The Thing About Strong (Female) Characters

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I know, I know. I've been gone a long time. Don't kill me!

It's just that I've been writing this chapter for nearly a month, and I just wasn't sure if I wanted to upload it. Honestly, I was thinking of just scrapping it, but I thought I owed you guys a good chapter, and this one is long enough to make up for all the time I was inactive. I'm still not sure how I feel about releasing it, but it has some good pent up salt, so it should be entertaining at the very least.

So, yeah. It's super long and ranty, I guess. Idk. You be the judge of that. Lol. Here you go!

So, this chapter is going to be a little different. Rather than talking about outright cliches or what really annoyed me while I was reading a book, I'm going to do a sort of "analysis" of this topic.

Yes, there will be rants, and yes, this is still a cliche that kind of irks me when I see it in books. To be honest, I wasn't really planning on talking about this because it might be kinda controversial, but I've seen a LOT of people talking about this and figured it was time that I give my own opinion about the subject.

Now, before we start, I would like to first give a couple disclaimers. Firstly, I am not an expert in knowing what makes a strong character and this chapter will be going off of things that I know at the moment (I'm not going to go on an in depth internet search just to talk about this topic). So if I say that you shouldn't make a character like A or every character should be like B, I am just stating my opinion as it comes, and there will be A characters that exist that are really good. But, more on that when we actually get to it.

Second, I really don't want to offend anyone by giving false facts, so don't take everything I say at face value. I might really go off on my anger and start spewing out things that aren't even correct just to make my point. I'll really try not to, but it happens. So, if I say anything inaccurate, don't hesitate to call me out. I should know when I'm wrong. ;)

Finally, I might really go on a rampage here, so just buckle up. Also, I'm going to go on a deep analysis of why (I think) people misunderstand the concept of strength, much like how they misunderstand the concept of love. If you don't agree with my opinions, you really might not like this chapter. To that, I say, oh well. You're welcome to put in your own opinions in the comments.

So, without much else to say, let's get on to it!



So. This is a pretty new development, but nowadays, it seems that ALL books need a strong female protagonist.

Now, before you get the wrong idea, yes, I do love this new concept because it means that society is beginning to accept that women can be as strong as men. It might be a small scratch on the surface, but exposing so many young teens to strong female protagonists gives them the idea that women aren't pushovers. That's great. I don't have a problem with that.

What I do have a problem with, is the way a lot of these female protagonists are portrayed. 


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