The Reason I Never Liked Romance

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Hey guys!

So, apparently, I haven't updated this book in more than a year and...

So, apparently, I haven't updated this book in more than a year and

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⬆️ (Yikes)

Sorry about that. But, seriously, is it just me or is time going really, really fast?

Anyway, I've been holding on to this chapter for a while, and I thought it was about time I finally released it. A decent chunk of this chapter was actually written a while back, and I came back to finish it, so my memory of what I was thinking at the time I started is a bit fuzzy. Hopefully, I'll still be able to make the points I wanted to make without confusing myself lol.

Before we start, let me give you a bit of context. Ever since I wrote the slutshaming chapters, I've had time to reflect on how I myself have contributed to the issue and what exactly I was thinking when I also used slutshaming in my old, old teen fic to make the main character look better than everyone else.

Now, I started reading some trashy billionaire romances on Wattpad just for entertainment that didn't require a lot of brainpower, and I've realised slutshaming was only one thing that I have come to despise in these romance books. (But also, comment sections are freaking amazing for some good entertainment. I swear, I've never laughed so hard in my life by the reactions of some of these readers. XD)

Anyway, I'm not sure if it's because I'm getting old or what, but some of the things I used to find low-key "hot" when I was in middle school are absolutely horrifying to me now. And I think it's interesting because I'm not the only one going through this. I recently read this awful billionaire romance book and the comment section was split into two—those with common sense criticising how WRONG the situation is versus the (most likely) younger readers who think a man taking away the agency of a woman is so HAWT and SEXY.

But, as sensible as some of these commenters are, I found myself frustrated that no one seemed to realise some of the deeper problems these books tend to have. As in, they more so are on board with hating on a character MC hates and doesn't question why the character is written to be hated in the first place. Like, am I the only one who gets annoyed that the "evil" lady trying to seduce the billionaire is written to be evil, thus justifying the hate the MC and the comment section have for her?

Because, I see the comment section rightly get annoyed that there's so much girl hate, but no one ever mentions that actually writing in stereotypical mean girl characters is the real issue that allows the girl hate to even exist in the story. Am I making any sense here?

 Am I making any sense here?

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