Chapter 34 (the end)

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The King and the Queen were having a reunion with all the most important ambassadors and other representatives of the near kingdoms.
Outside the sun was already set by quite some time now and all the children were already in bed.
Or almost all of them.
Two kids rushed into the meeting room where the reunion was being held.
-Mother! Father!- Vali called for them, holding up his brother, who was crying, helping him to walk.
Everyone immediately turned to the door which had been opened widely by the kids.
The Queen immediately noticed his son's skinned knee, and turned to the men in the room.
-I'm truly sorry, I'll be right back.- she said, as the others nodded politely and glanced a little worriedly at the kid.
-Don't worry, my Queen. We understand you're a mother before a Queen.- said the first ambassador.
-Yeah, family comes first. Especially if we're talking about kids.- another one continued.
-Thank you.- the woman replied, she quickly walked towards her kids, and bending down, to be as her their height -What happened, dear?- she asked worriedly, fastly casting a spell to stop the bleeding and the pain.
-Oh, mother, we're sorry to interrupt you and father, but Narfi couldn't do the spell to heal himself.- Vali said, explaining the situation, holding his brother's hand.
-Oh dear, don't you worry, alright?- she wiped his son's tears, giving him a reassuring smile -And done. Narfi, be more careful, would you?-
-Yes, mother.- he nodded, giving her a little smile -And I'm sorry I couldn't do the spell by myself.-
-Oh sweetheart, don't worry. I couldn't do either the first time. I had to try over and over before being able to do it right.- y/n responded, stroking his hair.
-Now go and rest. Tomorrow we'll go to see uncle Thor and aunt Jane on Earth.- Loki continued, making the two kids smile.
-I'm gonna put them to bed, then I'll be back to continue the discussion.- y/n said, as the twins yawned.
-Goodnight princes.- the ambassadors and the representatives said to the younger ones.
-Goodnight.- the kids replied, as they took y/n's hands and walked out of the room.
-Why don't we just finish now for today, we can continue tomorrow afternoon or evening?- Loki proposed to the others, as soon as y/n and their children left the room.
-As you wish, my King.- the others didn't argue with him and left the room immediately.
The King arranged all the documents, maps and papers in place before stepping out and closing the door behind him.
As Loki was walking to his children's room, he heard a sweet voice coming from there.
He leaned against the door jamb and watched the scene, smiling as his heart warmed.
y/n was singing a lullaby to the kids to help them fall asleep.
He knew he was lucky to have her, but every time he took a moment to admire her he ended up thinking about how lucky he was.
For Loki, y/n was his world.
She was his sun, his moon and all his stars.
y/n felt the same way about him.
When the two kids had fallen asleep she turned to her husband, as he held out his hand for her.
-Thank you, my love.- she whispered, intertwining their fingers together.
-You're welcome, darling.- he smiled, kissing her hand softly.
-You left those ambassadors alone?- y/n realized, widening her eyes.
-Of course not, darling. I dismissed them.- the King replied smiled -We'll continue another day, it's pretty late. Let's go and get some rest, tomorrow we'll go to Earth.-
-Well...- she yawned, realizing how tired she actually was -You're right. Let's go and sleep.-
The next morning the thing that woke up y/n and Loki were their twins.
-Mother. Father. Wake up. We need to go. Heimdall had the Bifrost ready.- said Narfi.
-And me and Narfi are already ready.- Vali continued -We don't want to be late.-
-Alright dear, honey, we're getting up.- y/n said, sitting on her bed, then kissing their foreheads -C'mon dear, wake up.- she called for Loki, who had covered his head with the sheets.
After a few moments later, Loki and y/n managed to get out to bed, getting ready.
They didn't have breakfast because they would have eaten on Earth with Thor, Jane and the others.
The Royal family went to the golden dome, where Heimdall was with his son, Axl, who was trying to learn to control his power and learn his father's footsteps, to become the next guardian of the Bifrost.
Once they arrived on Earth, they were transported right in front of the tower.
-They are here!- a feminine voice shouted.
-Here she is.- y/n chuckled, as a smile formed on her face.
A girl around the twins' age.
-Aunt y/n. Uncle Loki.- Thrud ran to hug them.
-Here is my favorite niece. How are you, my Sunflower?- he asked.
Thrud was Thor and Jane's youngest daughter.
Her nickname was Sunflower because of her brown eyes and her golden hair.
-I'm good, I'm good.- she smiled.
-Thrud, let us see them.- another voice said.
Two boys, older than her, arrived, greeting y/n, Loki and the kids, followed by Thor and Jane.
-Here are the boys. Hey Modi, hey Magni.-
Modi and Magni had inherited Jane's brown hair and Thor's blue eyes.
-Brother, y/n.- Thor smiled, hugging them -We missed you.-
-We missed you too, brother.- Loki replied.
-Jane, hi. How are you?- y/n asked, when she managed to break free from Thor's hug.
-I'm very good. What about you? How's being a Queen?- the astrophysicist asked.
-It's not easy, but somehow I manage it.- y/n replied -You?-
-Well, I'm working for the S.H.I.E.L.D, y'know. As a consultative scientist.- Jane answered.
-Oh, Jane. That's amazing.-
-We're starving. Can we go and eat?- all the kids complained in chorus.
-Yeah, let's go inside.- Thor nodded smiling, as he was talking to Loki, who was telling him the news of Asgard.
After breakfast all the children decided to go out and play, as Thrud talked to his father about his dream of being a Valkyrie.
y/n stood up and walked to the windows, looking at Vali, Narfi, Modi and Magni pretending to fight.
Suddenly she felt two arms, hugging her waist.
-Hey love.- she smiled, turning to her husband.
-Hey darling.- he kissed her cheek -Is everything alright?- Loki asked, seeing that she had moved away from them a little.
-Yeah, I was just thinking how lucky I was to have you, the kids and this amazing family.- she replied, placing her hands on his.
-I think so too, darling.- he smiled, kissing her lips, as y/n put her arms around his neck -I don't think I ever thanked you enough for becoming my friend, staying by my side, accepting me for what I really am and loving me despite everything.-
-Oh Loki, you don't have to thank me.- she smiled softly -I love you, my Trickster.-
-I love you too, my Enchantress.-

The end

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