chapter 4

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"Almost ready babe?" you yell from the room while you slip the tiny jewelry box in your purse.

"Almost babe! Give me 2 minutes and I will be done!"Demi yells from the bathroom.

You look at the clock and check your phone to make sure kate had texted you the details and she had, what she had planned seemed perfect and you knew Demi would love it. "I can't thank you enough Kate, seriously I owe you big time. " you text back and look up.

In a stunning short red dress and black heels Demi stands in front of you almost glowing.

"Wow." You can't help but blurt out.

"Wow?" Demi smurks.

"You are the most beautiful girl to ever exist Demi." You say still mesmerized by her beauty. 

"Babe thank you," She grabs your hand and leads you to the mirror "But you see that gorgeous girl next to me in the mirror? She is the most beautiful girl in the world and I love her with all my heart." Demi kisses you.

Your head is still processing what she said because it was just so perfect and amazing like Demi.

"I love you so much Dem." You say

"I love you more (Y/N)!" Demi giggles.

You check the time and see you are running late.

"Shit, Dem we are running late, we have to go babe!"  You say grabbing your purse and keys.

"(Y/N) okay don't want to miss our date!" Demi winks.

"No paparazzi today!"Demi smiles as you know to drive to your date.

"Ugh thank god babe, they can be so annoying." you sigh

"Yes babe they are, assholes." Demi grabs your free hand that isnt on the steering wheel.

"(Y/N) where are we going?" Demi asks.

"Well...."You hesitate"I have to stop by work really fast to check something. " You lie.

"Really babe?" Demi seems annoyed.

"I'm sorry its last minute and you know we are on a time limit." You look and can tell Demi is annoyed.

"You always do this, work is always in the way."Demi says starring out the window.

"I don't have to go." You lie, because you know you HAVE to go.

"Its fine, whatever."Demi says.

You sit in silence intill you reach the Universal backlots.

"Babe come with me I promise we will be quick, I hate going into these places by myself." You smile.

"Ill wait."Demi is still annoyed.

"Please babe."You look at Demi

"(Y/N) I said no, now please go hurry." Demi says irritated.

Damn it, your plan was not going as planned and now Demi was mad at you.. again.

"Babe, please." You say practically begging.

Demi looks at you and you make a pouting face.

"Fine."Demi gets up."Only because I love you and don't want to fight."

"Thank you Dem."You say grabbing her hand.

You unlock the side door of the sound stage and as soon as you walk in all you can see is a hundreds of glowing Christmas lights hanging from the cealing, as you and Demi walk further you see the most beutiful set up filled with blankets, pillows, candles all surrounded by at least 12 dozen roses. In the background you could hear some of "Yours and Demis songs." It looked perfect. Kate had remembered everything you've said Demi Liked. 

"Babe."Demi says with tears in her eyes"Is this for me?"

"It is babe." you say.

She wraps her arms around you and leans in towards your neck and whispers, "I love you."

"Demi I love you." You walk towards the enchanting set up.

"Wow, This is amazing!"Demi says sitting on one of the pillows on the floor.

"It really is, I had some friends help me and I am truly stunned."You say sittimg down besides Demi.

"I don't know what to say (Y/N) wow..this is just...amazing." Demi looks around.

Just then 2 servers walk in with 2 plates of Demis favorite food and drinks.

Demi giggles. "This is perfect."

"Like you." You tell her.

"Babe, thank you."Demi looks at you and takes a bite of her food.

"You don't have to thank me, it should be the other way around."You tell her.

"No (Y/N) You have done so much for me and treat me like a princess, and I know recently things haven't been so great but that is something we can work on because I honestly don't want to lose you. You are the one thing in life that makes my days brighter, that makes me so happy. You make me laugh and smile and I've never met anyonr like you. You are perfect in every single way (Y/N). You may not always see that but you are." Demi says.

This is it, its time...What Demi had just said was amazing and in that moment you knew you didn't want anyone else. It was the perfect timimg. You grab the ring from yout pocket. You get up and kneel on one knee. Your heart felt as if it was going to pop out of your chest. You pull open the box"Demetria Devonne Lovato, Since the day I first met you I knew you were special. Over the past 3 years I have seen you grow into an amazing person who inspires me everyday.You have been through hell and back yet manage to rise up from all the hardships you've encountered and stay strong.You taught me to believe in myself and stay strong. You have seen me in my darkest times and were there for me when no one else was. Everyday is so much brighter ever since I've met you, you make life amazing and I want to spend the rest of my life by yourside making you the happiest woman in thr entire world. Will you marry me Demi?"

Hollywood can make or break your love:Demi Fan fiction/ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now