Chapter 8

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The next morning I woke up with Demis naked body cuddling me. Last night was amazing and had taken my mind off of all the negative things I had been thinking about. But sadly the same negative thoughts were still buzzing in your head when I woke up.

"Morning Babe." Demi turned over and smiled still sleepy.

"Morning beautiful." You smile back.

"Was I dreaming or did we get engaged last night?" Demi asked.

"No babe it wasn't, I am going to marry you, i know im luckiest girl alive."You kiss her.

"What time is it?"Demi asks.

"Its 6." You check your phone.

"Shit, I'm late!"Demi laughs still in bed.

"Its early what do you mean you're late?!" You ask

"I have to be ready for make up at 6:30." Demi tells you.

"Better never then late "You say and wink getting up from bed. You had forgotten you were completely nude so as you got up you could hear Demi chuckle. Suddenly self conscious you grab a blanket and wrap it around you.

"awww no babe."Demi laughs

You turn on the shower and wait till its hot then walk in. Your head was starting to hurt because you were thinking about all the things that were ahead of you. You now had to worry about telling not only your family about the engagment but the entire world. You could already see the tabloids and blogs commenting about you and Demi. Both bad and good opinions. Your family would have to deal with it to. You had to tell them soon. You had no choice.  It was either you tell them or the media does. 

"Babe can I join?"Demi walks into the shower with you.

You nod but don't say a word, still thinking.

"Demi, We need to talk."You blurt out.

"About what babe?"Demi says.

"Us."You say.

"Wait what?"Demi turns around.

You had completely disregarded the fact you two were both naked in a hot steamy shower and as soon as she faced you, you couldn't help but instantly be turned on. Shit. you thought to yourself, how am I suppose to think.

"Its not bad, its just....I..."You hesitate

"You what?"Demi says.

"I over heard you and your family talking about coming out about us....and that's great and I want to babe I want to tell everyone..but.." You can't finish the last sentence.

"But what (y/n) What?"She sounds upset

"but...I'm scared to tell people and get hate from people...and I'm scared to tell my family because they don't approve of us and this sucks."You sigh

"Babe..."Demi grabs your hand."We are in this together,  I don't care about hate because I'm happy and thats all that matters,  I don't give a fuck what people think about my relationship with you because you make me happy.And I will be there to support you when you tell your parents just like i will always support you."Demi says.

"I love you Demi, I can't wait to tell people actually,  so then I can do this in public." You grab her by the waist and kiss her passionately. 

"I love you babe, but I have to be in West Hollywood right now or the x factor. "Demi breaks from your kiss. "Plus we have a meeting with my publicist to figure exactly how we are telling people."she smiles.

"today?"you ask.

"Yes we do at 2:30, so you need to be there."she tells you.

"Okay ill go after I go check up on things in the studio." You tell her

After showering and getting ready for the day you and Demi out to each others cars. You open the door for Demi and before giving her a quick kiss goodbye you make sure there is no one around to see.

"Babe, I can't wait till you can just kiss me and not have to look for people."Demi tells you before you kiss her.

"I know babe I can't either."You take one quick look around and kiss her again.

"I love you (Y/N), remeber 2:30!"Demi says before heading off.

"I love you to babe, got it!"You wave goodbye.

You head over to your car and spot a familiar car, a black jeep. There was only one person who you could think of that had thay car with the dent on the side, your ex boyfriend Taylor.

Hollywood can make or break your love:Demi Fan fiction/ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now