Double B Clichés Pt. 6 (Finale)

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This is the last chapter of the Double B Clichés, and I will be talking about ways you can improve the clichés that already exist.

Now, I know I already did a little bit of this in the previous chapter, but I'm just gonna roll with this.

So, basically, I'm gonna list a few methods that can make stories a lot better with a few improvements.

I'm calling these improvements, but these are just my opinions in what makes clichés better.

🔘 Spin the cliché. I have already talked about this in the previous chapter, so I'm not going to go further with it.

🔘 If you insist on writing a cliché story, put some effort. Now, I know this should be self-explanatory, but there are so many stories that are just copy-paste of one another. You can't just rip off a story and say it's similar just because it's a cliché. The least you can do is at least come up with your own original characters.

Sure, use whatever clichés there are, but make your own freaking characters and plot! I know some plots are the cliché, and I guess you can't really do anything about it, but given the fact that you are trying to write your own story, can't you take some time and effort to flesh out your characters?

I think that aside from the story itself, the characters are the most important elements of a story. Even in a boring cliché plot, believable characters with personalities make the book shine. Take a look at the good-quality popular stories in Wattpad. If there's one thing they all have in common, it's memorable and amazing characters.

🔘 Ditch clichés. I know I said these points are my opinions on what makes clichés better, but I gotta say it. If you want your story to be better, you might as well ditch clichés. There are only so many times you can get away with using clichés in your stories. If you can, just try to come up with something original, or at the very least, uncommon.

I think I'm gonna stop there. I may have missed a couple of points, but I'm too lazy to think of more at the moment. You know my opinions now, so it's up to you what you do with them. I'm not saying I'm right with all the things I said because they're just opinions. They aren't meant to be taken seriously or offensively.

Anyway, I'm tired (as usual), so I'mma gonna go do unproductive stuff.

(In Delirious's style): Peace out, everyone! Goodbye!

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