Chapter 7

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As you and Demi drive back to the house it is silent, neither of you have said one word to eachother.You had so much going on in your head that you just didn't feel like talking because you could crack at any minute. You couldn't stop thinking about what Demis mom had said and that made you think about your mom and youe past.  you felt like doing was crying but you didn't know why. You hoped demi knew something was wrong but at the same time didn't because you didn't want to tell her what was going on in your head.She knew something was wrong because the entire time you were at Dallas's house she kept asking you if you were okay because. As you approached your house Demi finally breaks the silence,

"(Y/N) are you okay?" She grabs your hand. "You haven't said anything at all and you were acting funny with my family."

"I'm okay my head just hurts. Bad. I think I'm getting sick." You told her trying to come up with an excuse.

"Aww well (Y/N) you could have told me I could have drove back home."She says.

"Its fine." You smile as you park the car.

You two walk in to the house and you tell Demi you are going to shower because maybe that will help your head. As you begin to go into the steaming shower you realize you still have your engagement ring on. "don't want to get that wet." you tell yourself. As you take it off you admire it and realize inside is the date you and Demi first met. 9.17.11. and beside it the words, forever and always. That's when you lose it, you can't hold it in anymore a million memories flood your mind. All bad memories.  You didn't deserve this. You didn't deserve Demi, or your life style you weren't good enough you think to yourself.  You jump in the shower and cry intill you can't cry anymore. The stress of work, your past and life have all gotten to you. You hadn't broken down in months and it felt horrible. You try your best to make sure that it doesnt look like you are crying by the time you get out of the bathroom but your eyes are red and your nose is runny.

"Are you okay (Y/N) your eyes are really red.""Demi looks at you while she's dressed in sexy pajamas.

"I'm fine Dem, just a little sick that's all." You fake a smile.

"Babe..." Demi came over and warpped her arms around your waist . "I love you."

"I love you to Demi.I love you so much." You tell her.

"I love you so so SO much." Demi teases you.

A giggle and smile escape you and Demi smiles and laughs to.

You look over at Demi and see her very sexy attire.

"Hmmm what are you looking at?"Demi winks bitting her lips.

"Oh..You know what I'm looking at."You tell Demi leaning in for a kiss.

"Mmm babe...I wanna." Demi says in between kissing.

"Already one step ahead of you." You say picking her up as he wrapped her legs around you and you carry her to your bed.

Hollywood can make or break your love:Demi Fan fiction/ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now