Chapter 22

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You had reached your car and you and Demi got in the back while Max drove. Your brother Liam had promised to meet you at the beach house and make sure you were okay. A million negative things were buzzing in your head on your way back to the beach house. It didn't make sense.  Why were you always getting hate on being lesbian. Why were you always getting hate on everything you did? You could feel the tears stream down your face as you thought about it more. You turn and see Demi looking out the Window. Why wasn't she comforting you? She was acting as of you even there. Why?

"Dem."You sniffle trying to stop crying.

"Yes babe."Demi turns to face you amd you see tears streaming down her cheek.

It killed you to see Demi cry. You could feel yout heart fall to the bottom pite of your stomach.

"Babe don't cry. I'm sorry."You say going closer to her so you can comfort her.

"(y/n) please. Stop. No. This is all my fault. I'm sorry. I...I love you but it hurts you and im sorry." Demi cries.

"Demi please. Thats not true." You grab her hand. 

"Stop lying (y/n) you know people always give you shit because we are dating."She tells you.

"Dem...youre my future wife. I don't care what people think. You make me happy." You tell her.

"But your family hates you and its all because of me (y/n)."

How could Demi think think that? It hurt and killed you to hear her say those words. It wasn't her fault.

"Demi please....I love you"You sobbed.

"I'm just...I love you so much (y/n)" Demi cried into your shoulder. Why did loving her hurt sometimes?

The rest ot the car ride was quiet. And every so often Demi would squeeze your hand, something to let you know she was there. You both were deep in thought.

"We're here."Max interrupted your thoughts.

You opened the car door and saw Liam and seeing him triggered something in you and you could feel the tears rolling down your face. Shit why were you so emotionally unstable, this wasn't okay.

I need to get my shit together you mumble to yourself.

"Hey (y/n) don't cry." Liam walks up to you and embraces you in a hug. He was so much talller than you and it felt a bit awkard. You look up at him and he smiles and teases you by calling you a cry baby. You could tell he had no idea what to do.

"I'm so sorry Liam i got your shirt full of tears." You smile.

"Its fine, I don't like this shirt anyways."He laughs.

You both walk into the beach house and follow Max and Demi.

"I'm going to go take a bath babe."Demi excuses herself and heads upstairs. 

"Ill be in my room if you need anything (y/n) just call me up."Max says walking to the guest room.

"Wow this place is amazing!"Liam says starring out the huge Windows. 

"Thanks, I love coming here. Its very relaxing." You tell him getting two waters from the fridge.

"Its amazing, so is this your house or Demis?" He asks hesitating a bit.

"Its both of ours we got it last summer. But I use it the most and love to come here and think, especially when I need to do work. " You tell him.

"I see, that's great. I'm happy for you two, she seems like a great girl ."He says.

"She is..can I tell you something?" You ask.

"Sure sis, go for it." He smiles.

"We're engaged..actually just happened a few days ago." You smile.

"Wait...Oh My God. MY SISTERS ENGAGED TO DEMI LOVATO?" Liam says excitedly pretending to faint. 

You laugh because he was being funny.

"That's great! I'm beyond happy for you."

"At least someone I know is happy."You say.

"What do you mean? Are people not happy?"He says concerned.

"Some are, but no one's allowed to know about our relationship because of Demis image and photos of us making out leaked and now all we are getting is shit and it sucks loving someone so much."You break down again.

Hollywood can make or break your love:Demi Fan fiction/ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now