Chapter 47

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Trigger warning.
Please be advised that there is the topic of drugs and drug use in this chapter. I was hesitant to write this chapter because of the current events that have been going on but realized that although it may make some people uncomfortable it is something I feel I need to continue on writing. Since I started writing one of the topics I have felt strongly about is addiction and how people have a stigma towards it and the people that suffer from it. I want people to realize that addiction isnt a choice and is in fact an actual mental disorder.                                                    SAMHSA's National Helpline, 1-800-662-HELP (4357)

I hold the familiar bag of pills in my hand..there are 3 pills in the bag..these things use to control my life..oxy..or what other people like to call it the "magic pill". The name was indeed a magic pill. It could make your shittiest days feel like some of your best. It could make you invincible..that's what I needed..I needed to feel invincible.
I needed all this pain and darkness to go away.I couldn't take it anymore.the constant fight going on in my head had finally crushed me..I look at the pills again, and open the little bag to take one out.. I pull out my small blade and cut the pill in half "Come on just do it" I could hear a faint voice in my head." You could control it this time."The voice echos in my head. "Just once wont kill you."The voice is now multiple voices in my head "You need to be there for Liam". The voice laughs "for your family"Another chimes in taunting me"just one time wont hurt" The voices continue to grow louder. I put down the pill and hold my head. The room was now spinning. "STOP" I yell trying to make the voices stop. A weight begins to press down on my chest. A knot begins to build in my throat and I feel as if I am going to choke. I look down at the pill on the table. "TAKE IT!" a voice yells at me in my head. I grab my phone from the couch. I look down at my hands, they are shaking. This feeling wasn't new. I knew what would help this go away..Demi... She was the reason I had stayed strong these past three years. She would sit and hold me and talk with me till those dark feelings went away, we would help each other out. I unlock my phone and Dial. I press the phone to my ear.                                                                                     "Come on Demi...please answer."I beg as the phone rings. "Dem please." My hands shake.               "I'm sorry the person you are trying to reach has a voicemai.." I throw the phone on floor.     "FUCK, DEMI PICK UP."  I feel hot tears rolling down my cheek. "Im sorry." I whisper to myself.
I'm doing this to help myself and my family.

The pain of my nose tingling as I inhaled the drugs was somewhat intriguing and comforting. That feeling was followed by a rush of warmth and pain I could feel the powder going up my nasal cavity and down the back of my throat. My head felt a sudden jolt of heat and euphoria. For a second my head felt as if it was on fire, but I liked it.
I close my eyes and slowly start to feel the high I once told myself I couldn't live without. I could feel a tingle from the tips of my toes to my head.
My phone rings, i frantically grab it hoping its Demi, I look down in disappointment its liam.
"Y/N you need to come down here."his voice sounds weak.
"I'll be right there."I say grabbing my towel to jump into the shower very quickly.                       
   "Just give me enough time to shower and ill drive there." I say. I turn on the water and begin to get it. "Ill see you there."I hang up and toss my phone on the pile of clothes on my floor.

I could feel the high, and I felt unstoppable.  The water dripping down on my body felt like a million tiny orgasms happening to my skin.
I quickly get out of the shower and get dressed to head over to the hospital.

"Hey what's up?" I walk over to my family. They all look like theyve been crying for hours...their eyes are red and the bags under their eyes are so swollen they can barely keep their eyes open. I feel sadness but my body feels amazing and right now that's what my body and mind are focusing on..
"Liam what's wrong?" I ask.
Liam looks at me..his voice begins to quiver.. I already knew the next words he was about to say and hug him.
"Hes.." he pauses and let's out a couple sobs.
"Hes what?" I ask, a piece of me hoping hes says hes going to be fine.
"He passed away." Liam says then begins crying.
I feel warm tears going down my face..but dont feel pain...the sadness has gone away but my body is crying..
I look over at my mom who's sitting in silence. I couldnt begin to imagine what she was going through and the pain she was feeling. They were married for over 40 years..he was her high school sweetheart.he was her rock.he was her everything.
I walk over to her..
"I'm sorry mom." I hug her and I feel more tears rolling down my face.
She holds on to me.
"He was a good man...just stubborn."she says.
I look at her and nod. "I know mom." I hug her tight.
My phone rings..
I pull it out of my pocket hoping its Demi.
Its vanessa.
"You should get that." She let's go of me and wipes away some tears and fights hard to compose herself.

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