Chapter 21

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"Oh...hi dad."You whisper only loud enough to you to hear.

He had just walked out on you...obviously you werent welcome here. So why were you even here? You were so tempted to just get up and walk out. You look up at Demi and catch her laughing with your sisters Kat and Lauren. It was nice to see Demi with your family and especially nice to see them being nice. But it was odd. you hadn't seen them in a year or have had any contact wait them and they were acting like they had never had a problem with you or Demi.

"So (y/n) how are you little sister?!" Liam says hugging you and squeezing you tightly. 

"I'm fine,  how about you.?"Yoy say trying to squeeze him back. but obviously failing. 

"Just fine? I'm great! Glad to see you, I missed picking on you." He laughs.

"Ha Ha very funny Liam."You tease him and look for Demi.

"You know (y/n) your girlfriend is really hot and youre lucky."He catches you looking at Demi.

You laugh to yourself which is actually just you blowing air through your nose.

"Thanks?"You tell him.

"No seriously, to be honest she's my celebrity crush. So you are one lucky girl. I'm happy for you."He smiles.

It was nice hearing him say this. It caught you completely off gaurd. Liam was your younger brother and was 18 attending UCLA. He was the only one in your family that you actually got along with. He grew up with you and always lookee up to you, that's why he was following in your footsteps and attending film school. The only reason you didn't talk to him was beacause you knewn your mom wouldn't like it, and the laat thing you needed was a problem.

"Thanks Liam, I'm glad you approve." You say as you walk away and towards Demi amd your sisters.

You and your sisters Lauren and Kat didn't have the best relationship.  You three were complete opposites, they were all so girly and you weren't always. Since Lauren and Kat were older your mom always expected you to be like them. But instead of going to school dances and joining the cheerleading squad like they both did, you skipped dances went to concerts with Taylor and joined the music and film clubs.  Not exactly girly. 

"(y/n)! Demi was just telling me about how you work for universal?" Kat tells you as you walk over to them.

You look over at Demi and smile.

"She told you that? I do, I just started this year and am working on a t.v show and we are finishing editing the pilot."You smile.

"That's amazing!  So its like your show?"Lauren asks.

"Duh its her show."Liam interrupts.

"Well...kind of.. it was my script and I'm the yes?"You blush a bit not knowing why.

"So all those years of you working on "movies" payed off!"Kat laughs.

You laugh and say,

"It did." a bit annoyed.

"I remember you and your friend Taylor use to work on those films all the time, it was cute."Lauren says.

You give her a look and doubt she gets the hint. Now wasn't the best time to bring up Taylor, especially after you learned Demi wasn't his biggest fan.

Demi laughs and you can tell she's uncomfortable.

"That's (y/n) for you. My nerd."Demi laughs.

"Ha. Nerd."Rob comes over and joins you bringing over some of your moms special alcoholic lemonade.

He offers you one and you shake your head, he also offers Demi one and she does the same and politely says no thank you.

"WHAT? Don't drink?"Rob says shocked.  You quickly respond before Demi does.

"No, we're both sober"

"Ah. Sobers boring."He jokes...not funny.

"No, not at all, its actually helped both of us a lot."Demi says holding your hand.

Rob stares at your hands, laughs and walks away. Great.

"So you are sober?"Kat asks taking a sip of her drink.

"Yea, almost a year now."You smile.

"Ah. Is there a reason why? "Kat says.

"There is a couple reason. its personal though."You tell them, hoping they don't ask anymore questions.

"Okay then."Kat says and grabs Matty to feed him.

All of a sudden things become really awkward and you look at Demi who you can tell is nervous and feeling awkward as well. You lean her head on her shoulder and whisper "I love you." Only loud enough for her to hear.

"Can you guys not do lesbo things around my kids please."Lauren says seriously.

You look up immediately and grab Demis hand. Did she really just say lesbo?

"Excuse me?"You tell her.

"What the hell Lauren, you can't say shit like that."Liam defends you.

"Look (y/n) we accept you two but don't do it in front of my kids...its.. disturbing. and I dont want to teach my kids that gay is normal."

"Your pathetic."Liam tells Lauren.

You laugh."Really Lauren? This is disgusting?  And not normal?"You grab Demis face and kiss her hard.

They all look at you in shock.

Demi looks at you in shock as well.

"You all are a bunch of idiots, this is why I dont associate with you guys. A bunch of close minded assholes."

You grab Demis hand, give Max a look and walk out furious.

You see Liam get up and follow you as he tells Lauren something. And by the look on her face it wasn't something nice.

How dare lauren say you and Demi were disgusting and not normal No. You didn't come here to be insulted. You thought they had changed..Guess you were wrong. You feel the tears fill your eyes as you reach the door. Why did people always insult your relationship....why did they hate didn't understand...was it wrong?

Hollywood can make or break your love:Demi Fan fiction/ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now