Chapter 45

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"Here have some of this, you've had a rough night."  It was Liam, he hands me a coffee.
"Thanks." I open my swollen eyes trying to adjust them to the bright fluorescent lighting in the hospital. 
"Are the evil step siblings here yet?" I ask.
"They should be here in a couple hours, their flight got delayed." Liam tells me."You okay?"
I take a sip from the coffee.
"I'm okay, just a lot to take in right now." I feel a knot in my throat and begin to clear my my throat.
"It's a lot. I was thinking, remember when Dad would take us camping every year for Labor Day weekend and we'd love it because it was just the three of us? No evil step siblings?" He laughs.
"And we would live off of nothing but smores and beef jerky?" I smile.
"He was a good guy sometimes." Liam looks down. I see a tear roll down his face.
"He told me he loved me and didn't care if I was gay, he said he was sorry." He lets out a sob.
I didn't know what to do, my first instinct was to grab him and hug him, but my body wasn't responding and instead it begins to cry.

"Nervous?" Wilmer asks as we head into his drive way.
"Yes...very." I gulp.
"We got this mi amor. They're going to be just as excited as we are." He grabs my hand.

If that was he case then they wouldn't be excited..because all I could think about was running away and going back in time.

We head to the door and are greater by my step dad. Wilmer had asked his assistant to plan a barbecue and had invited both of our families and our close friends. I tried my best to put on my happy face and attitude with everyone but the last thing I wanted to do was tell everyone about the little human inside me.

"I bet you all are wondering why I asked you all to come here today." Wilmer stands on a chair and taps a glass with a fork to get everyone's attention.
Everyone laughs and I hear Wilmers nephew yell out "hurry up and tell us."
"Okay okay."Wilmer laughs. "Thank you all for coming we have something we can't to share with you." I see Jessica and Wilmers assistant roll out a projector and turn it on.
A video begins to play and a slideshow of photos of Wilmer and I begin to play. I hadn't seen this before.
As the video ends a slide of the ultra sound we just took appears with the words "Baby Valderrama coming soon." I hear my mom gasp as she runs over to hug me. Our friends and family begin to cheer and clap. Everyone's so happy for us...I stand there and smile. Everyone's happy about this but me.


"Baby?! Are you okay?" Vanessa asks frantically over the other end of the phone.
"Yes I'm doing okay."I sigh. The evil siblings had arrived and it was awkward.
"Can I call you back later honey?" I ask.
"Yes yes please keep me updated baby."
"I will Vanessa. I love you." I hang up.
Liam walks over to me.
"How's Vanessa?" He asks
"She's okay, worried." I say "Are they letting anyone see him?"
"No not right now, they're running some test."
"Oh okay. I'm going to go grab some much needed coffee..again and catch up on some work emails, I'll be back in 20 mins tops , call me if anything." I say grabbing my purse and head across the street to a coffee bean.
I scroll through my emails and try to reply to as many as I can while in line. I wasn't paying attention and bump into the person in front of my on accident.
"Oh my gosh I'm so sor..." I look up. "Marisa?"
"(Y/n)?!" Marissa is just as shocked to see me as I am to see her.
"How are you?" She asks.
"I'm are you?" I say nervously. I had no idea what to say I hadn't seen her in so long.
"I'm visit?" She points at my hospital visitor sticker still on my shirt.
"Oh yah.."I smile.
"Everything okay?"
"My dads in the hospital, it's been a long night." I struggle to say without wanting to cry a little.
"Is he okay?" She asks.
I don't say anything.
"Oh gosh I'm sorry." She looks down.
"'s demi?" I ask.
"Oh demi..she's umm..good." She smiles.
We get our drinks and I head my way and she heads her way.

I was exhausted and tired, for some reason I didn't have much energy and had a headache all the time.
I feel my phone vibrate.

Really?where?how is she?
I was getting coffee and so was she, she looked really bad.
She was coming from the hospital, her dads there. I don't know how he's doing but she looked bad

(Y/N) POV:
I walked back into the hospital and over to the ICU where my dad was.
I walk towards Liam and my mom who are seated in the waiting area.
I sit next to them without saying a word.
Everyone was quiet and deep in thought.
My phone vibrates a couple times and I look to see who it is.
It's DEMI.

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