Wattpad Randomness I don't Understand

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I had no idea what else to call this section, so that title will have to do.

Before we start, I would like to thank everyone who encouraged me and responded to my concerns in a previous chapter. You guys are awesome.

⬆ (Oh, look! I'm happy for once)

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⬆ (Oh, look! I'm happy for once)

Anyway, I don't know if it's just me, but I've been noticing several things popping up in Wattpad out of the blue, and they are freaking everywhere!

You probably don't know what I'm talking about. Well, I'll tell you. In a list (what else did you expect?).

So basically, I'll be listing weird themes/books that have been coming out of Wattpad, and some of these may or may not have happened quite a while ago (like years ago), so it may not be a thing anymore. 

Here we go.

🔘 I've Been Reincarnated as a What?

Is it just me who's been seeing these?

I have never read one of these books, but I have seen them EVERYWHERE. I can't remember when they started to pop up, but I think it may have been sometime last year, or maybe even this year. Idk.

Anyway, for some reason, a bunch of books about a character being reincarnated in a video game or in another world started springing out in Wattpad out of nowhere. Like flowers (or weeds) that had been planted and suddenly sprouted all at once.

I don't know what exactly these stories are about because I've never clicked on one before, but there are so many that I'm surprised I haven't seen anyone else talking about them.

Reincarnated as a Villainess is one of the most common one I've seen. If you want me to read some and talk about them, let me know. I'd do that for you.

⬆(I hope I don't regret this

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(I hope I don't regret this. Fingers crossed.)

🔘 Nerdy Girl is a Street Fighter

So, this one's a little old, but I thought I'd talk about it anyway. It's really weird, but a long time ago, say about 2016-ish, the Action section of Wattpad was filled with these books about a nerdy girl being secretly a street fighter champion, and, of course, getting the attention of the bad boy with her secret identity. He eventually finds out and they fall in love and blasé blasé blasé.

I Don't Even Know (Wattpad Rants)Where stories live. Discover now