Chapter 13

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The next morning, as soon as y/n woke up, she remembered it was her birthday. 
She wore a yellow dress with a full skirt and a tan corset. 
The girl left her room, determined to go to the dining room for breakfast, and as soon as she stepped outside she noticed Loki leaning against the wall in all his glory.
He wore a typical Asgardian suit in shades of black and green, which highlighted his clear eyes and shiny black hair.
-Good morning.- y/n said, approaching him. 
-Oh, good morning and happy birthday.- he said hugging her tightly -I wanted to be the first to wish you happy birthday.-
-Thank you very much Loki.- she spontaneously smiled blushing a little -Since when are you waiting here?-
-Half an hour but it's okay. Anyway this is for you.- he said handing her a package -Yesterday I saw that you were sad for that book, so I went back to get it and I also got two more, I know how much you like to read.- he smiled as she took it. 
-Thank you very much Loki. You're fantastic.- she said hugging him and kissing him on the cheek, as he blushed.
They went into the hall and she found everyone wishing her a happy birthday.
-Your parents would be proud of the girl you've become.- Frigga said, hugging y/n. 
-Thank you, it means a lot to me.- she said in return.
y/n hugged everyone and when she broke away from Sif, she saw Thor smiling. 
-Come here.- said the blond, spreading his arms and she slinged -It seems yesterday that you arrived but six years have already passed. You've grown a lot.- 
-You have grown physically too, but mentally you are still thirteen years old.- y/n replied, giggling. 
-Hey, this hurt.- he said breaking away the hug -This is for you. I found it during my trip and I thought of you.- he said, handing her a little box.
y/n opened it and found a pink gem, a quartz, she thought, around which a ring was forged through some intertwined threads.
-It's beautiful, thank you so much Thor.- she smiled at him and put it on right away. 
-The dance will begin before sunset.- Odin informed them, approaching them.
-We are going for a ride and then for a drink, are you coming?- Hogun asked Thor. 
-Yes, I'm coming.- he replied -I'll see you later.- he smiled at y/n and followed the three.
-My king, my queen. With your permission I'd go. I have things to do before the dance.- Sif smiled at them and left.
-Well, it's just me and you. What are we going to do?- y/n asked, looking at Loki. 
-Well, all the people know it's your birthday, I'd avoid going to the village.- he said.
-Yes, you're probably right.- she replied, nodding.
-Shall we go to the gardens then?- he proposed, offering his arm to her, which she accepted.
-You know me too well.- she smiled back.
-I know, I know.- he said and they walked towards the gardens.
It was very peaceful  because not a lot of people came there at that hour, or in general. 
Loki and y/n sat on the grass in the shade of the great oak and started chatting, but she noticed there was something strange about him.
-Is everything alright, Loki?- she asked -You're acting weird.- 
-It's just that...I began to notice the evil looks that people give at me. Then everyone seems to prefer Thor to me and how can I blame them? I'm useless...- he began to speak.
-Hey, hey, hey. You don't have to say things like that and not even think about them.- y/n said, taking his hand -Loki you are a fantastic person, you helped me a lot, if it wasn't for you I don't know where I would be now. Seriously. You helped me understand Asgardian traditions and settle here in the castle. Then you have many advantages, you are a good listener, an excellent teacher and you are very good at magic. So don't say these things, please.- she said, smiling weakly.
Hearing him say those words made y/n feel really bad. 
Why couldn't he understand how helpful and caring he was? 
-Sorry, I didn't want to ruin your birthday.- he said, looking down, at his hands, which he was torturing without realising. 
-You haven't ruined anything, don't worry. Hey, look at me.- y/n said as he looked up and she smiled -You are worth as much as Thor. Get it?-
-Yes...okay.- he gave a weak, unconvinced smile.
-Can you do me a favour?-
-Yes, tell me.- he said looking at the horizon in front of them. 
-Whenever you feel sad or that you are not enough, come and talk to me, ok?- y/n asked.
-Okay, I think I can do it.- he said, as she looked down on his hands, when she noticed he was fidgeting, she stopped him, and smiled sweetly -To apologize, can I ask you a dance tonight?- Loki asked y/n, looking away, scared to be rejected. 
It wasn't the first time that they danced together, but every time it seemed the first. 
-Of course. I would like it.- she involuntarily smiled and blushed. 
And then they continued to chat normally.
-Anyway in all these years here in Asgard I have never asked you if there is anyone who has caught your attention?- he asked.
-Well, it could be as it couldn't be.- she answered, giggling.
-I'm serious. Who are they?- he asked.
-I said it can be, I'm not sure.- y/n replied shrugging her shoulders. 
The two of them chatted until lunchtime when Thor came to call them. 
After lunch y/n decided to start getting ready for the ball and went to take a bath so she retired to her room with a maid to help her with the dress.
A full ball grown very large in a baby blue color, with a night blue corset, wide sleeves and a sweetheart neckline.
-Is the corset too tight, princess?- asked the woman. 
-No, it's okay. Thank you.- y/n smiled at her, adjusting the skirt with her hands.
-You don't need to thank me, princess. It is an honor to help you.- 
-But it is right that I thank you, you did a magnificent job.- she said looking at herself in the mirror.
-You're too good, princess. The person who will marry you will be lucky.- 
At that moment  someone knocked at the door. 
-Come in.- y/n said and from the reflection of the mirror she saw that Odin and Frigga were there -What do you think?- she asked smiling, as the handmaid bowed down and disappeared.
-You are wonderful, dear.- said Frigga, admiring her.
-Yes, I fully agree with the Queen.- said Odin, with a smile. 
-They are all here. Only you are missing.- Frigga said, pointing to the door with her eyes. 
-I'm ready.- y/n said, arranging the necklace and they went to the ballroom. 

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