chapter 2

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Your stress level was at an all time high, you had just finished finding out that the network you were working for wanted to push your telovison show up and have it air next week and you and the entire production crew were not ready for that.

"(Y/N) are you finsihed with the paperwork yey?" One of the producers asked you.

"Almost! Give me 10 more minutes. " Yoi say starring at the blank sheets of forms you have to fill out.

"Okay hurry or you'll have to stay in and work late again!" the producers says

What? No! You can't stay in; tonight was your date with Demi. You panic.

You stare down at the stack of orders and forms you have to finish and start rapidly writing away.

"Woah slow down (Y/N) don't want to hurt yourself!"The producer teases.

Your phone rings, you almost ignore it because you are so focused on getting these papers done but as soon as take one look at Demis name on the caller ID you hurry to answer.

"Hey babe!" You hear Demis raspy voice

"Babe!" You can't help but sound happy

"(Y/N), how's your day?" Demis asks

"Its so stressful Dem, I am buried in work." You sigh.

"Awww babe I'm sorry I really should let you go, sorry I just wanted to ask you a question." Demi explains.

" No Dem its fine you know I love hearing your voice! Whats your question" you say still working on the papers you had.

"Well I wanted to know what time I should be ready...and." Demi hesitates.

"And?" You ask hoping she isn't going to cancel.

"After I promised Dallas we would go over and watch her new movie with her and I completely forgot it was today! We can go after the date? I'm sorry I didn't remeber in till now." Demi rambles on.

"Dem we can totally do that!It won't be a problem! Plus I like hanging out with Dallas!" You explain.

"Okay I thought you were going to be upset " Demis says

"Babe I could never be upset with you. Br ready at 5, this is going to be an awesoke date by the way. "  you say.

"I love you so much (Y/N)!." You hear Demi giggle.

"I love you more Demi." You say.

"Nope I do babe, I love you,now go work!" Demi hangs up.

You smile from ear to ear. Why was your girl friend the most amazing person you've ever come across?  And how were you so lucky to have her in your life. You look down at your papers and have never felt so motivated to finish them, tonight was the night. 

Hollywood can make or break your love:Demi Fan fiction/ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now