Chapter 16

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"Im hungry!" Demi tells you.

"Me to, its 10 at night and we haven't eaten anything all day just junk!" You say looking at the bags of chips and chocolate. You and Demi had done nothing but sit upstairs in the entertainment room and watch movies with occasional make out sessions.

"I need REAL food ive eaten so much junk today."Demi says in a goofy voice. 

"What are you in the mood for?"You ask.

"Well....I really want a burger...omg yes that sounds amazing."Demi says.

"A burger sounds great right now!"You smile. "In-n-out?"You ask Demi.

"YES!Please!"Demi tells you and leans to kiss you on the cheek and hug you.

"I'll go right now, let me just change out of this."You say looking down at your tank top and nike pro shorts.

"Hurry or ill die of hunger."Demi jokes.

"Wouldn't want that to happen! "You say while putting on your jeans and a sweatshirt.

"I'll be right back! In the meantime keep max some company downstairs, and ask him of he wants something and text me!"You tell Demi while heading out the door. Max had gotten here a couple hours ago and had been sitting downstairs enjoying the massive t.v and surround sound all afternoon. You were glad he was enjoying himself, poor guy worked taking care of Demi almost 24/7.

"I will babe!"Demi calls out.

You slip on your hoodie as you get to your car just to make sure no one noticed you because Dianna had said there were paparazzi waiting outside the car.

As you are heading out the driveway you see a suspicious black van.

"Ugh stupid paps." You say outloud.

You see the van getting close and thank god the windows on your jeep are tinted.

But the van keeps following and tailgating you.fuck.These idiots really didn't know when to stop. You tried your best to lose them on the freeway and thought you did because there were no black vans anywhere in site when you pulled into in n out. Thank God. You step out of the car and slip on your beanie along with your hood just to make sure the paps or anyone else doesnt recognized you. You go an order and luckily no one recognizes you and you wait what seems like forever untill your order is ready and head out to your car.

All of a sudden you see a bunch of flashing lights coming from outside. 

"So (y/n) how long have you been dating Demi?"

"When did Demi turn lesbian?"

"Why did you hide it?"

"Stop denying it, are you and Demi dating?"

These are all questions you hear but can't see because of the bright flashing lights all coming from the paparazzi crowding your car.

"Fuck off."You say just low enough for you to hear.

"(y/n) why don't you want to talk about this?"You here one say.

"We don't hate you (y/n) we just want to know if Demi and you are dating?"Another says.

You finally are able to open the door and place the bags of in n out down on the passangers seat.

"Demi should be ashamed to be lesbian, she is a bad role model!"You hear someone say.

Your head quickly snaps back to see who it is.How dare anyone say Demi shoulf be ashamed, You feel your body temperature go up and have never felt so infuriated in your entire life. You see the man who said it and are so tempted to punch him and beat the nonsense out of him. You try and take a deep breath to stop yourself but before you realize you start telling him all the thoughts going off in your head.

"Who the fuck do you think you are to talk about Demi like that and tell her how she should feel? You fucking low life piece of shit, following people around for a shitty living. Demi can be whoever she wants to be and who she's dating is none of your fucking buisness.She's a role model and always will be and if people like you don't agree then they can go fuck themselves." You scream and with that hit the gas and speed out of there.

Hollywood can make or break your love:Demi Fan fiction/ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now