Chapter 11

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Loki wandered around the castle trying to find y/n. 
It was afternoon, he couldn't find her anywhere and he had searched almost everywhere. 
The library, her room, the hall, the stables and the other spots where she usually was. 
The last place was the gardens. 
He had started thinking that it was just a waste of time and that he should warn his parents when he spotted her, she was laid down with her back on the grass.
The boy immediately rushed in her direction, scared that she might have fainted again. 
Loki knelt down to her and noticed that y/n had her eyes closed and a little basket. 
-y/n?- Loki called her, a little worried. 
The girl immediately opened her eyes, finding his face a few inches from hers, scaring the prince, causing him to jump and taking a few steps back. 
-Oh Norns!- he said, bringing his hand on his chest, trying to calm his heartbeats, after he hit the ground with his butt. 
-What were you thinking, Loki?- she asked as she sat down, taking a deep breath. 
-What were you thinking?- he replied, emphasizing the "you" -I've not seen you all day, apart from lunch but you literally run away after it.- 
-Well I studied with your mother.- y/n answered, than she took a quick look at the basket next to her -...and I had something to do.- when she looked back at Loki, she gave him a smile and patted her hand on the grass -Came and sit, Trickster.- 
-I'm not gonna let you repeat it, Enchantress.- he replied with a playful smile as he sat. 
They looked at the amazing landscape in front of them.
The blue sky was above them and the sun was shining, heating their faces. 
The green grass was tickling their legs as their hands ran through the soft tufts of grass. 
-This is so relaxing.- y/n sighed, closing her eyes as a gust of wind hit her face. 
-It really is.- Loki said, turning his face to her -So anyway what were you doing here?-
-Something.- she said with a shy smile. 
-What is it? Come on, come on. I want to know.- Loki started to push to know.
-It's nothing that important.- she tried to push it off. 
-Came on, y/n/n. I'm curious now. I want to see. Please.- he said, almost begging her. 
-Okay, okay, Lokes. I made something for me and...and for you.- she said, taking the basket and slowly opening it -It's friendship bracelets.- 
y/n took out two bracelets from the basket.
Two identical braids of thread of different colors with some white beads 
The first was black, golden and green while the second was blue, white and gold. 
-They are...they are...just amazing. Truly amazing. It's lovely.- he said, looking at them speechless -Which one is mine? The green one or the blue one?- he asked looking back at her.
-I thought we could swap colours. So you could get the blue one and I could keep the green one. Y' one always the other by their side.- she explained, with a smile. 
y/n was relieved he thought it was a cute thing. 
-That's an amazing idea, Enchantress. I'm surprised.- he joked.
-Shut up, Trickster or I'll give it to Thor.- she threatened, making the move to put it back in the basket. 
-No, I was kidding, I was kidding. Give it to me. Thanks.- Loki said immediately regretting what he had said. 
-Then here you are.- y/n said, giving the blue bracelet to him. 
y/n tried to put it on herself but failed. 
-Lokes, can you help me?- she asked after a first moment of struggle with tying it. 
-At your service, Princess y/n.- the boy said, with an ironical smile as he approached her to tie the knot.  
-Thank you. Let me tie yours.- she said after he had finished adjusting hers. 
-But I can do it myself.- he said -I know a spell.- 
-I know you can. I just thought it was more special if one ties the other's bracelet.- she said, than understanding that sounded very too mawkish and sugary -That sounded weird, sorry.- she said, looking away a little embarrassed. 
-No, don't worry.- he said, feeling a little heat in his cheek -In fact I don't think it's weird. It makes sense. Here. Tie it.- Loki said, bringing his wrist closer to her. 
-You're the best, Lokes.- y/n said, smiling as she tied a knot at his bracelet. 
Loki hugged her because he wanted to show her how happy he was, and y/n widened her eyes for a second before hugging him back.
He wasn't a really touchy person although he liked hugging and being hugged. 
He didn't want his father to see this part of him. 
-It's so pretty. Thank you, Enchantress.- he smiled, looking back at his wrist. 
Loki was smiling a lot, y/n noticed, quite happy that she had made his day a little better. 
-You're welcome, Trickster.- y/n shrugged her shoulders -It has been pretty easy for me to make them, honestly. I can teach you if you wish.- 
-I'd love it. Thank you.- Loki replied -I'm going to show Thor and father this. Wanna come with me?- 
-I'm sorry, I'd love it but I can't. I have a lesson with your mother in a few minutes. Actually it's better if I start going. I'll see you later?- 
-You will, yeah. Have a good lesson.- he wished her. 
-Thank you.- the princess replied with a smile and doing a small and ironic bow, as she walked away. 
Loki followed y/n with his gaze until he eventually lost her sight, when she entered the castle. 
He wanted to be sure she was safe.
"Better if I go to see Thor and father now, though." Loki thought as he walked through the corridors of the castle, which he knew as the palm of his hand.
He knocked at the door of the throne room but he wasn't ready for what was about to happen. 
y/n and Frigga found him a few hours later, crying in his room because Odin had chided him for wearing that bracelet, it was too "feminine" in his opinion and he had forced his son to take it off, against his will.

His enchantress (Loki X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now