Chapter 24

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As y/n and Loki were sucked in by the portal they felt a weird sensation, like being dematerialized and materialized continuously without ever stopping.
For Loki was almost a normal feeling since he was used to it, however for y/n it wasn't.
As soon as they left the portal, the two found themselves catapulted in front of a castle from which came a shout of people, like they were talking and joking, enjoying the music.
Immediately y/n recognized Vanaheim Castle.
Although she had never seen it live, she had studied it along with all the other castles and even the royals who lived there.
They looked at each other for a second and then walked towards the entrance.
The castle was placed in the center of the village which was in turn surrounded by high stone walls, which protected the village from the creatures of the surrounding forest.
The castle, which looked more like a very tall tower, was covered with flowering vines and full of flora, as indeed the whole village looked, if not the whole realm.
As soon as they entered, a man with a long sheet of paper stopped them.
-I've never seen you two around any royal party. Names, please.- the man said, scrutinizing them from head to toe.
-y/n y/f/ndottir.- she replied, with a smile, that radiated good humor, although she was quite nervous.
-Loki Odinson.- he said bluntly, without the same energy.
-We're not wait for any "y/n y/f/ndottir" or "Loki Odinson".- the man replied, after quickly checking the names.
-We are here in the place of King Odin and Queen Frigga of Asgard. Since the queen was not feeling well.- y/n explained, as the man lowered his gaze, controlling their names on the list, again, with an annoyed look.
From the gaze he gave them, he surely didn't believe her.
Loki decided to do something and not just watch the scene as a passive spectator.
-You should have received a raven carrying a letter with the seal of Asgard.- Loki joined the conversation, taking a step forward -Which states that the rulers of the aforementioned would not have been present but in their place would have been their second son accompanied by Princess y/n of Etiof.- he said apparently keeping his calm, but inside he was already mad for this inconvenience.
The man blanched hearing those words, suddenly realising who he was talking to.
-I'm terribly sorry Prince Loki and Princess y/n. I...the letter just slipped from my mind...I don't know how that's possible...I apologise, your Majesties.-
-Yeah, alright. Can we just go in?- the prince asked, patientless.
-Yes...yes, of course, Prince Loki, of course.- he lowered his gaze as they passed, not being able to look them in their faces.
As they walked in the castle, side by side, y/n couldn't help but admire all the structure.
At that moment a melody started to be played.
y/n and Loki looked around and recognised some of the people who were at her birthday.
As they walked in the crowd other royals gave them looks, not understanding why they were there.
-Here's the heir of the Asgardian's sovereign and the Princess of Etiof.- a male voice said, that made y/n and Loki's head turned around.
-King Dreyrog. It's a pleasure to meet you.- Loki bowed down, followed immediately by y/n.
King Dreyrog was a tall and muscular man, with reddish hair and dark brown eyes, dressing in an orangish style typical of the Vanaheim realm.
He was younger than a lot of the royals who usually ruled realms.
-It's my pleasure to have you two here.- he said approaching them, as they straightened their back -And don't "King" me, please. I'm more close to your age than theirs. Dreyrog will be fine.- he chuckled.
-Then, it's nice to meet you, Dreyrog.- y/n smiled, playing around with her pendent, as the King took her hand and kissed it gallantly, with a chivalrous bow.
-The pleasure is all mine.- he smiled charmingly, straightening his back -I've always admired you, for the way you managed to survive at that atrocity and of course your abilities and beauty. But the way everyone describe you it doesn't do you justice.-
-Oh, thank you. That's very...sweet.- y/n replied, moving her gaze to Loki, asking for help.
Loki was pretty pissed, but couldn't say anything because he wasn't in charge there and hadn't power against the King.
He hated himself for not being able to help her now that she needed it.
-Your Majesty. Your Majesty. Your wife is searching for you.- a servant walked in, approaching the Dreyrog.
-Oh Norns.- he rolled his eyes and sighed loudly -Tell her I'll be there immediately.-
-It will be done, sir.- the man bowed before his Majesty then walked away.
-I apologise for this. I'll see you around if I can, beauty.- Dreyrog said, kissing her hand, then y/n and Loki lost him in the crowd.
-Thanks to the Norns he went away.- y/n said, getting a bit closer to Loki, scared the King may reappear again, and it was the last thing she wanted now.
-I'll notify this to Allfather so he won't be welcome in Asgard anymore.- Loki immediately said, turning to her and wanting to reassure her.
-You can't, Loki, it would start a war. And it's not worth it. Really.- she said, trying to not have her dress stepped by the other people.
-It is.- he said -It involves you, y/n.- Loki repeated -Of course it's worth it.-
-Loki.- she blushed a bit, but tried to calm herself -Just warn Allfather, so the guards can keep an eye on him. Nothing more.-
-Alright then. Oh, and another condition.- the prince said as they arrived at the table where he took two mugs of mead and gave her one.
-What that would be?- she asked, taking a sip.
-You must be by my side for the whole time he's in Asgard.- he announced -I want to know you're safe and in Asgard I have the power to make you feel that.-
-I...okay, I guess it can work.- she said, lowering her gaze.
Why had he this effect on her?
He made her feel special and unique, even when no-one else did.
But almost immediately she was ripped from her thoughts because someone had approached them.
It was an older man, around Odin's age.
Immediately a strange feeling kicked in when y/n looked directly at him, she could swear he was familiar, but she was sure she had never met him before.
But with this man was a completely different sensation.
-y/m/n?- he whispered, like he had seen a ghost.
-No, sir.- she smiled nostalgically -She was my mother. I'm y/n.-
-Oh, I apologise, dear child. I...I look a lot like her. And that dress...- he said, in a odd tone -It was her, wasn't it?-
-Yeah. Yeah, it was.- she nodded, involuntarily touching her necklace -Did you knew her?-
-Yes. We could say so. She amazing woman. Your father was lucky to have her. Their love was one of the strongest bonds I've ever seen. And sadly also their end.- seeing her expression, the man's tone immediately changed -I'm sorry, princess, I didn't mean to make you remember all those tragic things.-
-It's okay, sir, don't worry. I'm totally fine.- she smiled.
-Good, good. Well now I better be going. My children are surely worried.- he said -But it was a nice meeting you, Princess y/n.-
-The pleasure was all mine. I hope our paths will cross again someday.- she smiled.
-I'm sure they will. Somehow.- he whispered as he walked away.
Loki and y/n looked at him and then lost him in the crowd.
-That was odd, don't you think?- Loki asked, seeing her a bit upset. was oddly familiar.- she nodded, not moving her gaze from the point the old man disappeared.
He took a deep breath and took a step closer to her.
-Would you give me the honor of a dance?- Loki asked, summoning all his courage and offering her his hand.
y/n was a little surprised by that offer.
Surely they had danced before, but in Asgard now, they were in Vanaheim.
-Yeah, why not?- she smiled, taking his hand, making a half bow.

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