-Come on, stop fooling me. Don't you wish the throne?- she asked. 
-Yeah but...father visibly prefers Thor than me, so he is going to be his heir, he is gonna rule Asgard.- replied him, looking at his feet. 
-If it can make you feel better I think your father would be a fool to choose anyone but you as his heir.- y/n said. 
-It actually does. Thank you, Enchantress.- Loki replied putting on a smile, not wanting her to feel bad. 
-You're welcome, Trickster. Now let's see who gets the throne.- she said, pulling him towards the corridor.
At the end there was a door. 
-You think it's in there?- the boy asked, staring at it.
-Pretty sure if I have to be honest.- she replied, letting his hand go and taking a few steps forward. 
She wanted to be the first to walk in the room and use the mirror, but not for selfishness, simply because if someone had caught them she could have taken all the blame. 
y/n lowered the handle as the door creaked, flicking her hand creating light, to light up the dark room.  
The two kids noticed it was empty apart from something covered by a fairly dusty sheet. 
It seemed that no one had entered that room for a long time or if someone entered it did not clean. 
Loki quickened his pace and caught up with her, standing beside her.
-On the three?- he asked, as they both took an angle of the sheet.
-One...- y/n started, after giving him a slight nod. 
-Two...- Loki continued. 
-Three.- they said in chorus, pulling the sheet down, revealing something. 
It was a big, dusty mirror, with the edges in pure gold, with some gems and with writings and symbols engraved on it. 
-So this is it.- y/n said, as they tried their best to keep their calm and not freak out. 
-How do we use it, though?- the other asked. 
-I will use my magic to activate it.- she explained simply.
She had read something about the mirror but it was not specified what should be done to activate it correctly. 
-Alright, Enchantress. Go on.- Loki said, taking a step behind as she positioned herself in front of the mirror. 
y/n closed her eyes and took a deep breath, then raised her hands a little, towards the mirror. 
She felt a weird sensation going from inside towards her hands, like all her blood was concentrating there. 
When she opened her eyes, her hands were glowing in a blue light.  
She directed all the power towards the mirror, which began to absorb it.  
After a few moments, however, something began to seem strange.  
y/n began to feel pain, which began in her hands and slowly extended towards the rest of her body. 
She tried to stop the inflow of power, but it was useless.
y/n couldn't stop. 
-Loki...- she cried out in pain -It me, please.-
All the girl could feel was pain and fear.
-Then stop, y/n.- he said, widening his eyes, worried.
-I can't stop's''s sucking my power hurts...- she complained again, feeling her knees weak -Ahhh!- she screamed, closing her eyes shut. 
Loki quickly approached her and tried to move away her hands, but unsuccessfully. 
Their heartbeats were too fast, for adrenaline and fear. 
Suddenly y/n's head spinned and the glow started to diminish. 
The next moment, when her hands had completely stopped glowing, Loki immediately looked at her.
He had just the time to take a step forward her that y/n fainted.
But luckily Loki was close enough to her to not let her hit the ground.
He sat down and placed her head on his lap carefully so as not to hurt her.
-y/n? y/n?- Loki called her, moving her shoulders hoping she would wake up -y/n, come on. It's not time for a stupid joke. Come on, wake up...please...- he said with tears in his eyes -GUARDS! HELP!- he screamed, hoping that they would hear him. 
A few moments later, while Loki was stroking y/n's hair and telling her that everything was going to be fine, he heard some footsteps.
-What was that...? Prince Loki? Princess y/n? What are you doing here?- the man asked, entering the room. 
-I'll explain everything but first let's take Princess y/n to my mother. She fainted.- the boy said, wiping his eyes.
Immediately the guards approached them and one of them picked her up as  Loki followed them with his head down.

His enchantress (Loki X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now