Chapter 30

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In that moment the door opened, caughing them off guard.
-y/n, Loki, are you...- Frigga said, walking in
The two immediately took some steps, making some space between them.
-Mother...I...- Loki muttered, glancing between y/n and Frigga.'s...I...- the princess stammered.
The Queen saw the Casket of Ancient Winters, then moved her gaze on Loki's hands, who had just came back ad their normal color.
-You know?- she asked, as her heart skipped a beat.
-Yes, Mother, we know.- he nodded, lowering his gaze.
-Oh, my son...- she walked up to him and Loki didn't move -I'm so sorry you had to find it by yourself. I truly am. But I don't care what your blood said, you're my son to me. And I hope, that for you, I am your mother.-
-You are, mother, you are.- he said, hugging her, as his eyes teared up.
-Frigga, my Queen, I...- y/n started to talk, when the other two broke the hug.
-We'll talk later about it.- she smiled sweetly -But somehow, I knew it from a while.-
In that moment two ravens pecked on the window, getting their attention.
-He knows that I know.- Loki whispered seeing those birds.
Suddenly a guard walked in, after knocking.
-The Allfather wants to speak to you.- he announced.
As they walked they felt their heart beating faster in their chest.
y/n had a lot of anxiety, she was afraid he had discovered them.
Arrived in the hall, Odin was standing in the center of the room with a proud look, as usual.
Even Thor had been called, from Midgard, and now was there.
-Did you want to see us, Father?- Thor asked, breaking the silence that had been created.
-Yes...I know you know about your origin, Loki and I came to a conclusion.- he said looking at Loki -Loki, you are banished from Asgard until I decide that you can return.- he said in a neutral tone.
-What?!- Frigga and y/n shouted in unison, worried and shocked by the king's decision. can't be serious.- Thor said with his thundering voice.
-Odin, dear, think about it.- Frigga tried to change her husband's mind.
y/n shifted her gaze to Loki, who was looking down.
She got closer and slipped her hand into his, intertwining their fingers, and then gave him a small smile, which he hesitantly returned.
-It is my final decision. Tonight you will leave Asgard.- Odin said -I can't have a Jotun here. Not now that you know.-
-If Loki is banished, you will have to banish me too.- y/n said to the King, looking into his only eye.
-What?!- they all shouted, obviously surprised by her words.
-You heard me. If Loki is banished, you will have to banish me too.- she repeated even more confidently than before.
-If that's what you want, that's fine. Tonight you will both leave Asgard.- Odin said, and then dismissed them.
-Wait. Stop. What are you doing?- Loki asked y/n worried -You can't do that. You can't get banned. You can still build a life, with anyone, even Thor, you could still accept a marriage.- he said and y/n saw his eyes become shining.
-Loki, don't you understand? I don't care about staying here in Asgard if you're not here. I couldn't build a life with Thor, or anyone, even if I wanted to. Do you know why? Because I care about you. More than anyone.- she said trying not to raise her voice too much -If you are banished I will come with you. And there's nothing you can say or do to change my mind. Unless you don't want that case just tell me...- she said lowering her gaze.
-It's obvious that I want you by my side. I just didn't think we were both banished.- he said approaching her and taking her hands in his.
-What are we going to do now? Where will we go?- she asked, trying to plan something.
-I do not care. The important thing is that we have each other.- he said, caressing her cheek.
-Ehm, um...- hearing a cough, Loki and y/n quickly broke away, seeing Frigga and Thor.
-Unfortunately Odin didn't want to listen to us. I'm sorry.- Frigga announced, as the two approached.
-It's okay.- Loki said, looking at them -Really.-
-Are you sure you want to be banned?- Thor asked her.
-Yeah. I will not leave Loki alone. Especially now that we found each other. Right?- she asked, smiling at him.
-It's right.- he said, giving her hand a gentle squeeze.
-You could come on Midgard with me. I have some friends and we got a nice place. I'm sure there wouldn't be a problem.-
-Thanks a lot, Thor.- y/n hugged him, as he returned the hug.
-It's better if you go and get your things now.- Frigga advised them, before Thor could said something else.
-You are right, mother. With your permission.- Loki said, pulling y/n with him, away from that corridor.
Once they finished packing their things, they left the rooms and went to find Thor and Frigga.
And they found them together in the great hall, with also the Warrior Three and Sif.
As soon as they saw them, they invited them to come closer.
-Prince Loki, Princess y/n, we heard the sad news.- Vollstag said, getting up and approaching.
-How come you were banished?- asked Fandral -I understand the prince, but not you.-
-I decided to go with Loki because...well...- y/n looked at Loki for help.
-Because we care deeply each other.- he said coming to her side and putting his arm around her waist, getting closer to him, to make it clear that this was his territory.
The Warrior Three were very surprised.
-I will miss you.- Sif said, approaching and hugging y/n.
-I will miss you too, Sif.- 
-Take care of each other.- Frigga said.
-I will.- Loki and y/n, said in chorus.
-Now we have to go.- Loki said -Heimdall is about to open the Bifrost.-
They all said goodbye for the last time and then they walked towards the Rainbow Bridge.
Thor was in front of them, as they walked to the golden dome.
-You really had to hold me so tight in front of Thor's friends?- y/n whispered, as they walked.
-Sorry, I had a little attack of jealousy.- he apologized.
-How come? You know that those three have never been of interest to me.-
-I know perfectly well, but they all had or have feelings for you and I'm afraid of...losing you now that I have found you.-
-You won't lose me Loki, you can be sure.- she said, taking him by the hand, as he smiled.
-Hello Heimdall.- they greeted him when they arrived at the golden dome.
-Prince Thor, Prince Loki, Princess y/n, I'm very sorry.- the guardian said.
-It is temporary Heimdall, it is not an exile that will last forever.- y/n said, smiling at him.
-I know, but I know for sure that the people will miss you a lot. Everyone loves you.- he said taking the sword and wedging it in the slot -I will see you soon.-
-Farewell Heimdall.- Thor said.
-See you soon, Heimdall.- Loki and y/n said in chorus as the light surrounded them.

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