Twins =/= Clones

225 18 23

Wow, we're nearly halfway to one hundred. Who knew I had so much to complain about?

⬆(I guess it's been building up for a few years

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(I guess it's been building up for a few years...)

Anyway, I wasn't sure about uploading this chapter, but I feel like I should say what I'm bottling up about this topic, and I really couldn't go about my day without venting the annoyance I had about this specific cliche.

Now, to be completely honest here, I am not as familiar with this trope as I am with the other stuff I talk about, so I don't know if I can make valid arguments. Still, I have seen it a couple of times; though, that was years ago, so I forgot most of the content.

 Still, I have seen it a couple of times; though, that was years ago, so I forgot most of the content

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(We'll roll with it somehow)

So, the topic of this chapter, as you could have guessed by the title, is TWINS. More specifically, hot, bad boy twins that are either identical in every way or the complete opposite in every way. Tbh, I haven't read anything with the latter, so I'm not going to talk about it.

Now, I love twins. Like, I think it's adorable that twins are best friends since they're in the womb and share a deep bond since they've known each other literally since before they were born. I've always wanted twins when I eventually got married and had kids, and it's still partially true (though at this point, I don't think I'll ever get married XD). 

However, there is this stereotype with twins that they must have the exact same features (this is not really true as twins tend to have something insignificant like a mole setting them apart), have the exact same thought process, have telepathic abilities with each other, and basically do EVERYTHING together.

The thing about twins in Wattpad (I've also seen a blurb about the same thing in another app as well) novels, though, is that they really take this stereotype and basically makes them clones. It's really annoying how they're portrayed because it ends up becoming a love triangle between Tessa and the boys (who are one-dimensional).

Now, I guess that's fine to a degree. Siblings, since they usually grow up in the same environments and share a household under the same parents, generally have similar tastes in what they like, including what they find attractive in a person. So, I guess it kind of makes sense that they'd both fall in love with the same girl.

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