Chapter 22

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-I'll see you around?- he asked.
-Mhmh.- she nodded, as she glanced at the guard, impatient to go -Bye Freyr.- 
-Bye y/n.- he said, but was already far enough. 
Loki, who had witnessed the whole scene from a distance, felt emptiness inside his chest. 
y/n had stood him up just to spend time with Freyr?
No, it wasn't possible. 
"Why are you even surprised? Everyone will soon or later leave you." the voice inside him said. 
"No, not her. She wouldn't." he shushed that voice "She cares about me. She really does and I know it." 
"But still she preferred spending time with Freyr and not you, so I would think twice about it if I were you." the voice said again. 
Without even noticing Loki was clutching his fists, trying to make deep breaths and hold back tears. 
Just the idea of y/n leaving him for someone else crushed his heart. 
He decided to sit under their usual tree and calm down before walking in the castle again, to avoid the possibility of someone seeing him crying. 
When he had calmed down, around ten later, he walked in and headed to his mother's chamber, since he had heard that she would have been there. 
Once he reached the corridor where his mother's room was, he saw y/n and his father walking out of the room.
And they seemed to have a lovely conversation.
He noticed y/n had in her arms some dresses and he couldn't help but wonder what she was doing with them. 
-So you really trust me at this point to make me take your place?- she asked, a bit concerned, as her brows furrowed. 
Loki eavesdropped the conversation, without meaning to.
"What were they talking about?" he asked himself "Taking your place? What's that supposed to mean?" 
-We do, dear, we really do. And honestly we're becoming too old for this kind of thing. Or at least I am.- he joked, making y/n laugh.
-Don't say that. You're not.- she replied, giggling ‐I'd say...mature. Yeah. Mature.- 
-Thank you, dear y/n. But it's the reality.- the King replied. 
Loki decided that was a good moment to approach them.
-Father. y/n. Good afternoon.- he said, when he was in front of them. 
-Oh, my son. Good afternoon.- Odin greeted him, in a neutral tone.
-Hey Loki.- y/n smiled at him, then like a sudden weight she remembered that she was supposed to meet him hours ago, she immediately looked up at him with guilt in her eyes -I...- she whispered. 
"Wait for father to leave." Loki made her hear that thought.
"I'm so so sorry, Loki." y/n replied. 
-I have to continue the reunion with my advisers, if you excuse me.- Odin said. 
-Of course, Odin. I'm really sorry I interrupted it before.- she apologized, moving her gaze from the Prince to the King. 
-Worry not, it's a tiresome thing anyway.- he calmed her -Well, I'll let you two talk and I'll see you later, at dinner.- he greeted them before walking through the corridor, leaving y/n and Loki alone.
-Where do you need to go?- he asked, trying to avoid her eyes.
-My room. So I can put these back in the wardrobe.- she explained.
-Give me some of them.- Loki offered her help, despite being a little hurt he couldn't not help her.
Once they reached y/n's room they entered and closed the door behind them.
-What were you doing with Freyr when you were supposed to meet up with me?- he asked directly in a bitter tone, trying to hide his suffering, as they put down the dresses.
-I'm so so sorry about that. I swear it wasn't planned, it just happened.- she said, in a sad and guilty tone. 
-So why were you with him?- he asked again, but this time it was more like a pleading and also his expression was betraying him. 
He couldn't lie or pretend with her.
It was like it was physically impossible for him. 
-Before the hour of our appointment I decided to go to see if your mother needed something, she told me that she did and to go and call Odin, so I did. As they talked I had to wait outside, at this point I had forgotten that she was supposed to meet and by chance Freyr passed by and proposed to keep me company. Then I went to talk with your parents.- y/n explained to him as he sat on the bed, with his head down. 
-I'm sorry y/n.- Loki whispered -I shouldn't have been this rush...I'm sorry.- he said as his eyes teared up a bit -I just thought, or rather feared, you had replace me...-
-It's okay, Trickster, it's okay. Don't worry.- she said kneeling in front of him so she could be at his same height -I wouldn't, Lokes. I could replace everything in my life but you.- she smiled warmly at him. 
-The same is for me, y/n/n.- he replied, raising his gaze a bit.
-I need to ask you a favor, now that everything is cleared.- y/n said and Loki frowned in confusion.
-Your mother asked me to do something and that something is to attend a ball for magical Aesir and since she doesn't feel that good, she and Odin asked me to take their place.- she explained as she stood up and sat next to an even more confused Loki. 
-But why didn't they ask me or Thor? No offence but we're their heir.- he said tilting his head a little bit.
-That's what I immediately thought. They said that they trust me and consider me as their daughter, but also because Thor wouldn't go because of Midgard and you...well don't exactly like those kinds of things.- y/n replied and Loki couldn't say that those things were lies. 
-Well...I can't say that it isn't true.- he shrugged, but before y/n could feel bad for asking him he continued -But I guess I can make an exception for you.- 
-Thank you, Trickster.- she hugged him -Now just for you to know the ball is in two days so decide what are you gonna wear.- 
-What are you gonna wear?- Loki asked, looking at all the dresses they had brought. 
-I'm not gonna tell you. It will be a surprise.- she replied, putting all the dresses back in the wardrobe. 

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