Chapter 36

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Why was it that something that felt so right could feel so wrong?
You felt at home yet a knot inches your throat.
You've been wanting to hear those words from Demi since she left wanted her to fight for you..
You sat there looking into her light brown wanted to tell her how you felt but tot body and mouth wouldn't were speechless...
You lean your head forward and she does the same. You know she wants to kiss you and something is telling you to kiss her to.
"I'm sorry.." Demi looked down.
You still can't speak...all you do is reach over and grab her hand.
"I love you." She says again, this time a tear roles down her face.
You want to scream and tell her you love her and miss her and never have stopped, but something doesn't let you.
Something isn't letting you speak..
"Demi.." You finally speak.
She looks up.
"I love you to..." You say."...but I love Vanessa to." You look at her in the eyes and can see the hurt.
She pulls her hand awake and wiped the tear.
"I'm so stupid." She gets up and begins to go for the door.
"Demi wait." You get up from your seat.
"Why should I stay? To gain your pitty? And so you can tell me how much you love your girlfriend?No thank you." She reaches for the trailer door.
"Demi wait..just before you leave can you answer me something?" You tell her walking to her. "why did you cheat on me?" You ask.
You see Demi stiffen up. You were scared to know the answer but it had been killing you to know for the past several months.
She turns around to you.
"I don't know." She looks down.
"What do you mean you don't know." You ask.
"I don't know (y/n)." Demi's voice rises.
You could feel your temper rising.
"please." You tell her.
"I already said I don't know." She yells.
"bull shit." You raise your voice." How the hell don't you know why you would cheat on me."
"I don't know why." Demi says
"I was so stupid for falling in love with you, I was stupid." You mumble.
Demi is silent.
"How long?" You look up at Demi.
"how long were you cheating on me? I think I deserve to know at least that." You feel tears begin to fill your eyes as the lump in your throat Grows bigger.
"I..I'm sorry.. A couple months." Demi cries.
You feel your stomach cave in as if someone has punched you.
The hot tears roll down your cheeks.
"wow." You open the door and slam it shut so hard you think you broke it.
You feel your temperature rise and your adrenaline rush, you feel the knot in your throat finally talked control as sobs escape your mouth as tears roll down your face and onto your shirt.
This hurt so much.
Your chest and heart were making it hard to breath.
"hey are you okay?" You see Vanessa walking towards you.
"no." You mumble and continue to walk past her.
She walks behind you.
" babe can you leave me alone please?" You tell her without looking back.
You don't hear a reply and kept walking hoping she wasn't behind you to see you cry like this.
You walk until your lost and at down in front of a fountain.
It's quiet and your tears have finally run out. You probably look like shit.
Demi had been cheating on you for a couple months and you were oblivious to it.
How could you be so stupid? So blind?
How was one person causing so much pain?
"babe..." You hear Vanessa's voice.
You look behind you.
She was amazing in so many ways and she was yours. And you were crying here over Demi.
You feel a smile come onto your face.
"Babe." You walk up to her and hug her.
"you look like shit (y/n)." She laughs.
"I know." You hug her tighter and feel an instant relief.
"It's okay you're still cute anyways." She kisses you. You feel her smile against your lips.
She wraps her hands around your neck.
"are you okay?Want to go home?" She asks.
It was early and you knew she still needed to work and you didn't want to leave her but also didn't want to be here with Demi.
"I'll stay, just need to get cleaned up."
"But are you okay?" She says staring in your eyes to try and get the truth.
"Yea." You fake a half smile.
she kisses you again.

You clean up your face and walk back to the set with Vanessa holding your hand.
"Are you sure you can do this again?":she asks you..
You knew you couldn't do this but you knew how much this meant to Vanessa. And it took everything in you to say you were okay with being with Demi after what had just happened less than an hour again.
"Yea I'm fine." You put your sunglasses on to cover the puffiness of your eyes.
You walk up to the set and look towards Demi's dressing room and see Max standing outside, which meant Demi was still inside. You sigh in relief and walk towards the set and sit down and watch Vanessa run to set things up.
"excuse me mam:" you hear a familiar voice.
You turn around, it was Nina. What was she doing here?
You get up from the chair confused and give her a hug.
"what are you doing here?" You say half happy and half confused.
"Your girlfriend texted me to come, she said you needed me." She smiled.
You look at Vanessa and she looks towards you waves and smiles.
God damn it Vanessa why are you so perfect?
You as your self.
"So she said you needed me here but never told me why." She sits next to you.
Your about to answer when you see Max walk towards the set from the corner of your eye followed by Demi walking up to the set.
"Wait is that?" Nina asks you surprised.
You don't answer and stare at Demi, you try to tell yourself not to stare but your heart is telling you different and you can't seem to get your eyes to move.
"What the hell." Nina sighs.
"I know." You say, your eyes still on Demi.
You see her look up and you two make eye contact with each other and she quickly turns away and so do you.
"Nina.." You say.
"yes." She looks at you.
"I can't do this." You say tears filling your eyes.
"Babe no." She gets up and grabs your hand and takes you away from the set. You look back and see Vanessa look back.

"Babe are you okay?" Nina asks getting a tissue from the bathroom to clean your tears.
You hadn't said anything the entire 10 minutes you'd been in the restroom with her. It hurt.
"Have you talked?" Nina asks.
You nod.
"Shit." Nina mumbles.
You don't say anything and she goes and hold you in a hug.
"Months..she told me she's was cheating on me months before I found out." You tell Nina.
She steps back and you can tell she's shocked.
"She's been cheating on you for months with Wilmer?" She asks
You nod.
"What the hell." Nina tenses up and she starts to walk away mumbling things under her breath.
"wait where are you going?" You ask hoping she doesn't say something stupid.
"to go tell Demi what she deserves to hear." Nina begins to walk away from you and towards were Demi and Vanessa are.
You run behind her and grab her hand and pull her back.
"Nina what are you doing stop." You plead.
Nina pulls her hand away.
"Stop." You say she she walks up to Demi interrupting the set.
Why was she doing this. She always liked to create drama. You turn away and start to walk as far away from there are possible but then hear what Nina is telling her.
"she was there for you when you kept pushing everyone away, she would drop everything in her day just to go visit you 2,000 miles away for a couple hours if you'd call her and say you were having a bad day, and half of those dozens of times she would come home crying because you wouldn't want to see her because she wouldn't help contribute to your struggles and addictions. Yet she was still there on the day you were released.
She stood by you when your dad died.
She was there for you when everyone hated your attitude and your choices...she was the only one who was there for you and if it wasn't. for (y/n) you wouldn't be where you are right now...and how do you repay her? By cheating on her and lying to her for months?" Nina breathes. You turn back and see her face light up bright red because of she was angry. Nina continues to talk.
"(Y/n) hid your relationship for years because you didn't want to tell people you were gay and she was okay with that. Want to know why? Because she loves you...and you lost her lost the one person who will ever truly love someone like you..." Nina is furious.
You stand there speech less.. The words were harsh but true, you know they hurt Demi because they even hurt you to hear.
Demi is standing there speechless aware that anything she said could lead up a big deal.
Demi looks at you.
You look away and walk over to Nina and grab her hand and walk away from Demi.
A part of you was mad at her and the other looked up to her for telling Demi everything you were afraid of saying.
"(Y/n) hold on." Demi calls out from behind you.
You turn back.
"I miss you. I miss you everyday, every hour every second. There isn't a day that goes by that I don't miss your smile and that laugh that drives me absolutely crazy. I've spent the past months regretting letting you go and cheating on you. Nina is right no one will ever love me like you were amazing..and I will never love anyone like I love you. I lay awake at night regretting every thing I've done, I hope that every time my phone rings its you. I hoped that I would run into you just to see your face.. I love you (y/n) and I'm sorry."
Everyone around you is now staring at you and Demi waiting for your response to Demi pouring her heart out to you. You look over at Vanessa, she was sitting down fiddling with her watch, she was nervous, she sees you looking at her and smiles.
You walk closer to Demi and ask her to move to the side so you can tell her what you needed to in private.

" had let me go... You decided that when you cheated on me. I love you.." She smiles."but I also hate you for ripping my heart into shreds.. After we broke up I thought I wasn't going to find a love like we had ever again...but I did..well I think I did.. I met someone who taught me what it felt like to be loved and to love again..I miss you to and I love you as well but I can't leave Vanessa and do to her what you did to me."
Demi looks at you and without a word walks away.

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