Boosting Books with a Bunch of Bots and Burners

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Guys, I am absolutely gobsmacked.

So, I was contemplating on whether or not I should write this chapter since it's not technically something I'm raging at and it's just one person I'm talking about, but bruh. I...I have no words.

⬆(The woman was too stunned to speak)

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(The woman was too stunned to speak)

Made that joke before you did heh. (Honestly idk why that meme is so hilarious XD)

Okay, anyway. Let me explain to you guys exactly what I found. You might as well consider this an added on bullet point for the Things People Do that Kind of Annoy Me chapter because, well, this kind of annoys me.

🔵 The Context

Now, I'm not going to go into too much detail because I sort of feel bad for this person and don't want to send them any bad publicity, but holy shiznits is this desperate. Let me start from the beginning.

Basically, I somehow came across this person sharing their fanfic all over a forum website I occasionally visit. They were so obnoxiously asking people to read their book that I had to see how they were doing on Wattpad. I won't say what fandom it is, but it's a pretty popular one, and this person was claiming that their book was a "MUST READ, SUPER ENGAGING", and was parading it to be basically an extension of the original.

 I won't say what fandom it is, but it's a pretty popular one, and this person was claiming that their book was a "MUST READ, SUPER ENGAGING", and was parading it to be basically an extension of the original

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(Okay, that's a big claim there, buddy)

I'm not even in the fandom, but I was curious about the book this person, let's call them Obnoxious Desperate Kid or ODK for short, wrote and I was super surprised to find that it actually had a decent amount of votes when ratioed with the number of chapters. ODK also joined Wattpad fairly recently in 2022 but had already gotten more than 20 followers.

Granted, 20 followers isn't much and it's possible it was because ODK followed a bunch of people that followed back. But no. Let me tell you. Out of all ODK's followers, almost HALF were bot accounts (I'll get to how I know in a bit).

Firstly, let me list out some of the first red flags on ODK:

🚩 ODK broke a bunch of forum rules and continuously had their posts and comments deleted by mods.

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