Chapter 23

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"Its going to be okay, you and Demi shouldn't care what people think, its your relationship (y/n)." Liam says as he trys to comfort you.

"Thanks."You say in a monotone.  You were done talking about this. It qas giving you a headache.

"Can we just stop talking about this please?" you tell him.

You feel your phone vibrate. Ugh. Great who could that be, you sigh and check.
Still coming tomorrow? :)

you had forgotten he'd invited you to the bands gig.

"Whos that?" Liam asks.

"Taylor,  the bands having a show tomorrow.. wanna come?"You ask.

He thinks for a while,

"Yea that'd be awesome,  is Demi going?"He asks you.

"Probably not. She has the X Factor and I doubt she'd want to go." You say looking at your phone.
Please come :3
Yes me and Liam are going:D can't wait xoxoxoxox :)

"Is that Taylor?"Liam asks.


"You were smiling at your do know that right?" He says frowning.

What the hell... you were not smiling...and even if you were it was just Taylor....ONLY TAYLOR. Plus he was your ex and you had a fiancee. 

"Stop playing."You say grabbing a pillow and throwing it at him.

"Hey, I was just being truthful!"He laughs and throws a pillow back at you.

"Hey babe, hey Liam."Demi says while she sits next to you.

"Finally, took long enough, I misses you."You tease.

"Sowwy. and shut up,  you didn't miss me." Demi says leaning her head on your shoulder. 

You give her a peck on the cheek.

"Demi are you coming with us tomorrow? "Liam asks Demi.

Why would he ask? IDIOT.

"To (y/n) old bands concert? No sadly I have X Factor mentoring." She frowns.

"Awe."Liam replies.

"Liam is coming with me babe."You tell demi. 

"Aww brother sister bonding."Demi replies.

"I've missed (y/n) she's kind of the best sister I have, she's not stuck up and a complete bitch." He laughs.

"Liam that was the sweetest thing you're ever said." You fake cry and laugh.

"She is pretty aweome."Demi winks at you.

"You guys are too cute."Liam jokes.

"I haven't eaten all day babe, want me to go get something or do you want to go out?"You ask.

"What do you want to do Liam."Demi smiles at him.

"Well.." He says starring at his phone.

"I was thinking of going out to eat,  plus my boyfriend is bugging me, he wants yo meet my awesome sister."Liam laughs...

wait Liam was gay?

Your eyes widen and blurt out,

"You're gay?"

Liam smiles and nervously laughs,

"Yea...I am."

"OH MY GOD LIAM I ALWAYS KNEW IT."You run up and hug him.

"Okay okay now lets go out to eat, and please don't freak out when you meet him or make me sound like an idiot." He laughs.

Hollywood can make or break your love:Demi Fan fiction/ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now