Chapter 12

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As the years went by y/n discovered all her powers and Frigga helped her control them and trained her to use them the best she could, even teaching her all the magic the Queen herself knew. 
She often trained with Thor and Loki, who had both become very attractive, but the girls in the Nine Realms only had eyes for Thor.
The girl also began to notice that many treated Loki with distrust, and she didn't understand why.
From time to time the three royals were joined by Volstagg, Hogun, Fandral, Thor's friends and sometimes even Sif, a girl warrior, with the passage of time she had become quite friends with y/n.
The Princess's weapons were her mother's bow and her father's dagger.
One morning y/n woke up and, after she dressed herself, she went to get breakfast.
-Frigga, Odin, good morning.- she smiled, making a half bow, as she walked in the lunchroom. 
-Good morning, my dear.- said Odin.
-Good morning. And you don't need to bow.- Frigga said, looking up from the book she was reading. 
-I apologise, but it comes naturally to me.- she smiled, as she sat down at the table and began to eat.
Shortly after Loki arrived, greeted them all and sat next to y/n. 
-When will Thor return?- the Queen asked her husband, since he had been away for several days and we had no news of him.
-He should come back today, tomorrow is y/n's birthday, he would never forget it.- the man replied.
-Is it tomorrow?- she asked, looking at him in surprise -Already?-
-Oh yes.- he said, amused.
-I was so busy training and studying that I completely forgot about it. What a careless.- y/n said, raising her eyes to the sky, chuckling a little. 
-There will be a dance for your birthday this year.- Odin said smiling at her.
-Really?- she asked excitedly.
-Certainly, my dear.-
-Thank you so much.- the girl said giving a smile to everyone -I couldn't ask for anything better.- 
-You're welcome, it's a pleasure to see you smile, my sweet girl.- Frigga said, closing the book and caressing his cheek.
-What do you say if we go for a walk in the village this morning?- Loki proposed, as soon as they finished breakfast.
-Yes, I'd like that.- y/n replied, as they walked in the corridor -Wait for me at the gate.- she smiled at him and went to change.
After she got ready, before leaving, y/n looked at the desk, quickly grabbed the dagger and hid it in a pocket in the corset, which she had created especially for it.
"You never know."she thought as she left the room.
On the way to the gate, y/n ran into a handmaid, in obvious difficulty, carrying two baskets full of clothes to wash.
-Need a hand?- she asked, approaching.
-Oh, princess, don't worry.- the girl replied, forcing a smile when she realised who was talking. 
-Give me one, I'll accompany you to the laundry.- y/n smiled and took one of the baskets.
-No need, princess, don't worry.- 
-Do not worry, it's a pleasure to help.- the girl smiled and they chatted a bit until the laundry.
-Thank you so much, princess, I would not have known how to do without you.- she said bowing.
-No problem, I have to go now. I hope to see you around.- she smiled at her and headed for the gate.
-Here you are.- Loki said when he saw her coming, stopping repeatedly hitting his foot on the ground -I was starting to worry.-
-I helped a handmaid carry the baskets. She was in trouble.- y/n explained as they walked. 
-You have a really big and kind heart.- Loki added, with a sigh. 
They arrived at the village and watched some children playing in the street who, as they passed, bowed and gave them a smile.
-Do you think Thor is okay?- y/n asked as they walked around the market. 
-Definitely.- Loki replied in a strange tone.
-Are you okay?- the girl asked, stopping and facing him.
-Yes, why are you asking?-
-You are weird and I know you well enough to say that there is something troubling you. You know you can talk to me, right?- she asked, placing a hand on his arm.
-Yes, I know. But don't worry, I'm fine.- he smiled and they continued walking.
-Look at this book.- she said suddenly pointing to a book with a dark leather cover on a stall.
-Good morning, how much for that book?- Loki asked the man.
-Good morning to you, Prince Loki, good morning Princess y/n.- the man replied with a bow -Only two solar.-
y/n searched my pockets, but she didn't have any coins.
-Unfortunately now I don't have them.- she said to the man -It will be for the next time.- 
They greeted the man then, after a walk, they went back to the castle.
As soon as Loki and y/n entered, approached them.
-Good morning y/n.- the girl greeted her -Good morning Loki.-
-Good morning Sif.- the princess returned her greeting by smiling at the girl warrior. 
-I met your servant before. What about going to see what to wear tomorrow?- Sif told her.
-I...uh...- she immediately looked at Loki, who smiled.
-Go ahead, I have to do something. See you at lunch.- then the girls looked at him going away. 
-What are we waiting for? Let's go  then.- y/n said to the girl.
After half an hour and various indecisions, they had decided. 
As soon as they left the rooms, Frigga came to call the two girls. 
-What happens, my Queen?- Sif asked, worried.
-Thor is back.- she simply said, smiling -Come to the throne room.- 
They followed Frigga and she stood next to Odin.
y/n positioned herself next to her and, a few seconds later, Loki also arrived. 
They exchanged a fleeting smile and a few moments later the door swung open.
A tall, stout figure with long golden hair entered.
He advanced and arrived in front of the throne he knelt down, lowering his head.
When he raised his head smiling, he looked in y/n's direction, and he winked at her.
She looked at him smiling back, shook her head slightly, trying not to laugh, and rolled her eyes.
Frigga smiled at him, Loki remained serious, like Odin. 
-Father. Mother.- smiled -Loki. Y/n.-
-Thor.- they said in chorus.
-Welcome back. I think you want to relax after the long journey and be with your friends.- said Odin, looking at him with his only eye.
-Yes, father.- he said, getting up.
-Well, you can go.- he said.
y/n, Loki, Thor, Sif, Volstagg, Hogun and Fandral left the room.
The corridor was empty.
-Thor...- y/n said, throwing herself on him to hug him.
-Hey, hey. Has anyone here missed me?- he laughed and hugged here, not noticing his brother's jaw clenched.
Despite the years he was still pretty jealous. 
-I was worried.- y/n said breaking the hug.
-You say it every time I leave and every time I come back in one piece.- he said.
-For now.- she replied, giggling -Come on, say hello to the others too.-
He didn't have the time to say anything when the three warriors threw themselves on him to greet him, slapping each other hard on the back.
As they walked away Thor kissed the back of Sif's hand and "hugged" Loki.
The seven of them spent the rest of the afternoon outdoors with Thor telling them about his adventures.

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