Chapter 8

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This was all his fault. 
y/n would be okay if only he had listened to her before, when she had told him to go back. 
But he didn't. 
And why? 
Just because he wanted to prove that for one time he could be better than Thor in something. 
He had been selfish and now y/n was hurt and it was all his fault. 
Or rather, this was what Loki thought.
He was sitting inside the castle, on the ground with his back leaned against the wall. 
His fingers were drumming on his leg, and from time to time he switched his fidgeting by torturing his hands or his sleeves. 
His eyes were staring at the wall in front of him.
Loki's eyes travelled around the wall, studying every twirl carefully, trying to drive away thoughts that made him feel bad. 
After a while Loki heard some footsteps and he immediately looked up to see who was approaching him, scared that it could be his father. 
The last thing he wanted right now was facing him. 
-My child. What happened?- Frigga asked in a sweet tone, kneeling next to him, seeing her son visibly upset. 
She hated to see Thor, Loki or y/n crying. 
Especially the last two, since it was pretty rare that Thor had come to her crying. 
-We...we just wanted see the Mirror of Erutuf...when...when she started charging it she...she just fainted...that's all...I didn't do anything to her...I swear, mother.- he said, between sobs, as his eyes teared up a little -I just show father that...that I was as Thor...but I've been selfish...and she got hurt.-
He was doubly scared, both because he was scared that y/n was seriously hurt and that everyone would blame it on him. 
-Oh my darling, worry not. I know, I know you wouldn't harm her.- she whispered, hugging him softly, as he buried his face in her golder hair -It's okay. Everything is okay. Don't worry.- she said, stroking his back, trying to comfort him. is y/n? Is she okay?- Loki asked, slowly breaking the hug. 
-I know for sure she will be, don't worry.- Frigga smiled at him, adjusting his black hair -It's nothing to worry about.- 
At that moment a guard approached them, running pretty fast with breathlessness. 
-Excuse me if I'm...I'm interrupting, your Highnesses...- he said, bowing and trying to catch his breath. 
-It's fine.- Frigga smiled softly -Take a deep breath then talk, take your time.- 
-Thank you, my Queen. You're being too good with me.- he said, doing as he was told -King Odin told me that he was informed that the Princess is awake. You can go see her if you wish.- 
Loki's eyes immediately widened and his heart skipped a beat. 
-We are on our way. Thank you for letting us know.- she smiled, sighing in relief for the good news. 
"y/n is awake."
Hearing his three words made Loki feel immediately a little better. 
He waited for the guard to leave before hugging his mother again.
He couldn't express in words how much happiness and relief he felt in that moment. 
-She's awake. She's awake. Thanks to the Norns!- he said smiling happily, as Frigga stroked his back and patted his cheek.
-See I told you, dear. Nothing to worry about.- then the very next his smile dropped -What's wrong, my dear son?- Frigga asked, seeing his expression changed so suddenly. 
y/n was awake and she seemed to be fine, "So what could the problem be this time?" Frigga asked herself. 
-What if...what if she hates me now? Or...or what if...if she thinks it's my fault she got harmed? I didn't want her to get hurt, mother.- Loki said looking down at his feet, feeling a wave of guilt hitting him pretty hard. 
-She knows you and you know her. Do you really think she'd do such a thing, sweetheart? I am sure she won't. She's a sweet soul, dear. She could never.- Frigga told him, placing her hand on his shoulder and giving him a smile.
-I don't think that too, mother...but I am still a bit scared...- he admitted, torturing his hands. 
-Why don't you bring her a gift, then? As an apology gift.- Frigga smiled softly -Even if you don't have anything to apologise for.- 
-That is such a wonderful idea, mother.- he said as his eyes lighted up -You can start going to see her. Tell her I will arrive right away.- he said, starting to think what he could get her.
-I will, son, I will.- she nodded, with a pursed smile.
-Thank you, mother. You're the best. I love you.- the boy said, before running for the whole corridor and then stormed out of the door, making the Queen chuckled a little and shook her head, with an amused smile on her lips.
-I love you too.- the woman replied, even if she was sure Loki hadn't heard her.
Frigga was very happy that his younger son had found a friend like y/n.
But she was certain that something else would have bloomed later in the following years. 
But this also kinda scared her, since Loki was quite an overthinker and pretty insecure too and the woman didn't want either of them to suffer.
So she wasn't too sure on how this would have worked out, but she was sure that those two would have found a way to end together.

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