The Note

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Dear Patrick Lovato,

Hey its me, (Y/N), I don't know if you remeber me or not from when we met or if Demi mentioned me when you talk so I will introduce myself. My name is (Y/N) and I'm 21 years old and am Demis Girlfriend. I've known her for 3 years but weve been "official" for about a year and a half now. In those three years I have gotten the privilege to get to know how amazing your daughter Demi is. She is one of the strongest people I know and if it wasn't for her I wouldn't have had the strength to pull out of my depression, I wouldnt have had the courage to stand up from my darkness, Without Demi I would be lost. I came to ask you a question, well for something. Your Daughter Demis hand in marriage. 

I know you two didn't have the best relationship but I know how much she loves you. Shes kept me up late at night crying and talking about you and how she regrets things and how after all you two have been through she still loves you and would give anything to make your relationship stronger. She even started a program in your memory, The lovato treatment scholarship. Its an amazing program that helps 1 person at a time get the treatment they need to help them.

I know you will always and forever be Demis Nightingale that is why I would like to know if you'll allow me the privilege to make Demi the happiest I possibly can by marrying her?



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