Chapter 4

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After all of them finished breakfast, Thor stood up, risking making the chair fall since he stood up too quickly.
Odin glared at him for a second before he calmed down. 
-Father, mother, can I give her a tour of the castle?- the oldest prince asked, in a booming voice. 
-You have to ask her, not us, son.- Odin said, shifting his gaze on y/n.
-Would you like to take a tour of the castle, Princess y/n?- he asked her, with a smile. 
-Yes, I'd love to.- y/n smiled as Thor ran at the door to open it. 
-Come on. Let's not waste any more time.- he said with a big smile, that radiated good humor. 
-Loki, dear, why don't you go with them?- Frigga asked, as y/n turned her gaze on him. 
-I don't know, mother...I'm not sure they want me to...- he said, lowering his gaze. 
-Why would you say so, brother? Of course we want you to come. Right, Princess y/n?- Thor said. 
-Yeah, obviously.- she nodded, smiling. 
-Then, okay. Let's go.- Loki said, smiling at them. 
Thor and Loki showed y/n the huge castle, including the royal library, the stables and the gardens. 
y/n was amazed by how lovely and pleasant Asgard was. 
-Wow, it's beautiful here. Really.- y/n said, sitting on the grass, followed by the two boys. 
-We're glad you like it, Princess y/n.- Loki said, with his face kissed by the sunshine. 
-Please, call me just y/n.- she said, caressing softly the grass.
-Only if you stop calling me Prince Thor and call me just Thor.- the blonde said as he laid completely with his back on the grass.
-And you can call me just Loki.- the raven haired boy added, looking at her. 
-Sounds good to me.- y/n smiled at them then moved her gaze on the landscape, admiring the view. 
After a while that they were enjoying the warm weather, they heard some footsteps approaching. 
-Princes and princess, the sovereigns ask for you.- said a guard coming towards them. 
-We're coming.- Thor said, immediately standing up.
Loki stood up too and held out a hand for y/n. 
He didn't even know why he had done it, but he did. 
-Thank you, Loki.- she said with a smile, grabbing it as he helped her to get up. 
-You're welcome, y/n.- he replied, returning the smile. 
Loki was sure that when y/n would have met Thor's friends, she was going to start ignoring him, so he had learned to enjoy little moments of kindness, even if not so often.
y/n quickly adjusted her dress with her hands and the three kids followed the guard inside the castle. 
-Your Majesty, as you requested.- the guard said, bowing to them, then left the room. 
-How does Asgard seem to you?- Odin asked the girl.
-It's so wonderful, really.- she smiled -I really like it here.- 
-I'm glad to hear this.- he replied, sitting on the throne with his spear, Gungnir, in his hand.
-Dear, come with me. I have a surprise.- Frigga said, turning to y/n. 
-Mother, can we come too?- Thor asked, as Frigga rolled her eyes and shook her head in a joking way.
-Yes, let's go.- the woman smiled and guided them through some corridors until they were in front of some rooms -Being that from now on you will live here it seemed right to us that you had your own room.- the Queen explained.
-Thank you very much, your Majesty.- y/n smiled -This is too generous, though.- 
-You're very welcome and no, it's not, dear. Trust me. Now let's go in.- she said, pointing to the door. 
y/n lowered the handle and opened the dark mahogany door.
It was a very large room in shades of light blue, gold and white. 
There was a four-poster double bed with a round white carpet near it, a wooden wardrobe with two doors, a wooden desk, with a chair, under a window, with blue curtains and two shelves with some books, puppets and other things y/n had in her old room.
-Those are...?- she asked, feeling her eyes tingling and her heartbeats getting faster.
-Yes, those are some of your things. We sent some knights to check and they only took the things that were saved, we know it's not much but we thought you might have liked it.- Frigga smiled at her.
-It makes me more than happy. Thank you so much.- y/n said, wiping her eyes with a thankful smile.
-They also found some clothes, which are already in the closet. Then this bow, which was your mother's, right?- she asked, passing her a wooden bow, with a couple of gems set on the surface. was hers.- y/n said taking it and contemplating it for a couple of seconds. 
She had sometimes seen her mother shoot arrows with that bow but again and again she had heard stories told by her in which her mother told her when with that same bow she hunted or drove away enemies. 
-And they also found this. Your father's dagger.- she said, handing it to the girl.
It was a silver dagger, with a leather handle and the coat of arms of their house engraved on it.
Her father was very jealous of that dagger which was handed down from father to son, from generation to generation, and since he had only had one daughter, he had decided he would pass it on to her husband, when she would have got married. 
-Thank you so much. I really can't explain in words how much this means to me.- y/n said placing them on the desk, while the two brothers looked at them spellbound, refraining from touching them.
-Don't thank us, dear, we did it with pleasure.- Frigga smiled softly -Now, about what we were talking earlier, if you want I can teach you to control your power, you could also train with Thor and Loki if you want to, but you will also have to learn the female arts.- she proposed.
-Yeah, that's totally fine for me, my Queen. Thank you for this opportunity.- y/n said, smiling at her. 
-Perfect, now you can go out and have fun.- Frigga said to them.
-Shall we play hide and seek?- Thor proposed.
-But she doesn't know the castle that well yet. She could get lost.- Loki pointed out.
-We could hide together, if you want.- she said, with a smile. 
-I'll start counting then.- Thor said, covering his eyes -One...- 
-Don't go too far, dear.- Frigga said as y/n and Loki started running to find a place to hide. 

His enchantress (Loki X Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang