Chapter 10

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Taylor and you finished eating and the entire time while you guys were eating you talked about all the stupid things you guys did together and all though it made you laugh it also made you think about how much you've changed.  You were no longer that teenage girl who was afraid of the world and would SH, drink and occasionally do drugs. Now you were much smarter and stronger. 

"Woah its almost 1 we've been here for a long time, want me to take you home?"Taylot asked.

"I don't have to be home anytime soon, I was suppose to work but they didn't need me today."You smile.

"Well want to go do something?I missed hanging out with you!"Taylor said.

Just then out of the corner of your eye you saw a teenage girl about 15 or 16 approaching you. You could tell she was excited and nervous.

"Oh My God are you (Y/N)?" The girl asks.

"I am." You smile.

"I LOVE DEMI!"She blurts out.

You laugh because that's what all of the teenage girls that always saw you said.

"I love your friendship, and you are amazing and I can't wait to see your new show with demi!" She yells. "can we please take a picture?" She asks.

"Thank you for your kind words, and yes of course we can." You say standing up to pose. You take the picture and the girl tells you"Please Tell Demi Maria loves her, and by the way your boyfriend is super hot."She says looking at Taylor like he's some sort of model.

"Thanks sweetie and I will tell her Maria loves her, and this is just my friend Taylor."You tell Maria.

"Oh..yea...right.." The girl Maria walks away turns around and takes a picture of you and Taylor.

"Wow..isn't that annoying?"Taylor asks.

"80% Of the time it isn't, Lovatics are some of the most amazing people, the other 20% is the crazy ones who have no respect.."You laugh. 

"I think it would be annoying."Taylor insists. 

"Whatever, Its cute." You laugh and headout with Taylor.

"Ahhhh lets go to...hmmmm."Taylor says as you drive around trying to find something to do.

"I have no idea where we should go, but in the mean time let me use my phone." You pull your iphone out and see you have a few texts from Demi;
okay I took my phone off cap lock :')
Don't forget today at 2:30 babe!

wait... it was 1:45 you had 45 to get to the meeting. shit....

"Taylor, I kind of have a meeting at 2:30 but its in Hollywood and that's at least an hour away." You tell him

"Wait? want me to take you? I can."He says getting on the freeway to Hollywood. 

"Please, its super important and I can't miss it.You'd really be my life saver."You say.

"Ill get you there on time."He says.

Taylor was right, he did get you there in time, you arrived at 2:25 giving yoy exactly 5 min to walk up to the office. 

"Thank you so much Taylor!" you say.

"Yea anytime (Y/N)..  here," he says handing you his phone,"Put your number in, I have a gig next week and I was wondering if you'd come, if not we should hang out more."

You put in your number and say goodbye and practically run up to the office.

"Hey babe!" You say as you see Demi waiting in the hallway.

"Babe!"She walks up to you and kisses you.

"I've missed you, how was your day?" You ask

"Long, stressful, I texted you but you didn't answer."Demi pouts

"I'm sorry babe I was busy I just saw then like a couple minutes ago." You explain.

"It's okay fine, I'm just teasing, lets go in." Demi grabs your hand and leads you in the office.

You walk in and see Demis publicist Amy frantically typing away at the key board and talking on the phone.

"No we can't do those days, she has other plans, hu...nope.sorry."You hear her argue.

"Lets sit babe."Demi whispers.

You sit and wait for Amy to hang up.

"Girls." Amy says to both Demi and You.

Let's get to business.

Amy had explained to you what you needed to do and how you're going to do it. It was much more complicated than I thought it would be. You didn't realize what a big deal this really was untill Amy explained what would happen and how people might react. She had given you crazy scenarios that scared you about Demi losing fans and paps swarming you two. But it was all worth it. The first step was pretty simple;  give lovatics a suddle hint Demi was dating someone.

Amy logged on to Demis Twitter and typed in: @ddlovato: I am so greatful for my family, friends, lovatics and the most amazing person I know. ♡.

"Done!"Demi said as she hit tweet.

You looked at Demi and saw her smiling at her phone while she read her mentions. "My lovatics are going crazy, they all want to know who that amazing person is."Demi laughs.

"We will keep it at that and in two weeks we will have you two come out at the x factor finale red carpet."Amy explained.  "If paps ask you who ignore them, we need to keep this on the DL right now."

Well this sucks, you thought.  You now had 2 weeks to tell your mom and dad and why did you have to keep this on the DL? you asked yourself.

"(Y/N)? Why are people onlinr saying you have a hot boyfriend?" Amy asks.

You feel your heart jump out of your chest.

You look ovet amd see Demis eyes widen.

"Wait what are you talking about?"You ask.

Amy turns the computer screen and shows Demi amd you the picture the fan had taken with the tweet: (y/n) has a hot boyfriend they wete flirting and laughing the entire time♡

What? No that was wrong.

Demi turns around to you, "That's Taylor...your ex... and that's today?"Demi glares at you. 

Hollywood can make or break your love:Demi Fan fiction/ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now