B + P = O Pt 3

229 15 27


Billionaire stories are really really weird. I'm not entirely sure why it's such a popular genre, but I guess people just love a modern Cinderella tale where a rich guy saves a girl from poverty.

Personally, I'm not a big fan. Other than the rare few that are really good, I think the bulk majority of billionaire books are basically the same. You could just read one generic one and you'll understand the formulas for a gazillion billionaire romances.

Also, most of the billionaire romances seem to be rated mature. Actually, the romance section of Wattpad seems to have turned into erotica. Like, I have seen waaaay too many books under Romance with 18+ on their title or description, and I'm tired of seeing them.

I would like to read a romance book where the characters actually develop to like each other instead of them fighting the urge to push each other against the wall until they finally talk and get on with their fantasies. This is why Pride and Prejudice is one of the few romance novels (hey, it's a billionaire one too!) that I actually like.

The developing relationship between aloof Mr. Darcy and independent Elizabeth Bennett, as well as how the character grow through this development makes Pride and Prejudice a good example of romance done right. And Jane Austen didn't have to rely on sex to show us what love really is.

Like, I'm not even sure people understand that romance is not all about what you do in the bedroom. That shouldn't be the main point of a romance (unless it's supposed to be an erotic novel, then go right ahead, though I'd probably never touch one). Maybe it's just my unpopular opinion, but romantic love is a relationship that is not just physically intimate, but also emotionally intimate.

In fact, I think the latter is more important because what's the point of staying together when you can't even talk to each other about your feelings?

And this may seem a little contradictory, but I don't get how some of these characters are like, "Hey, I admit that I like you. What? You like me too? Yes! Let's take off our clothes!" like it's nothing.

I know I said sex shouldn't be the main point of romance, but I also think it's something special shared between two people in love. And this may be because I've learned this throughout my life, but I believe in sex after marriage. This is because once you're married, you have tied the knot for life (unless you get divorced, which, ugh, I won't talk about here).

Like, your virginity is something you have until you lose it, and you can't get it back. Ever. So it's kind of sad when you give it to someone you won't even spend the rest of your life with and not being able to give it to the one you definitely will.

But that's just me.

⬆ (I have gone down a weird rabbit trail)

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⬆ (I have gone down a weird rabbit trail)

Anyway. My point is that I would like to read romance that is not all about the characters finally sleeping together. It should be a gradual process. Give me some fluff, some awkward moments that happen in real life.

I find nerdy guys absolutely adorable, and it's even cuter when they don't know what to do when a girl they like is around. That's so dorky, and I have a huge soft spot for puppy love, particularly when the guy is shy and so awkward around a girl.

It may be really weird, but I would totally read a book where the billionaire, although he's domineering and a good businessman, gets flustered over a woman crying or gets really awkward and confused when he starts to develop a crush on a woman. Wouldn't that be adorable?

In any case, this marks the end of the billionaire mini-series.

Now go get a job as an assistant and get on with your boss.

Lol. Actually, that's probably a terrible idea considering the fact that most entrepreneurs are already married and like fifty-years-old. #reallifesucks

Do people do hashtags anymore? Idk, I'm not a social media person. :P



So, I've been having a bit of a dilemma. I've even been wondering if I should tell you about it here, but I need some answers, so I'll go ahead.

There's a story I've been working on (the reason updates in this book got slow), and I'm wondering if I should post it on Wattpad.

Now, this may come across as self-promo (sue me), but I'm gonna tell you what the story is about and then you can tell me if it would be a good idea to post it.

I don't have a full synopsis of it yet, so this will have to do:

Title: Phantom Hunters: Saphir Casters Academy

(Unofficial/Trashy) Blurb:

[In this fantasy world, magic comes in the form of fourteen elements that can only be cast through a vessel (usually a weapon for casters). The type of element cast is determined by a sigil. For example, fire can only be cast by a fire sigil.

Phantoms are casters that have been corrupted through their power and embodies one of the seven deadly sins. So our main character, Kale, gets into the Saphir Casters Academy, the only academy in the world that teaches youngsters how to cast and eradicate phantoms.]

And that's the basis of it, though a few things might change. It's a magic academy book, but I've seen so many on Wattpad that I'm wondering if I should post mine on here, too.

Now, you may or may not care about this, and I fully respect that.

But it's been plaguing me for days, and I have no idea what to do.

I absolutely adore this story and I've done so much with the characters' backstories. I don't want to end up being one of those authors that only want reads, and I'm kind of scared that I'll end up expecting this book to blow up with popularity then abandoning it if it doesn't.

So I'm having a huge debate with myself on whether or not I should post it. That's where I need a third (would it be second since I'm debating with myself?) party to tell me.

If you're kind enough to comment, please tell me your thoughts (it can be brutally honest). It will be greatly appreciated. Thanks! :)

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