Chapter 14

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y/n stopped at the top of the stairs and all eyes were on her. 
The heels were hurting her feet, she knew she couldn't do all those stairs alone.
So she searched for Loki, when she spotted him she gave him a look, and the Prince knew had to read her mind.
"I need your help, Trickster. Please." y/n thought. 
Loki looked at her and his heart skipped a beat.
She was absolutely beautiful. 
"Alright, I'm coming, Enchantress." he replied in his mind.
The boy took a deep breath and walked up  the stairs to reach y/n, despite all the stares. 
He offered her his arm, which she gladly accepted, thanking him with her eyes.
Loki helped her to walk down the stairs and went down to the crowd.
Arriving in front of the throne, Odin motioned y/n to go by his side.
The girl smiled and walked over.
-Today we are here to celebrate y/n of Etiof's birthday.- at that name y/n's heart skipped a beat and she took a deep breath -When you arrived here, six years ago, alone and scared, I welcomed you with open arms. I keep thinking it is one of the best things I've ever done. You are a really fantastic girl and I know for sure that your parents would be really proud of you.- he smiled at her -The morning you arrived, I sent some people to check Etiof, they found some of your things that you already have and another item that I didn't give you, and which I think it's time for you to have.- at that moment a maid came with a wooden box -I didn't show it to you before because your father told me he wanted you to have it on your birthday. So now it's yours.- he said, the maid approached her and opened the box showing a silver tiara with some blue gems, which recalled the necklace she had. 
y/n, who now had tears in her eyes, lowered her face a bit and Odin placed the tiara on her head.
Everyone began to applaud.
-Thank you so much Odin...really, I have no words.- she said smiling and wiping her eyes.
-I'm glad you like it.- he said, returning the smile -Let the dances begin.- the king announced and the music started.
Odin sat on the throne, followed by Frigga, they both smiled at y/n, like proud parents. 
A few seconds later Loki approached the Princess. 
-I still owe you a dance, Princess y/n.- he said, holding out his hand with a smile.
-Of course, Prince Loki.- she smiled and accepted his hand. 
They went to the center of the room, since everyone moved as they passed and he put his hands on her waist, while hers was on his shoulders.
y/n felt all eyes on them.
-They're staring at us, aren't they?- she asked, blushing a lot.
-Yeah. But don't worry, you're doing perfectly.- he smiled warmly at her -When I'm embarrassed or afraid I close my eyes.- he said.
-I know...but I want to keep them open.- she whispered looking up and their eyes met.
-You look beautiful as always and the tiara makes your eyes shine even more.- Loki said as y/n looked away and felt her cheeks catch fire. look good too.- y/n smiled -I don't understand how you don't have a partner yet.- she joked.
-Let's say that most of them have eyes only for Thor, others are too scared to get close to me. But there is a girl who caught my attention.- he said, as he made her spin around.
-I'm curious now, who is the lucky one?- y/n asked, feeling her heart sink.
-I will not tell you.- he said jokingly -I think Volstagg, Hogun, Fandral and Thor will kill me in a while.- he said, as y/n turned her gaze on them and she saw them, giving them a smile, that they reciprocated.
-Calm down, Trickster. They just want to scare you.-
-And they are doing very well.-
-Odin is here, they will do nothing in front of him.- she said to calm him down.
y/n and Loki kept twirling until the tune changed, they bowed and, while everyone cheered, they walked away from the dance floor.
They went over to one of the tables and took some mead as they chatted a bit, about who was there and who wasn't. 
A few seconds later Thor walked to them. 
-y/n. Loki.- he greeted them, handing immediately his mug of beer to Loki, who risked getting spilled. 
-Thor.- Loki and y/n said in chorus.
"What does this oaf want now?" Loki thought, trying not to stab him in front of everyone, especially on y/n's birthday. 
-You are as wonderful as always.- Thor said, kissing the back of her hand.
-Thank you, Thor.- she smiled at him and noticed several girls looking at her pretty badly. 
"Please don't ask me to dance. Please don't ask me to dance." y/n thought, trying to keep her smile on.
-Would you give me the honor of a dance?- he asked, bowing and offering his hand. 
-Absolutely.- y/n forced herself to smile at him, then she glanced at Loki and they went in the middle of the room, again. 
Thor put his hands around her waist and she rested hers on his shoulders, surrounding his neck. 
-I remembered you less good at dancing.- he said jokingly -You always stepped on my feet.- 
-What can I say? I practised a lot.- she said looking over Thor's shoulder, just to see some girls look at her badly and lowered her gaze. 
-Are you okay?- Thor asked, seeing her expression. 
-Yeah, don't worry.- y/n tried to smile.
-C'mon y/n, tell me what happened.- 
-Those girls there.- she pointed with her gaze.
-Why? What happened between you and them?-
-They probably have a crush on you and see me as a threat. I don't think they understand that I see you as an older brother.- y/n explained. 
-If they ever do or say anything against you you have to warn me right away, okay?- he asked, smiling.
-Okay, thanks Thor. I love you.- she said -As a brother, of course.- 
-I love you too.- he smiled at her -As a sister, of course.- 
They finished dancing while y/n went back to Loki, Thor went to his friends.
-Already back?- Loki asked in a slightly annoyed tone.
-Yes.- she replied drinking more mead -Is everything ok?- she asked him, with a warm smile. know I don't like being around people too much.- he said.
-I know, Loki, I know.- y/n replied. 
During the banquet, most of those present were drunk.
She threw a knowing look at Loki who understood immediately.
They both, with the excuse of being tired, left the room and went to the gardens.

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