Werewolves are Cliché Pt. 3

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Ha. Ha. Ha.

If you could discern from my previous chapters, you'll be able to tell that mates are utter trash to me

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If you could discern from my previous chapters, you'll be able to tell that mates are utter trash to me. I absolutely despise this system, and this chapter will be filled with my reasons for it.

Ookay. Let's see where we can start...

Honestly, I think we should start right at the beginning, if you could call it that. By beginning, I mean the Moon Goddess.

So the Moon Goddess in werewolf stories is usually the one who created the werewolves. She also gifts them with a mate that will be perfect for them. Basically, she's like God and her creating the werewolves is like the creation story in Genesis.

Now, the Moon Goddess differs from story to story. In some books, she is portrayed as an ethereal angel-like being like a Greek goddess. So, she can interact with werewolves and have a kid and whatever.

In other stories, she's like God. She doesn't have a physical presence, but she is, in a sense, present spiritually, so the werewolves "pray" to her. 

Now, I get that she adds to the werewolf society that has been built up in stories, but I'm just wondering who the heck she really is. Where did she come from and who decided that she was the one who created werewolves?

I don't have anything against her. Not necessarily. Rather, I'm just wondering why authors are giving her credit for creating werewolves. It just annoys me that werewolves not only became a completely different species from what they are supposed to be, but they are also created by some random deity that seemed to have sprung out of nowhere. Like, come on! Why?

I'm also annoyed because in stories that she does have a physical body in, she's kind of stupid. Like, she's supposed to be a goddess? She doesn't do anything. She's just there. Maybe she'll give a piece of advice or two, but there's nothing else to her.

I dunno. I just don't like this concept. And the fact that she decides who gets to be a couple annoys me so freaking much, and I'm gonna tell you exactly why.

Firstly, I just don't like the predetermined mate crap that comes with these werewolf stories. I thought werewolves were supposed to be a higher being than humans, and humans are higher beings than wolves. So, why is it that humans and wolves are allowed to choose their mates, but werewolves must stick to the one they are "destined" for?

I just think that it ruins the concept of love. You should be able to choose who you love, but werewolves can't. They're practically forced to love the one they're supposed to be "mates" with. So, they basically have zero free will when it comes to love. Nice going there, Moon Goddess.

This is why I think it's so senseless and pointless for Tessa to go off on a revenge storyline. Like, Tyler doesn't want to be Tessa's mate, but the forced attraction makes him want her anyway. Imagine Tessa's revenge story without the werewolf elements, and you'll see how stalkerish and dumb it is:

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