Your Argument is Invalid

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Okay, so I couldn't think of a proper title for this chapter and ended up with that.

Yes, I will talk about arguments people make about controversial topics that are kinda stupid, but that won't be the whole subject of this chapter.

In this chapter, I will be talking about people in Wattpad (more specifically, people in the comment sections) that are annoying as heck. Don't worry, this isn't directed at anyone who comments in this rant book. It's more directed at people who can be toxic or have some weirdly warped sense of reality. Some of these commenters, I have already talked about.

Anyway, you'll know what I'm talking about by the end of this chapter, so enough of that.

Here are the people in Wattpad that I find annoying.

🔘 "Chill. It's just fiction."

Okay, so I guess under that bullet point, it's more the argument people make that annoys me rather than the people themselves. I have seen this argument being put forth by people who support authors who write about messed up things. They usually say this to defend the author against someone who gets "triggered" by the scene.

I have seen this in books that romanticise abuse, where someone points out how abusive and unhealthy the relationship is then gets a reply from others about how this is just fiction, so it doesn't really matter. They would use this argument to defend a book about rape, abusive relationships, inappropriate relationships, etc. and most of the time, the book would be glorifying it. It'd usually go something like this.

Comment: Isn't this relationship kinda abusive? Like, I know he doesn't really punch her or whatever, but he manipulates her. He keeps hurting her feelings intentionally then apologising, then doing it over and over again. I don't think that's very healthy.

Reply 1: Well, it's a good thing it isn't real then.

Reply 2: Dude, it's just fiction.

Reply 3: If you don't like it, just don't read it. It isn't even real, so there isn't a reason you should even bring it up.

 It isn't even real, so there isn't a reason you should even bring it up

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⬆(UGH! That pisses me off!)

Like, seriously? You think things like abuse is fine just because it happens in a book? You remember the book I completely ripped apart like eight chapters ago? The one about how weak heroines are not cute? Yeah. There were people who put replies like that when someone pointed out how messed up Tessa's relationship was with Don and Jarred.

Legit, it was like they were offended that someone would have an issue about the book's biggest flaw.

Here's the thing. I DON'T FREAKING CARE IF IT'S FICTION OR NOT. It might not seem like such a big deal since it isn't real and the author can write whatever the heck she (usually a teen "she" who writes this stuff) wants, but I feel like people don't really understand the severity of scenes like that. Keep in mind that you are writing a book that can be read by literally ANYONE.

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